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Rachel Pennington December, 2019

MUED 376 Dr. V.

Philosophy of Education
I chose to be a music teacher because I want to make a positive impact in the lives of

each individual student through my passion and love for music. My goal as a teacher is to see

that my classroom is an inclusive and accepting environment for everyone, regardless of

background or standing. One of the reasons I love music so much is because the affect it has on

people, and I want my classroom to be a place where students can feel that. I hope to share my

passion for music, as well as making sure that each student knows they are wanted and loved.

Throughout earning my education degree at James Madison University, I have been

actively involved in numerous practicum observations, leadership opportunities, and teaching

experiences. From these experiences I have learned to be adaptive and keep an open mind when

considering the needs of each individual student. I will use these experiences to reflect on and

shape my own methods and philosophies for student teaching and my future classroom.

My philosophy of education is to provide all students with a positive, accepting, and

inclusive environment. Through this, students will be able to be their authentic self, reaching

their full potential, and grow mentally, physically, and emotionally in themselves and through

music. I will carry out these objectives by reminding myself that I, as the teacher, am there for

the learning and support of the students, and they are my primary focus. Education is important,

because it shapes the mind of the developing child, and we as educators have the influence to do

this in a positive or negative way. Students will have their own battles and problems that they

may face outside of the music classroom, but I want to make sure my class is a place they feel


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