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1. to break up: to end a romantic relationship.

Daxua and Riven have broken up.

2. to drift apart: to become less close to someone.
The two women, who had been roommates in college, drifted apart after
they got married
3. to enjoy someone’s company: to like spending time with someone.
Daxua and Riven are always together, they definitely enjoy each other's
4. to fall for: to fall in love.
I fell for her as soon as I met her. She is a real angel!
5. to fall head over heels in love: to start to love someone a lot.
Soraka fell head over heels in love with Daxua.
6. to fall out with: to have a disagreement and stop being friends.
They are always arguing. They fall out about once a week.
7. to get on like a house on fire: to like someone’s company very much
It was hard at first but now we get on like a house on fire.
8. to get on well with: to understand someone and enjoy similar
There is no woman good enough to get well with a bad man
9. to go back years: to have known someone for a long time.
Thomas and Kath go back years.
10. to have ups and downs: to have good and bad times.
If you have ups and downs, you experience a mixture of good things and
bad things.

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