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Formal Letter Structure > Title (Dear Sir or Madam........) => Explanation - Reason for writing > Paragraph 1 - First point with detail > Paragraph 2 - Second point with detail > Paragraph 3 - Third point with detail © Closing sentence - (I look forward to hearing from you... etc) © Signing off - (Yours Faithfully... etc) =P Name (Made up - or your own) Formal Your bank has told you that they are going to increase the overdraft charges on your current account each month, You are not happy about this. Write a letter to the bank. In your letter >> => Why you are writing to them > Why you think the charges should not have been increased => What you want them to do * Write at least 150 words + You do not need to write any addresses * Begin your letter with ‘Dear...." TIP >> A formal letter would be written to someone that you don't know. That is why when you start writing when you don't know their name, you would write ‘Dear Sir/Madam. Dear Sir/Madam, Jam writing to you because | recently received a letter from you detailing the new overdraft charges that are going to be put into place next month As you will be aware | have a large overdraft currently exceeding £10,000 and the new charges will make it near impossible to pay of. [have had an account with your bank for over ten years and have never seen an increase in charges, such as those presented now. Jam aware that increased charges on large sums of money that have been borrowed are important in levying profits for your business. The increase that has been proposed of paying 5% on top of the regular amount of £350 in charges each month will become a large and dificult amount to repay. I would, therefore, like you to write to me and explain why such a large increase has been planned. If you are unable to offer a response that is justifiable to both the bank and me, then | will have no choice but to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service. | await your response. Yours faithfully. Mr John Bell, Semi-Formal Letter Structure = ® Title (Dear Mr Banks, Dear Mrs Johns........) = Explanation - Reason for writing © Paragraph 1 - First point with detail > Paragraph 2 - Second point with detail © Paragraph 3 - Third point with detail = Closing sentence - (I hope this is acceptable.... etc) = Signing off - (Yours Sincerely... etc) =P Name (Made up - or your own) Semi-Formal You are experiencing problems with a colleague at work and you want to ask your boss for some advice. Write a letter to your boss. In your Letter >> => Explain why you are writing to him => Why you are having problems <=> When you would like to have a meeting to discuss the issues You must include the information that is required, in this example, you have to make a request, for a meeting with your boss to discuss a problem at work with another colleague. Itis semi- formal because it is someone that the letter writer knows, but it is not a close friend. « Write at least 150 words + You do not need to write any addresses. « Begin your letter with ‘Dear....” Dear Mrs Amble | am writing to you to request a meeting, to discuss some issues that have arisen with a member of my team. Ihave been working with Ronnie Smith for over a year now and while he was a model member of the team, he has now become distant and irritable. Last week he disappeared during a very important lesson and reappeared over three hours later with no explanation. When confronted he made a flimsy excuse for his whereabouts. | can assure you that | have been very flexible and understanding over previous time management issues, however, his erratic behaviour is becoming more frequent. | would like to meet with you on Wednesday 16th at 3 pm and examine the best way to approach this situation, hope this is an acceptable time to meet, please contact me at the earliest opportunity to re- arrange if there is a problem Yours Sincerely, Steve king, (Word Count - 156 / Band Score 9) Informal Letter Structure > Title (Dear Anna, Dear Dad ete........) > Explanation - Reason for writing > Paragraph 1 - First point with detail > Paragraph 2 - Second point with detail = Paragraph 3 - Third point with detail = Closing sentence - (I look forward to seeing you.. etc) © Signing off - (All the best / See you soon... ete) = Name (Made up - or your own) Informal You want to sell your bicycle. You think a friend of yours might be interested in buying it. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter >> => Explain why you want to sell the bicycle <> Describe the bicycle —> Suggest a day/time when your friend can view it You must inelude the information that is required, think about a detailed scenario - a name for the friend, some information about the bicycle and a preferred time to meet. Use your imagination and think about what you would include when writing this Letter. + Write at least 250 words + You do not need to write any addresses * Begin your letter with ‘Dear..." TIP >> The informal letter question will normally have the word 'frlend''in it. Asking you to ‘write a letter to a friend isa key piece of information, telling you that the letter should be ‘written in an informal style Dear Anna \ hope you are doing welt | am doing great. though things have been ¢ bit stressful at the moment because we are packing for our move next week, ‘There are some things that we can't take with us because we have nowhere to store them in the new house. This, unfortunately includes my bicycle | hardly use it mow. so want to try and sell t and thought that you might be interested in taking a look | can offer you a really good price and know that you wanted one a uile ago Itis a women’s bicycle with a cream frame and black wheels. t has a large black basket on the front. great for carrying groceries or other iterns, a bell, working front and back lights and brakes that are in fantastic condition. There is also a bike lock that comes with it. ‘We are planning to move into the new house on Friday next week. if you would like to come over and view the bike, | will bein on Monday 10th or Tuesday 20th after 6 pm. That will give me time to advertise it online if you are not interested Let me know which day you would lke to see the bike and we can have a good catch up. | look forward to hearing from you. See you soon! Maggie. (Word Count - 231 / Band Score 9)

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