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York University

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies

School of Information Technology

AP/ITEC 1010 M&P: Information and Organizations

Winter 2019

Assignment #1
Due Date: See website

This Assignment is worth five percent (5%) of the total final grade.

Create a single .accdb file and submit using Moodle. Please do not use .zip or other archive files.

See FAQ file on for late assignment rules.


In this assignment you will create an MS Access database with content of your choice. It is strongly
recommended you use the latest MS Access 2016, but databases created in MS Access 2013 or MS
Access 2010 will also be accepted (not earlier versions).

Your database must meet the following qualitative and quantitative criteria:

1. The DB must contain at least 4 tables.

2. The tables must be populated with sufficient relevant data to allow meaningful subsets of data
for requirements #9 and #10 below.

3. The tables must be consistent (i.e., it must represent a single entity, and all columns must be
logically attributes of that entity).

4. The DB must have at least two relationships between the tables.

5. The following field properties must be reasonably set within the logical context of your data for
all fields: Field Size, Caption, Default Value, Required.

6. You must have at least one example of Input Mask and Validation Rule
7. At least on lookup must be used with reference to another table.

8. At least one form must be created involving fields from at least two tables.

9. At least one report must be created involving fields from at least two tables. The report must
present a subset of data answering a specific question regarding the data.

10. At least one parametrized query must be created involving fields from at least two tables; the
query must present a subset of data answering a specific question regarding the data.

Meeting each of the above criteria will be worth 0.5 marks (for a total of 5 marks).

Remember: When in doubt, ASK!

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