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Could Have Should Have Would Have Exercise 1

1. I could have bought (buy) bread but I didn’t know we needed it.
(past possibility)
2. We shouldn’t have invited (invite) so many people to our party! I’m
worried that we won’t have enough room for everyone. (past negative advice / regret)
3. I should have started (start) saving money years ago! (past advice
/ regret)
4. We would have joined (join) you at the restaurant, but we
couldn’t get a babysitter. (past willingness)
5. The weather couldn’t have been (be) any worse! (past negative
6. I couldn’t have arrived (arrive) on time, even if I’d left earlier.
There were dreadful traffic jams all the way. (past negative possibility)
7. They could have won (win) the football match, but John hurt
his ankle. (past possibility)
8. Amanda would have finished (finish) the work, but she felt ill and
had to go home. (past willingness)
9. Lucy should have left (left) earlier. She missed her flight.
(past advice / regret)
10. We couldn’t have finished (finish) the game, even if we’d wanted
to. It was raining very hard and we had to stop. (past negative possibility)
11. I shouldn’t have eaten (eat) so much chocolate! I feel sick! (past
negative advice / regret)
12. Luke could have passed (pass) the exam if he’d studied a bit
more. (past possibility)

1 Could have should have would have exercise 1 © 2015 May be freely copied for personal or
classroom use.
13. John would have called (call) Amy, but he didn’t have her
number. (past willingness)
14. You shouldn’t have been (be) rude to him. He’s going to be really
angry now. (past negative advice / regret)
15. She could have come (come) to the restaurant if she’d left
work earlier. (past possibility)
16. You shouldn’t have taken (take) this job. I can see you’re not
enjoying it. (past negative advice / regret)
17. The race was really difficult. She couldn´t have won (win)
because she’s not fit enough. (past negative possibility)
18. Our neighbours shouldn´t have cut (cut) down the tree in their
garden. It was a really beautiful tree. (past negative advice / regret)
19. The children should have done (do) their homework last night.
Then they wouldn’t be panicking on the way to school. (past advice / regret)
20. I’m really cold! I should have brought (bring) my coat. (past
advice / regret)
21. I would have come (come) to see you! I didn’t know you were
ill. (past willingness)
22. Andrew could have gone (go) to Cambridge University, but he
decided to travel instead. (past possibility)
23. They couldn’t have been (be) kinder to me. They were absolutely
lovely. (past negative possibility)
24. You should have bought (buy) some milk at the shops. We don’t
have any milk. (past advice / regret)
25. They would have come (come) to have breakfast with us, but
they went to bed too late the night before. (past willingness)

2 Could have should have would have exercise 1 © 2015 May be freely copied for personal or
classroom use.
Modals and Modal Perfects
A Match the modals or modal perfects in I with their uses in II.

Shall I help you with that heavy bag? .3.. a. a logical conclusion about a past event
You should have done all the homework. .6.. b. formal request
She didn’t answer the phone so she .8. c. prohibition
must have left. ..1. d. offer
I need to clean my room. I promised my ..7.. e. unfulfilled expectation
mum that I would. ..4. f. obligation
I think that they might have left. ..2. g. advice which was not followed
Would you sign your name here, please? ..5. h. a guess about something which happened
It’s not fair. I ought to have received a prize too.
You mustn’t use this computer.

B Choose the correct answer.

1. She (could walk / could have walked) before she was a year old.
2. The party was supposed to be a secret. You (shouldn’t say / shouldn’t have said) anything.
3. I’m not sure, but I (might leave / might have left) early tonight.
4. I’m not afraid to go alone. You (needn’t have come / needn’t come) with me.
5. It’s late. You (must be / must have been) very tired.
6. You (ought to introduce / ought to have introduced) me to your friends. I didn’t know anyone’s name.

C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use a modal perfect.
1. Nobody told her anything about the argument. She couldn’t have know (know)
about it.

2. We arrived too early. We shouldn’t have been (be) in such a hurry.

3. She must have left (leave) the office because her coat and bag aren’t here.
4. I could have driven (drive) to work, but the weather was so nice that I decided to walk.
5. It’s possible that I might have forgotten (forget) to tell Joe about the meeting.
6. You should have called (call) her on her birthday. She never forgets to call you.

D Rewrite each sentence using a modal or modal perfect. There may be more than one
1. It isn’t necessary for them to finish the job tonight.
They don’t have to finish the job tonight .
2. It’s possible that I took your jacket by mistake.
I might have taken your jacket by mistake
3. That man knows how to speak four languages.
That man that man can
3 Could have should have would have exercise 1 © 2015 May be freely copied for personal or
classroom use.
4. I didn’t wear a sunhat, and now my head hurts.
My head hurts. I should have worn a sunhat
5. It rained last night so the grass is wet.
It must have rained last night. The grass is wet.
6. The man you saw wasn’t Jack. He’s been abroad since the summer.
You couldn´t have seen Jack.

4 Could have should have would have exercise 1 © 2015 May be freely copied for personal or
classroom use.

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