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People management depends on -:

1. Motivation – which can be 0(no motivation), 1(somewhat motivated) and 3 (highly motivated)
2. Experience - which can be 0(no experience), 1(somewhat experienced) and 3 (highly

Summation of both motivation and experience quadrant will determine the style of management as
given below in the chart -:

If the summation is zero (0) then best option is to replace that person from the task. For others below
mentioned chart shows the style -:

3 2
Action Required - Lead Action Required - Manage

4 1
Action Required - Delegate Action Required - Micromanagement

SWOT Analysis -:

Strength Opportunity and threat
gives IDEAS
for GOAL
Weakness Threat STATEMENT
of a company

These 2 are internal of the These 2 are external of the

company company
 Strength and weakness – This indicates area-of-control. These are to be made by taking
feedback from the customers and employees. This feedback should be on the basis of
1. Capability
2. Resources
3. Process
 Opportunity and Threat – This indicates area-of-concern, which can impact business but can’t be
controlled. These gives indications of –
1. Business environment
2. Industry
3. Competition

OKRs – Objectives and Key Results

OKRs and other objective frameworks represent one element of how to manage your team and run your

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