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from problem import Problem

import random

class Problem25(Problem):

def __init__(self):
data = random.sample(range(100), random.randint(7, 10))

statement = '1. Sa presupunem ca am vrea sa implementam un heap

ternal(fiecare nod are 3 fii). \n'
statement += '2. Introduceti elementele: ' + str(data) + ' intr-un max heap
ternal si decapitati heap-ul. \n'

super().__init__(statement, data)

def solve(self):
data =
solution = '3. Solutia problemei: \n'
solution += '\t0.Vectorul este: ' + str(data) + '\n'

def sift_up(heap, idx, solution):

if idx == 0:
father = int((idx - 1) / 3)
if heap[idx] >= heap[father]:
#solution += "Interschimbam elementele " + str(heap[idx]) + " si "
+ str(heap[father]) + '\n'
heap[father], heap[idx] = heap[idx], heap[father]
sift_up(heap, father, solution)

def sift_down(heap, idx, solution):

n = len(heap)
swap_son = idx
left_son = 3 * idx + 1
middle_son = 3 * idx + 2
right_son = 3 * idx + 3
if left_son < n and heap[left_son] > heap[swap_son]:
swap_son = left_son
#solution += "Daca " + str(heap[left_son]) + " > " +
str(heap[swap_son]) + ' : ' + str(heap[swap_son]) + ' Ia valoarea ' +
str(heap[left_son]) + '\n'
if middle_son < n and heap[middle_son] > heap[swap_son]:
swap_son = middle_son
#solution += "Daca " + str(heap[middle_son]) + " > " +
str(heap[swap_son]) + ' : ' + str(heap[swap_son]) + ' Ia valoarea ' +
str(heap[middle_son]) + '\n'
if right_son < n and heap[right_son] > heap[swap_son]:
swap_son = right_son
#solution += "Daca " + str(heap[right_son]) + " > " +
str(heap[swap_son]) + ' : ' + str(heap[swap_son]) + ' Ia valoarea ' +
str(heap[right_son]) + '\n'
heap[idx], heap[swap_son] = heap[swap_son], heap[idx]
#solution += 'Interschimb ' + str(heap[idx]) + ' si ' +
str(heap[swap_son]) + '\n'
if swap_son != idx:
sift_down(heap, swap_son, solution)

heap = []
j = 1
for i in range(len(data)):
solution += "\t" + str(1) + "." + str(j) + " : "
j += 1
solution += str(heap) + '\n'
sift_up(heap, i, solution)
solution += '\t2.Arborele in heap : ' + str(heap) + '\n'

solution += '\t3.Pentru decapitare interschimbam : ' + str(heap[0]) + ' si

' + str(heap[len(heap) - 1]) + '\n'
heap[0], heap[len(heap) - 1] = heap[len(heap) - 1], heap[0]
solution += '\t4.Arborele decapitat ' + str(heap) + '\n'
sift_down(heap, 0, solution)
solution += '\t5.Arborele rearanjat ' + str(heap) + '\n'

return solution

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