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BASEL ACCORD" The bank of international

settlement set Basel Accord which consist

of three set of banking regulations(basel I,
II, III).The purpose of this accord is to
ensure that the account have enough
money to absorb unexpected losses.. BASEL
I: First Basel Accord was issued in 1988,
which is known as Basel I. This Basel focuses
on the capital advuacay of financial
institution. It categorized assets of financial
institutions into five categories of risk such
as 0%, 10%, 20%, 50%, 10%.According to
Basel I, those banks which are operating
internationally required risk weight of 8%.
BASEL II: Revised capital framework is the
name of second Basel Accord but
commonly known as Basel II. This Basel
focuses on tree main areas; minimum
capital requirement, supervisory review of
an institutions capital adequacyand internal
process. These are knonw as three pillars.
BASEL III: In 2010 July, an agreement was
made which is known as Basel III.Basel III
continue the three pillars along with the
additional requirement and safeguards. This
additional requirements for accord calls
"systematically important banks". The
implementation of Basel III began in
January, 2013 and expected to be end on
1st January, 2019.

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