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E0 225 : Homework 7

Deadline : 21st November, 2019, 2 pm

• You are forbidden from consulting the internet. You are strongly encouraged to work on the problems on your

• You may discuss these problems with others. However, you must write your own solutions and list your
collaborators for each problem.
• Academic dishonesty/plagiarism will be dealt with severe punishment.
• Late submissions are accepted only with prior approval (on or before the day of posting of HW) or medical

• Please be concise in your answers (for each problem, you are NOT expected to write more than ONE page).

1. Let G = (V, E) be a graph of maximum degree d. Give an efficient algorithm to color it using at most d + 1 colors.

2. Give a deterministic 1/2-approximation algorithm for the max-cut problem in graphs.

3. Give an approximation algorithm for the following problem (the approximation factor could be a function of k).
Problem 0.1. Given an undirected graph G = (V, E) with nonnegative edge weights, and an integer k, com-
n a partition of V into k sets S 1 , . . . , S k such thato the total weight of edges being cut by these sets (i.e.
{u, v} ∈ E : ∃ i, j ∈ [k], such that i , j, u ∈ S i , v ∈ S j ) is maximized.

4. (CLRS 35.4-2)
The MAX-CNF satisfiability problem is like the MAX-3-CNF satisfiability problem, except that it does not
restrict each clause to have exactly 3 literals. Give a randomized 1/2-approximation algorithm for the MAX-CNF
satisfiability problem.

Recommended practice problems: (not for submission)

CLRS: 35.1-1, 35.1-3, 35.1-4, 35.1-5, 35.3-2, 35.4-1, 35.4-4

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