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Summer of Neglecting human resource development in OBOR, a case of

the China–Pakistan economic corridor (CPEC) in the aspect of HRD

In this case, its focus on the benefits of the economic corridor that countries have
taken from as Pakistan and china was also supposed to take the benefits out of it.
In china's Pakistan economic corridor [CPEC] Pakistan has not utilized the
opportunity because they have a big failure in human resource development. It was
the failure of the government policies that they were not able to forecast the scope
of the work. As it was expected that the employment rate of Pakistan will come
down with CPEC but in the workplace, there are Chinese workers because the
Pakistani worker was not skilled to do those jobs. The government has not to
forecast these skills that will be needed in CPEC.
In forecasting the skills and scope of fields the educational institutes also lacking
behind and they are not able to train the new graduates according to the needs
and wants of the economic situation. So the government and the institutes were
not able to develop the HRD.
Besides HRD, the Government needs to understand the other existing threats and
challenges to CPEC. Such challenges include militancy, corruption, poor work ethic,
bureaucracy, political and radical religious mindset, lack of institutions,
infrastructure, weak labor market, conflict of interests, the concerns of
stakeholders and fear of locals for demographic changes.

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