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DoGe Sawa we A owe wo Aware BREE TERRA RAa Awa aA wT PHYSICAL WISDOM pe yy ye pp eye Sone od hr ge oo KUNDALINI YOGA AS TAUGHT BY YOGI BHAJAN PHYSICAL WISDOM KUNDALINI YOGA AS TAUGHT BY YOGI BHAJAN COMPILED AND ILLUSTRATED BY: HARIJOT KAUR KHALSA MANAGING EDITOR: ARDAS KAUR KHALSA KUNDALINI RESEARCH INSTITUTE REVIEW CERTIFIER: GURUCHARAN SINGH KHALSA REVIEW BOARD: GURUCHARAN SINGH KHALSA. SHAKTI PARWHA KAUR KHALSA PRITPAL KAUR KHALSA DESKTOP PRODUCTION: SIMRAT KAUR KHALSA, YOG! BHAJAN PHOTO BY: SAT SIMRAN KAUR (MORE COPIES OF THIS MANUAL MAY BE OBTAINED FROM: ANCIENT HEALING WAYS 2545-D PRAIRIE ROAD EUGENE, OR 97402 (© YOG! BHAJAN, 1994. NO PORTION OF THIS MANUAL MAY BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN, PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. PLEASE DIRECT YOUR INQUIRIES 72: YOGI BHAJAN, PO. BOX 351149, LOS ANGELES, CA, 9¢ ACKNOWLEDGMENT ‘The technology of Kundalini Yoga and White Tantric Yoga was brought to the West from India by the grace of the Siti Singh Sahib, Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogij (Yogi Bhajan). The teachings in this manual are entirely his git, We wish to gratefully acknowledge his git and inspiration o serve our highest human potential. Any errors or omissions in this manual are entirely the fault of the Ealitors and the Illustrator and by no means reflect upon the perfection and ‘comprehensiveness of the teachings The yoga sets in this manual are classes taught by Yogi Bhajan and are available on audio and video tapes. ‘Athough every effort has been made to communicate the technology of these classes accurately, nothing replaces the experience of doing Kundalini Yoga with the Master, Yogi Bhajan. We suggest that you enhance your yoga expe- rience by collecting video tapes of one or more of your favorite sets from this manual. There is something about doing Kundalini Yoga in the presence of the Master, Yogi Bhajan (even on video tape) that brings out the best yogi within you. Tapes can be purchased through Golden Temple Enterprises, Box 18 Shady Lane, Espanola, New Mex- ico 87532, PHYSICAL WISDOM BODY AFFECTS THE SOUL, SOUL AFFECTS THE MIND. Creative action is like this: we can grow either through the meditative way or the physical way. The meditative way will be very pollte. It takes a long time and it needs a lot of discipline and endurance. The physical way is here and now, immediate and effective. Which way do you choose? INTRODUCTION Iv FOR BEGINNERS... It you are a beginning student of Kundalini Yoga, practicing for less than six months, or if you have been practic~ ing without the aid of a certified 30 Foundation teacher, please read this introduction before you begin to practice {rom this instruction manual, SADHANA GUIDELINES This manual has been prepared as a supplement and extension to Sadhana Guidelines, in which Yogi Bhajan, who brought the science of Kundalini Yoga to the West, explains yoga, meditation, and the Kuntalini, Also important for beginners are the descriptions of the basics of Kundalini Yoga: asanas (postures), mudras (hand positions), bhandas (energy locks), and mantras (sound currents) written by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa. For copies of this man- ual contact: Ancient Healing Ways, 2545-D Prairie Road, Eugene, OR 97402. 1-800-359-2940 THE TEACHER Kundalini Yoga is 2 spiritual discipline which cannot be practiced without a teacher. However itis not necessary for the teacher to be physically present when you practice. To establish creative link with the Master of Kundalini Yoga, Yogi Bhajan, you should be sure to tune in to his energy flow using the Adi Mantra, “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo" TUNING IN Every Kundalini Yoga session begins with chanting the Adi Mantra: “Ong Namo Guru Der Namo.” By chanting it in proper form and consciousness, the student becomes open to the higher self, the source of all guidance, and accesses the protective link between himself or herself and the divine teacher. HOW TO RECITE THE ADI MANTRA: Sit in a comfortable cross—legged position with the spine straight. Place the palms of the hands together as if in prayer, with the fingers pointing straight up, and then press the joints of the thumbs into the center of the chest, at the sternum, Inhale deeply. Focus your concentration at the root of the nose between the eyebrows, your brow paint. As you ‘exhale, chant the entire mantra in one breath. If your breath is not capable ofthis, take a quick sip of air through the mouth after “Ong Namo” and then chant the rest of the mantra, extending the sound as long as possible. The sound “Dev’is chanted a rinar third higher than the other sounds of the mantra, Namo: ‘As you chant, vibrate the cranium with the sound to create a mild pressure at the third-eye point. Chant this man- tra at least three times before beginning your Kundalini Yoga practice. PRONUNCIATION The “O" sound in Ong is ong, as in and of short duration. The “ng” sound is long and produces a definite vibration on the roof of the mouth and the cranium. The first part of Namo, is short and ehymes with “hum.” as in “go is held longer. he “The first syllable of Guru is pronounced as in the word, "good The second syllable chymes with “true,"The first syllable is short and the second one tong. The word, Dev rhymes with “gave DEFINITION (Ong is the infinite creative energy experienced in manifestation and activity. Itis a variation of the cosmic syllable “On which is denotes God in His absolute or unmanifested state. God as Creator is called Ong. Namo has the same root as the Sunsksit word Namaste which means reverent greetings. Namaste is a common ‘greeting in India accompanied by the palms pressed together at the chest or forehead. It implies bowing down. ‘Together Ong Namo means “I call on the infinite creative consciousness," and opens you to the universal conscious ess that guides all action Gurus the embodiment of the wisdom that one is Seeking. The Guru is the giver of the technology. Dev means higher, subtle, or divine, It refers to the transparent o¢ spiritual realms. Namo, in closing the mantra, reatfirms the humble reverence of the student. Taken together, Guru Dev Namo means, “I cali on the divine wisdom, whereby you bow before your higher self to guide you in using the knowledge and energy given by the cosmic sel. MENTAL FOCUS The following pages contain many wondertul echniques. To fully appreciate and receive the benefits of each one you will need mental focus. Unless you are directed to do otherwise, focus your concentration on the brow point hich is located between the eyebrows just above the root ofthe nose. With your eyes closed, mentally locate this point by turning your eyes gently upwards and inwards. Remain aware of your breath, your body posture, your move~ ments, and any mantra you may be using, even as you center your awareness at the brow or third eye point. vi LINKING THE BREATH WITH A MANTRA ‘A mantra is a sequence of sounds designed to direct the mind by their rhythmic repetition. To fully utilize the power of mantra, link the mantra with your breath cycle. A basic mantra is Sat Nam (rhymes with "But Mom). Sat Nam means “Truth is my identity” Mentally repeat ‘Sat’ as you inhale, and "Nam" as you exhale. In this way you fiter your thoughts so that each thought has a positive resolution. Mantra makes it easier to keep up during strenuous “exercises and adds depth to the performance of even the simplest ones. PACING YOURSELF Kundalini yoga exercises may involve rhythmic movement between two or more postures. Begin slowly, keeping steady rhythm, Increase gradually, being careful not to strain. Usually the more you practice an exercise, the faster you can go. Just be sure that the spine has become warm and flexible before attempting rapid movements. Its important to be aware of your body and tc be responsible for its well-being. CONCLUDING AN EXERCISE Unless otherwise stated, an exercise is concluded by inhaling and holding the breath briefly then exhaling and relaxing the posture. While the breath is being held, apply the mulbandha or root lock, contracting the muscles around the sphineter, the sex organs, and the navel point. This consolidates the effects of any exercise and circu- lates the energy to your higher centers. Do not hold the breath to the point of dizziness. If you start to feel dizzy or faint, immediately exhale and relax. RELAXATION BETWEEN EXERCISES ‘An important part of any exercise is the relaxation following it. Unless otherwise specified, you should allow one to three minutes of relaxation in easy pose or lying on the back in corpse pose alter each exercise. The less experi fenced you are or the more strenuous the exercise, the longer the relaxation period should be. Some sets end with a vI I period of “deep relaxation’ which may extend from three to ten minutes, music vi I I ‘See Appendix A for information on where to get music played in various sets. If you do not have the specific tape played in a set you may substitute other meditative music or do the set without music, ‘ON Your way. ‘Tho exercises in this manual are designed to be sate for most people provided the instructions are followed carefully. The benefits attributed to these exercises come from the centuries-old Yogic tradition. Results will vary ‘due to physical differences and the correctness and frequency of practice. The publishers and authors disclaim alt liaity in connection with the use of the information in individual cases. As with all unsupervised exercise pro- ‘grams, your use of the instructions in this manual is taken at your own risk. Ifyou have any doubts as to the sult ability of the exercises, please consult a doctor. We invite you to now enjoy the practice of the Kundalini yoga techniques contained in the following pages. If you have any questions or concems about your practice of Kundalini Yoga, please contact your local SHO Foundation teaching center, listed in the yellow pages. TABLE OF CONTENTS YOGA SETS: Self Healing Selt-Renewal Strengthen the immune System | Strengthen the Immune System I! Change the ons in the Body The Healing Strength of the inner Self Massage for the Lymphatic System Perpetual Youth For Creativity To Activate the Central Nervous, ‘System For Inner Vitality and Stamina Immune Yoga | immune Yoga ll For Energy and Rejuvenation - Yoga For Children Yoga for Young People ... More Yoga for Young People Wake Up, Warm Up, and Get Up Re-Vibrate the immune System Balance of Prana and Apana HEALING THROUGH THE CHAKRAS: Chakras, physical wisdom, and healing Meditation for the First Chakra Meditation for the Second Chakra Meditation for the Third Chakra Meditation for the Fourth Chakra | Meditation for the Fourth Chakra I Meditation for the Fifth Chakra Meditation for the Sixth Chakra... Meditation for the Seventh and Eighth Chakras Sodarshan Chakra Kriya MEDITATIONS: Kundalini Meditations for Physical Wisdom Adjust the Brain and Increase Intelligence Inner Assessment Transition into the Aquarian Age Meditation for the Navel, Heart & Throat To Know Through Intuition Eliminate Tension and Stress Techniques to Fight Fatigue More Techniques to Fight Fatigue Ten Steps to Peace Stress Relief Appendix A 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 PHYSICAL WISDOM BY HARIJOT KAUR KHALSA The ancient yogis and sages who developed Kundalini Yoga had a deep respect for the Creator of this human body. They knew, in their profound devotion and worship, that so perfect a Creator could only have created perfection in design, function and potential. Based on this respect, they sought knowledge of the totality of the human being. ‘They researched the human ability to maintain good health, increase vitality, open consciousness and expand the experience of the excellence of human life. Thelr research gave them a great understanding of the nervous system, Glandular system, organ system, energy system, and brain, They learned how blood, nerves, muscles, organs, and ‘glands all wark together. They investigated the seen and the unseen, and the inter-elationships between the physi- cal and the subtle, From this research they developed Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini Yoga is a highly evolved technology based on a thorough understanding of the ecology of the human. body, now the breath affects the thinking, how the angle of a finger affects the pituitary gland. This technology works with ihe systems of the human boty using the body’s own means. Hand position, breath, posture, sound, and motion are employed in various ways to create the optimum balance among all the body's components. Kundalini Yoga ives us access to the full resources of this perfectly designed human body and deepens our appreciation of this ody as a miraculous git The techniques of Kundalini Yoga were discovered and practiced through many ages by thousands of sages, saints, and healers. Until recent times these techniques had been secret, taught only to a chosen few. Yogi Bhajan believes that these techniques of physical wisdom belong to us all and that access to this wisdom is our birthright as human beings. In the following collection of yoga sets and meditations, you will experience a small portion of this timeless physical wisdom that is the legacy of the teachings of Yogi Bhajan. We are accustomed to wisdom that is expressed in words. Kundalini Yoga is wisdom expressed through the ‘medium of action, t can only speak to you it you doit. This ancient and priceless wisdom will give you the experi- lence of the unfolding of your own inner wisdom as you use your physical body in the practice of Kundalini Yoga. SELF HEALING DECEMBER 11, 1985 ‘You' nea either an apple or banana for his set 41. Sitin easy pose with your arms stretched straight out in front. Put your ‘rutin your righthand (1 you are male) or your let hand (if you are female) With the opposite hand cover the fruit, keeping your hand ‘about 4°40 6” above Keep your arms stright wih no Bend inthe ‘elbows. Close your eyes, go inward, and concentrate. Create a co: ‘ection betwen tho navel and the fruit so that you gather the energy ofthe navel and project in blessing int the fruit. This is for sol-heal- ing, Te praan, the ifefoce energy ves inthe navel point. You are ting that ie fore and blessing the tut With the hand above, you bese the fut below. “Thor wise alto obstructions in doing this: body won't participate, rind woe't ezacenrate, and you won ike i. Between the tee, bring outa balarce, “To add strength to youself (tis not absolutely necessary), play Rah Sat Nam Sings tape of Jaap Sahib. ‘After 9 Minutes, hold your rt between both hands and place iat your navel point. Breathe as long and as deeply as you can inthis Posivon for 2 Minutes. 2. With he fruit si at your nae, inhale as deeply as you can, hold the breath a long as you can, exhale long and deep, ard Rol) your breath out as long as you can, Give a conscious Myth to your broath 7 Minutes. To fnish: nha, press your that against your nave (tf youhave a banana, be caretul not o squash f) and press your tongue hard against your upper palate. Exhale and oat your fut. Te maximize the sthealing benefits ofthis eet, do tor 90 days as your breaklast Eat only this rut and a eup or glass of yogi tea wih a moderate Amount of mik but ne honey. Then donot eat anything else unt 12 Fruits often used 28 a kind of psychic stor. 90 device. Frut is enene ‘and grows wo ‘above the earth, inhas a subt. ‘quality that ets easily abso pranic neray ‘and become a sel 00! in| Dealing oxer- sk ne Sido view of Eeeise + 2 My / Musa for Exercise 3 SELF-RENEWAL MAY 17,1992 1. Topbalance the sugar ar sodium in your body ‘itn easy pose and lean backward, Yo: Nea is sghty back, your ‘chin sin and your chest i eu. There wil be a pressure nh shou! ‘er blade area. Spread your arms wide, wth the fngers open. Be relaxed and ful of ecstasy wih no stirs in your muscles. Begin Dreath offre rom your navel pint, ealy move the navel wih each ‘reat ater 3 minutes, open your mouth and sick out your tongue ‘and conti bresth eo for anh 2 minutos. 2.Tossttetch the spin and keep you youthful and heathy: ‘Sit in easy pose with the ame stretched over your head with the palms touching. Stretch, puling the spine, nb cage, are armpits ‘pward. Fight gravity wth your owe wil and keep stretching Up for rrisutes, Dont et the pains separate (This exerciee may be increased up fo a tetl at 5 minutes, but no longer unless you have a full pour to relax aftorvara) 8-To balance the glandular system (must be done in conjunction with fxercioes 1 8 2) ‘Touch you thumbs tothe mound below your sun fing tng finger) ‘ane case your ether fingers around them a form a fist Lean back = in exerose 1 Sreen yur as out tothe sides and begin uicaly revolving yout arms backward in ama eles. Keeping your elbows ‘Straight But rot locked, Continue to make the backward ces as YOU raise and lower both arms al the same time. There should be pres ‘sure between your shoulder blades. 7 minutes. 4To\ovsen up your spine and to balance the let and nght hemispheres ‘of your bai: Siting in easy pose, stretch your arms straight out othe sides 80 that ‘yur arms aren one tight ine. Turn your let palm dow ana your fight palm up Keeping the arms in one sight ine, raise one arm as {he other one is lowered (ike a seesaw), Move as quicaly as you can, Sminutes. 2 1s yoga a rt ‘gen? tis anait ‘snot lnveigion your have to Delow some. thing and in yeaa you have fo experince ‘hat you want to boleve v8 5, Siting in easy pose, bend your elbows so that your hands are up by ‘your ears. Put the thumbs on the mound below the Meret finger {Ginko} and Koop th fingers pointing straight up, the fingers are nol Touching each other Close your eyes, look at your chin wih your Closed ayes, and pretend to walch one of your fantasies played on @ ‘serean in your chin (YOu wil never have arighimare this meditation 'S perected) Relax and meditate fo 11 minutes, Istening fo Ninian ‘aurs tape of the last four ins of “Jaap Sahib" Breathe long, sow, and deep. Alter 11 minutes, inhale, hold your breath, and tighten every muscle of your body as you sit in the posture. Exhale and repeat iis 2 more tines, 6. Stand up and dance, Shake and loosen every part of your body for 3-5 ‘nutes to spread the benelis ofthe meditations al over your body. 7. Stin easy pose and put your hands in prayer pose. The thumbs are ‘gen placed on the part ofthe eye socket where the eyebrow begins atthe side ol he bridge ofthe nose, Don't press too hard hore. Chant Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo” with Ninja Kaur’ tape for 3 minutes. Ital, hold your breath 10 seconds an exhale. Repeat this 2 mare times. STRENGTHEN THE IMMUNE 4 SYSTEM 1 OCTOBER 22, 1985 1. Siting in po, bing your hands ino prayer ose a he care of Yourchet ans then exon yur sms autre es REIN secon te rayerpse and contve,stching he amps a mch a ou ee ‘anh you extend the arms oto the Sos Breahelong and NMEA oop Keop moving aster and lst, exioning thea all Ne Woy re cut You are exerting yourimmue systom and msking tsrngor gene you! fer amis oat gotogangy antes Sint ghana angus SQM thematon ogo al yourangoraxt Cone rancher mrtas, Unto WP 2 Stingin eat pose, inirace your fnger tock yourhansa aoe SH THN Yourread wit your bows sagt Twi angrghtrom he base 2U47OW OW” Sfyourapne Do renno! re and widy Minus The SO hed. wey oro fo te hr ny 3. Lie down op your back and make your body jump vigorously up, dwn, “ ‘nal sour Move eer par your boy ncn our head. Hove vigorous The best exe to ge it tanger ai ses ha tevin system ea, Mines 4. Tur onto your belly and lock your hands nthe small of your back ‘Again rake your body vp vigorously Up, ow, and al aroun, Move every part of you. 3 1/2 Minutes. 5, Koaping your oreiend on the Hoot, gra your ares and pl up them so that you lift your knees up trom the ground. Once you are balanced wit your knees suspended, nol the posture wih along, sow breath for 11/2 Minutes, '5.Tumn aver onto your back and nap, stening to “Naad by Sangeot Kaur ‘Alto 11 minutes begin 0 sing long for another 4 minutes. class Yea! Bhan played the gong during this meditation. STRENGTHEN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM II OCTOBER 23, 1985 1 This special breath exercise is called “Swimming through the Pranic ‘Ocean Sit in €88y pose and move the arm Ike you are swimming. Extend one and then the ather in constant mation. As ane arm fextende, he oher draws back wth the ebow along your side. Do not punch, Greate a smooth, ctcularswimaing moton that moves the Shoulders, ib cage, and back muscles. Craate a powerul breath of {ve though an open mouth in tytn withthe arm motion. Keep the back molars together so the breath sounds ike a power, pulsing nies. Continue fr 13 Minutes. 2, Coma into back platiorm pose. Keep your body straight. especialy your inees, Lot your neck relax backwards but do ntti hyperexend oF ‘imp. This puts pressure on the parathyroid. After 2 Minutes, form a {ete wit your mouth and breathe strongly Put in and out using the saphragm wo deve the breath. This not a breath of fre from the ravel itis a"pancreas" breath tha is focused near the stemum and laphragm. Contnue for another 2 Minutes. 3. Le down straight and rap in corpse pose. 17 Minutes. 4. hile sit ying down, play Lv Singh's “Har Har Mukando™ with ara: tions and repeat the affrmatons that Yo! Bhajan recites al the begin ning. Then stretch, twist aroun move your shoulders, and wake UP Gancing.$ Minutes ‘5. Come into siting postion and dance whl siting. This spreads the ‘energy equally 10 al pats ofthe body 1 1/2 Minutes. Your immune system works for you, but do you work for yourimmune system? Your heart works fr you, ‘Do you work or your heart? Your organs werk for you. Do you work for ‘each of your ‘organs? dont think you have asked yourself ‘questions tke these ve 3 dt CHANGE THE IONS IN THE BODY DAY 21, 1986 ‘You wil needa small io modium sized apple for ths set. 1. Sit n easy pose. inh your right arm out tothe Se, place your apple in the crook of your elbow and close your arm around YoU wil Eres, hard onthe appo. The tngerips ofthe right Mand touch your night shoulder 2 Mines, 2. Keoping your right arm inthe same position, Bend your lt elbow and ‘ng you eh nan up a ile above shoulder height. Put yout let hand in gyan mucra ang begin twisting this han lel ane igh the ‘ist. Do breath offre and move the hand queky 4 12 Minutes. 3, Staying inthe same posture and continuing © rotate yous et hand, begin twisting let and right Kom the base of your spine. Continue ‘reat of re. 5 U2 Mites. 4, Le down fat Pu the appl on your navel and press it has wth bth ‘pand (oan top ofthe othe). The apple should dleappear nto your belly Purp your rave, keeping the downwars presaure ante apple with your hands. 3 Minutes. 5, Leave the apple at your navel Lit you Tega 34 sped them wide ‘Grab onto your toes and balance an your spine. Tighten yout belly ‘ani gress Your navelup against the apple ithe posture correct the ‘apple wal sit its wrong, the apple wit sp. Go ta sleep in this pos- tre, 9 Minutes, Yogl Bhajan played the gong during ths meditative ea. 6 Lie lat and stretch your legs out tralght. Take the apple in both hands ‘and hold your arms straight up. Allow no bendin the elbows. Listen 0 “Waking Up the Mountain wth You" by Gurudass Singh and Krishna Kaur. 71/2 Minas, 7, ise up and eat your apple. Chew wal. 3-5 Minutes. 6 Uteis ‘experienced in sireciprepartion ‘a your mental love. tf you ive 2 great ise you become ‘great Ifyou love a smat thing. you become smal ve THE HEALING STRENGTH OF THE INNER SELF OCTOBER 9, 1985 ‘Yu wit needa piece of rut for this exercise. Apple, banana, pear, rapes, tis your choice The caider of ins naman 1. Stn easy pose with a stight spine an put your tngerigs on your ‘shoulders Youelbows pont to each side endareatstauiderowe SE SUN Close yur eyes and beating tough ne nse, ain meg alas re strokes and exhale In eight strokes. Keep your spine straight. -apacity 10 gi S72 minutos. you te expr 8 2. Extend both arms straight out in rot of you with the hands together ‘palms facing Up. the lft hand is under the rght. Your rat nthe alm ofthe righthand. Keep your arms straight with no bond in the ‘elbows. Crose your eyes and concentrate. Inhale in eight stokes and ‘exhale in eight stokes. § 1/2 Minutes, Inhale deeply, stretch your hands out, hold the breath fr 10 seconds, and exhale. Eal your ut Sit and rox or 11 minutes. In these 22 minutes you can efoctvely call on your inner reserve of {energy to heal and oleate yousell The deep physical wisdom and intligence in your design is avaiable to yout you call anit. The tight stoke breath invokes the creative lnk between the earth and the ether, bewoon the subte and the coarse aspects of one's se ask 1 (side view) MASSAGE FOR THE LYMPHATIC. SYSTEM OCTOBER 30, 1985 1. Sitin 8any pose. espig the arms close fo your sides, bend the ‘elbons So thal tho Nand and forearms are pointing sraight up an the palms are facing each other Siongly push ane arm out ana up at |G) degree angie while the other arm romaine bert, Becomes ars ‘ke steel, and creates a sold balance ler the extended arm. Ther ‘sh out the bent arm while the ested arm returns tothe balane> ing positon close in othe side othe Dady. The amis gushed aut from the armpit, which i stretched inthis moton, This i a very vigor ‘8 and demanding exercise. You will wrk hard 0 doit crrectly You ‘are channeling the energy of he Ia and pings. 10 Minutes, 2. Eger both ares up and out, creating @“V" between your arms, Keep the elbons straight and crisscross your arms in WoO your face ‘Move very quickly wah Breath ffir. 1 172 Mints. 23. Extend both arms ut in ront of you withthe palms facing up. Mong ‘oth arms togther, move as if you were splashing water up and over your head. Breatye ponertuy tough your mouth 2 1/2 Minutes. eet the booy ‘Is made fo be very strong, realy strong, i can fight off anything ve TA 7B 4 Le down on your back an if both logs up ove your head into plow ose. Relum your logs tothe floor and continue lg Its ito plow ose.2 Minutes, 5. Ue down straight and put your hands under your neck. Spread your hele about one oot apart.Bagin jumping th body from the Pips :maving rom the conte af the body Dont bend the knees, but move from thighs to nb cage. Move vigorousy 3 1/2 Minutes. 6. Siving on your back it your logs up, and grab your toes, Keeping ‘your knees saigh Open your mouth and Breathe through your thro. # Minute 7. Come into baby pose with your forehead onthe ground and your hands ‘Behind you. Go to sleep listening to-Naad” by Sangeet Kaur alter 11 ‘minutes ise Up, cross your palms ar your hear cantor and sing falong with he tape for § more minutes, Yoo! Bhajan played the gong uring this meditation, PERPETUAL YOUTH NOVEMBER 20, 1990 1. Sitin easy pose and lock your hands over your head in Venus Lock ‘Gitle your midsactan (grind your digestive area) counterclockwise ‘and ole your hans are arms inthe opposite direction, Move ‘Sronaly. 4 Minutes, This is goed or stomach and etminatin, adjusts the spine, and balances your ene 2, Stet your logs forward. Place your hands on the ground slighty ‘behind you or balance, Raise bath legs up ano down wth breath of fre. Tie the motion wit the breath. Aer 1 Aanute, eich f long, {deep breathing but continue the leg its. Control your movements $2 that the feet dort make noise when they touch he ground. 22 Min You cannot grow old if you do tis exercise for $1 minutes acy. YOU 4are balaneing prana and apana by your oun power. ti alse geod for Strengthening the lower back 3. Come into cobra pose, While in cobra pose it your hans ofthe ‘ground, clap them together and tun them 1 tv ground Uso the 'tongth of your spine to keep your upper body in poston when your hands are of the ground, 2 Minutes. 4. Le on your back and do alternate og Its up 10 00 degroes. Alor ono ‘rinuo, chant "Sa" as you it one leg, "Ta as youl he other, "Naa youlit the fst eg, and "Ma" as you it the other. Continue 2 Minutes. ‘5, Beg iting both ags upto 90 degrees together As the legs come Up, ‘hant“Sa", as they go down, chant “Tas the legs come up, chant "Na" anda they go down, chant “Mar, #172 Minute 10 Three mioutes ‘of baby pose aust the asesin the Body and Intestines. Mary ‘seases come from meaiances causod by ‘misplacements ofthe gross and ‘ubto ais of the body, The subto aire are Caled ays. ‘Adjusting al these are provents many fallments of 018 ee sk 6, Relax. 6 Minutes, ‘ej Bhajan aught ie following asa nay to come out Fis op relation and he recormendes asthe wy to wake your Body Dolore you getup nthe morning. Geting up too Abrupt shocks your ‘tom and you can't compensate for hat curing the day. Tere no Se met each movement a. Betore you open your eyes in he warning, cover them with your hhands and oben your eyes whl they are covered. Stony bing ‘yur hands formar, uncovering your eyes 50 that the igh comes ‘gradually ito them, Cat strata let and ight, «Ral your neck 4. Staten your fet forward pointing your tows and stretch your arms Up over your head «Ben forward slowy and grab your toes. £ Get nto baay pose. D0 your prayers in baby pose before you get . 69. Siow ise up and st on your ets in cock pose. 7. Siretch you logs forward and come vp into back platform pose wit the ‘neck ited back. Open your mouth, But your tongue out, ans do reat o fre through the mouth, 1 Minute. This posture Is good for the Pehis, the tyrod, and the parathyos 11 FOR CREATIVITY 19705 1. Sit on your heels, bring your froheatta the ground, ms extendes ‘forward, palms together an the ground in kart. of you. This poston is known as "Guru Pranam’ bowing tothe Teacher in tings). Inhale ‘and mentally pull he Breath energy tothe base othe spine, kath Breath and lat the colars ofthe rainbow spread up your spine, starting ‘nth red at he base, en orange, yellow, green, be, blve-violet and {going to volt atthe crown ofthe head. Exhale and et the colors ds Sole, Inhale and begin agaln. Conte up otve minutes, 2.Situp, stretch your legs out straight ean back 60 degrees supported ‘by your arm, aed let your head fal back. Relax. A muscle Block in your chest ane! trot willbe worked out if you mil breathe deeply fhrough the nose for 3 minutes. [The exnale must be very complet) Use the muscles of your abdomen as well asthe chest muscles when breathing, On each exhale, project a beam of ight ut the top of your forehead. The last time, hol the breathy as long as is comfortable, then sig tho alr out hvough the nose slowly lowering your onto your back 10 ex. 8. Alter @ short relaxation, sit up in easy pose, spine straight. fingers inter laced in your ap inhale deeply and chant ihe vibration “Ong at an ‘even pitch Sirech the sound out as long as you can. Ong means the ‘realy of consciousness or Creative Infinity. Pl your chink ‘ight, £0 when you sustain the °NG" sound, you can fel a vibration ‘passing rom the back art of the palate in the roo! ofthe mouth up Into the craniam gent stimulating the whole bra. This sa kind of Internal massage. Contirue for 11 minutes. 4. Sin easy pose and press your palms together in tonto your chest, the thumbs pressing firmly on the heart center pont. (This point is located between the fith and sh bs atthe center ofthe sternum.) Draw your concentration there for 2 minute. 5. Begin rubbing your palms together vigorous, creating heat between thom. Rub them for 2 minutes, sensing the energy building up in your palms, Then craw the palms 4 inches apart, acing each ol, ans feel the pola of atraction and rapulsion: right paim postive. left palm negate. Close your eyes ard fel the senstvty in your palms for2 minutes. 12 Alt ap. mse poetry, dance, {and Randirats ‘attempt to cap- tre and roe the tow of he tniversal its force. When the arvstis act ing sensitive, asa channe’ forthe ite force passing through bien, ris art gains that grace and spontaneity Iwhich touches tho ossence of creation In tis ‘sense al aris worship of God 6, Shit the hands so that he right hand is cupped, facing down, and ef hand is cupped, facing up. They shouldbe 4 inches apart, the heart Cento ying midway between them. Begin breathing deop and relaxes through the aostris, gathering the breath energy between the palms, sensing there asa glowing ball of ight Do ths for 4 minutes Flax into sie abt; you ae opening your heart. The interplay of the electromagnetic forces ofthe bey tis mediation wil at to relax those issues in the chest and chost cavity 7. Pross your ight pam firmly against the heart center and bring your left ‘arm behind your back so the back ofthe let hand is pressed on the ‘pine oppostte the right palm. Feel the charging polarity thus setup, ‘and begin breath of eo, breathing ripily and vigorously trough the ‘nosis, using the navel point as a pump. Ate 2 minutes, inhale deeply and hold along as is comortable and exhale. Meditate cui- tty for afew minutes wth your spn aight and your hands in your Tap, feeting Divine, ‘An arist takes great care of his foo, his brushes, his pens ~ he selects his material his wood, clay. paper, ee. with close consideration 8 0 what wil provide the mos! responsive medium for his talons. Yet the fundamental tel the mind elt wandering, unclcipined, a all of ‘confictingHesies, The mind is largely an unknown facto inte process ‘of exealin. tis necessary Yo be able to tune the mint the basic ie forces within and without, and to be able to eay the mental processes so ‘that he spontaneous ereatve impulses can come through Ces and honesty. These exercises wil prove usellif they are done regularly whenever you Set yours tobe creative. Create cancentraton onthe practice of these exercise wll open the channels through which your own inner er ‘ty can tow. 13 TO ACTIVATE THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 14 AND STIMULATE THE PITUITARY GLAND JUNE 17,1993 1. Sin easy pose with your elbows bent and your hands a title higher than shoulder level. The index (Gupte) finger ofeach hand is poiming straight upward andthe other three ingers are cule no {ist with te thumb ontop locking the fingers info postion. Make your Jupiter ngors ei and as The ine Self hard as steel. Wrinkle your nose up so that ifs you" upper pup fom your teeth (YoU wileok of he selfs funn) Begin a song breath trough the tin of your nase. This snot as fata brea of fie, Dut siting, wailing Imus be powertl. Concentrating onthe breath rough the nostrils anc maintaining he pressure foryou ro create by wrinkling your nese wil activate the ka and pingala energy channels. 4 minutes. ‘aie that Sot ve US a oo 2, Sitin nasy pase with your hands curled ike lion's clas, he palms facing outward. Begin punch with yout hands fixed in hs claw-tke postion. Form your rth to 80." eke and breathe in land out though tho" ahaped ip. Move quickly and he fore of your punching hands wil ere _te the breath rhythm. Use this motion to release your ines anger. Be physical, mental, and ‘Spirtually aggressive. fier 21/2 minutes. ntnsily your motion asi you relly Wore a bon making ‘nforocous attack, Continue another 1 1/2 mutes. le, hold the Brest, an tense the entre ‘bod, and exhale, Ropoat this inhale, hold, and tense wo more times. This exercise wil hep clear away depression. 4. Sitin easy pose Stick your tongue out a5 fas il go, when i reacts its maximum, clap your ands infront of your chest, PUl yout tongue back in. Repeal the tongue moveront andthe cla, Pll your longue In and contin. When you stretch your tongue inthis manny, the itl cors "under ho tongues pulled and ha pl stimulates the central nervous System, which the control Canter ot your ie mines, hale, sick te tongue out lathe maximum, Rok the breath fer 10 Seconds, and exhale. Repeat his wo more times to complete the exercise, This exereise as a progressive and gradual inpacton the nervous system, Mos! people exper ‘ence this sequence of nervous system signposts afer you doi 3 or 4 times the back ofthe tongue wal start hurting. ten the tongue vl hurt on both sides, and then, afer 3 minutes, he neuron in your head wil tart changing and you wil fe! ie ask 4.Sitin easy pose and place both hands on you forehead with al eight ingrs touching the forehead ‘Tho elbows are out othe sides up almost tthe level ofthe forehead. Clese your eyes, become calm, and sing along withthe chanting from Wahe Guru Kaur “Aquarian Sadhana’ tape. 18 Min: Inia, concentrate onthe point between the eyebrows ate rok othe rose, beng all your ‘nergy there, and exhale. Repeal his two more times fo comple the exercise, ‘ter you rave done tis set, do not dink alcohol or cotae or in any way stimulate yourse Rest ‘andi preserv the energy you have cretad. It wl heal your Body very much, FOR INNER VITALITY AND. STAMINA SPRING, 1992 1 Balance on your toes and fingertips wih he knees straight but not locked, Rapidly move your ips fom side o side lke an animal ‘Swishing tal 3 Minutes 2. Siting in easy pose, lan back o sity degrees. Fold your arms across your chest and lock your elbows with your hands at dlaphragm level Keep your nock straight wth your ehin pulled in and roll your shoul- dors ina forward cle. Minutes. 3. Lie down in baby pose. Bring both hands othe smal ol your back and inteock your tigers, Raise your arms up into yoga mua. $ Min utes. 4. Cross your lege in lotus pose and lean back on your elbows. Minutes. '5. Steich your lags out in font of you and grab your toes. Bring your ‘head '0 your knees and come backup. Do tle movement rapidy 11 times enly. Breathe normally, donot do breath of fr, 6,Sitin easy pose, wth your hands in prayer os inthe conte of your cost. Focus your eyes atthe tip of your nose. Keep your chi in chest out and neck straight. Pump your nave pant and imagine 90 tilion pont of ightin and around you. 8 Minutes ‘To nish: inhale deeply, old your broth and tighten every muscle of your body. Hold the Breath for 10 seconds an hen lett go out ofthe ‘mouth explosively ike cannon fre, Repeat this 2 more times. This set takes oni iteon minutes and t (can make you ‘2 macto ki You can become a success, ‘Aquarian essen. 15 1&2 IMMUNE YOGA t 16 JANUARY 30, 1990 1. Sitn easy pose. The elbows are bent and tho arms are atthe sidos alms facing forward. The hans are about the level af ho ears. The fingors ate spread, Begin rapidly moving yout hands in small outward Celes. These Gices passin rnt ol the ace and body as you were ‘Using both hands to wipe 2 mirorin font ofyou.The movement's ¢o am not aper- ‘vigorous thal the butlosks are pulled Ite of the ground during the son who Creing. Keep yout eyes open during his exercise. 61/2 Minutes. —_bellves in ‘This exercise works onthe thyme land, te gland which controls all catering 0 stu ood diseases. It promotes good crculaon tho breast area The dents, but do ‘area around the colarbone and the shoulders wil be worked on and eater lo th hon= ‘wife! th effects ofthe mover eer ofthe Fax 1-2 Minutes, but don't close your eyes. your vision becomes teaching. fuzzy, drink a giass of water. learned as a {good student. 1 2, Bend your neck forward and press your chin against your chest and teachas.a repeat exerise or? 1/2 Minutes. This exerige moves the parshy- good student to ‘ole pryscaly A healthy paratnyia Keeps us young: we get old &.good student. because ta parathyroid does not euppart our thyroxd, Bending the ‘That the Mas- eck forward in this way ps pressure on tho thyois and parathyows. ters way (Please note thal his isnot our normally used orm of Jalandhar ve BBhand, but variation of i) Relax for 1 Minute. Keep your eyes open and slay alert. 3 ‘Stilin easy pose, put your hands on your knees (hands cup around ‘knees comiortasy). Using the strength of your ands begin a spinal flex ofthe area between you" shoulder blades. 4 Minutes, Relax But keep your eyes open for? Minute. 4. Siting n the same positon as exercise 3, begin churing your iges- tiv area, moving counterclocerise. Churn powedull fo :0v8 Ihe lower veribra nex tothe taioane. 41/2 Minutes, Ths wil give your ‘muscles a now blood supply. The major giareuar system fs con- tolled bythe pevie bone area and this acts that are. ‘5. Roll your hands around your wrists fr 30 seconds, Relax 5 minutes. Either stor walk around. Keep your eyes open, dont be sleopy, tay alert, and tak Tae tis ime to let the glandular secreon ponetato Into ne body. 6 Siting again in easy pose with your hands on your knees, begin pump- ye He Mua for Exercise 7 ing your navel in and out. Breathe normaly Keep your ayes open. 6 1/2 Minutes 7-Touch your thumbs tothe mound of tha mercury lite) finger and make a st Raise your bent elon, wth OUT fis in font of your cnest. Cleo the elbows fr ar, Autos, Ths stimulates te magnetic area of idles ‘The navel point 8 Grisscross your forearms and hands apn intromtof Sie Source of four fae Lok stag ahoad The ngs are erase {ogether win the tumbs pescedin andthe palms

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