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o Parasitism- Symbiotic relationship where one

organism, the parasite, lives in or on another,

depending on the latter for its survival and usually at
the expense of the host.
 e.g. Entamoeba histolytica derives nutrition
from the human host and causes Amebic

 Organism which lives on or in the host, usually a larger organism,
Color Codes (Use Standard Colors)
which provides physical protection and nourishment
BLACK (BOLD) -Important terms/terms emphasize by tutors
 Parasites are often described according to their habitat or mode
BLUE - Audio Addendums
of development
RED - Addendums from other references (books, journals etc.)
PURPLE - Mnemonics
 ENDOPARASITE –living inside the body of the host
 ECTOPARASITE –living outside the body of the host
(Infestation Ex. ticks, lice)
Dr. L. Velasco
PARASITOLOGY  ERRATIC- parasite found in an organ which is not its
usual habitat
 OBLIGATE- need a host at some stage of their life
DEFINITION OF TERMS: cycle to complete their development and to propagate
 PARASITOLOGY - Area of biology concerned with the their species e.g. tapeworms
phenomenon of dependence of one living organism on another o cannot survive in any other manner
 (Root word: Parasite- lives in or outside a host that sometimes  FACULTATIVE- parasite may exist in a free living
causes injury) state and may become parasitic when the need arises
 MEDICAL PARASITOLOGY - Concerned primarily with the animal o sometimes applied as“temporary parasite”
parasites of humans and their medical significance, as well as B. HOST SPECIFICITY
their importance in human communities  ACCIDENTAL/ INCIDENTAL- parasite which
 TROPICAL MEDICINE - Branch of medicine which deals with establishes itself in a host where it does not ordinarily
tropical diseases and other special medical problems of tropical live (w/ similarity to erratic)
regions.  PERMANENT- parasite that remains on or in the body
 TROPICAL DISEASE - Illness indigenous to or endemic of the host for its entire life
(there’s always a case but not so many) in a tropical area but  TEMPORARY- parasite lives on the host only for a
may also occur in sporadic (due to fast travel of people who have short period of time
brought epidemics . Ex. Dengue brought to America by a carrier  SPURIOUS/COPROZOIC- free-living organism that
of the virus from Philippines) or epidemic proportions in areas passes through the digestive tract without infecting
that are not tropical. the host


 SYMBIOSIS – living together of unlike organisms; may involve  Any organism which harbours the parasite
protection or other advantages to one or both partners  Classified according to their role in the life cycle of the parasite
o It is an association of two species, perhaps primarily o DEFINITIVE/ FINAL- host in which parasite attains
for food getting on the part of one or both members sexual maturity (e.g. Taeniasis)
of the group o INTERMEDIATE- host that harbours the asexual or
o Commensalism – two species live together and one larval stage of the parasite (e.g. pigs or cattle serve
species benefits from the relationship without harming as intermediate hosts of Taenia spp.)
or benefiting the other. Snails are intermediate hosts of Schistosoma
 From the Latin for “eating at the same table” spp. (it does not produce the adult parasite)
 e.g. Entamoeba coli (normally seen in  First intermediate hosts – those that
human host) in the intestinal lumen is harbour the different larval stages of the
supplied with nourishment and is protected parasites
from harm, while it does not cause any  Second intermediate hosts - those that
damage to the tissues of its host harbour the effective larval stage of the
 (Entamoeba hystolitica - pathogenic parasites (infective stage)
amoeba) o PARATENIC- host in which the parasite does not
 (in Microbiology- normal microflora) develop further to later stages.
o Mutualism- 2 organisms mutually benefit from each  Parasite remains alive and is able to
other. infect another susceptible host.
 e.g. Termites (protects the flagellates in  e.g. Paragonimus metacercariae in raw
turn) and the flagellates in their digestive wild boar meatcan pass through the
system which synthesize cellulose to aid in intestinal wall of humans and complete
the breakdown of ingested wood its development.

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 wild boar is the paratenic host o (mostly in children, a gravida pinworm lay egg in the
transferring the infective stage to anus and becomes pruritic resulting to scratching and
humans later thumb sucking)
 Paratenic hosts are important because o Can become superinfection
they widen the parasite distribution  SUPERINFECTION/ HYPERINFECTION- already infected
and bridge the ecological gap between individual is further infected with the same species leading to
the definitive and intermediate hosts.
massive infection with the parasite
o RESERVOIR HOSTS- allow the parasite’s life cycle to
continue and become additional sources of human
 e.g. Pigs – Balantidium coli  CONTAMINATED SOIL AND WATER
Field rats – Paragonimus westermani o Lack of sanitary toilets and use of night soil or human
Cats – Brugia malayi excreta as fertilizer allow the eggs to get in contact
 (Humans become accidental hosts) with the soil and favour the development of Ascaris
 Humans are not always the final host. lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Strongyloides
 Humans may be the most important host in the spread of the stercoralis, and hookworms.
disease or an incidental host of parasites prevalent in other o Water may be contaminated with cysts of amebae or
animals. flagellates as well as cercariae of Schistosoma
o (3rd world countries- toilet problems)
VECTORS o most common sources of infection
 Responsible for transmitting the parasite from one host to  FOOD may contain the infective stage of the parasite
another o intake of undercooked or raw freshwater fish intestinal
 BIOLOGIC VECTOR – transmits the parasite only and liver fluke infections (crabs – paragonimiasis)
after the latter has completed its development within o exemplified by a number of trematode and cestode
the host; essential part of the parasite’s life cycle infections.
 e.g. when an Aedes mosquito sucks blood
from a patient with filariasis, the parasite
o (mosquitoes – malaria, filarial parasites; Triatoma
undergoes several stages of development
bugs - Trypanosoma cruzi; sandflies - Leishmaniasis)
from first stage larva to third stage larva
o (cats – Toxoplasma; house rats – Hymenolepis nana)
before the latter (infective stage) is
 Another person, his beddings and clothing, immediate
transmitted to another susceptible host
environment he has contaminated (enterobiasis- can be
infected if inhaled)
transports the parasite (e.g. flies and cockroaches that
feed on fecal material may carry enteric organisms and
transfer these to food, which could be eaten by
MOUTH – most common (Since the most common source of parasitic
infection is contaminated food and water)
EXPOSURE AND INFECTION o Taenia solium (raw pork), Taenia saginata, (raw beef),
 PATHOGENS – parasites which are harmful, frequently cause Diphyllobothrium latum (raw fish) - eating food
mechanical injury to their hosts harbouring the infective larval stages.
 CARRIER- harbours a particular pathogen without manifesting o Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia from
any signs and symptoms drinking water contaminated by cysts; Clonorchis,
o Ex. Effective source of infection like Food Handlers that Opistorchis, and Haplorchis through ingesting raw or
may transfer amoeba- should have to be negative in improperly cooked freshwater fish containing the
Rectal Swab Exam parasitic larvae
 EXPOSURE- process of inoculating an infective agent  SKIN PENETRATION
 INFECTION- establishment of the infective agent in the host; o Hookworms and Strongyloides enter via exposure of
presence of an endoparasite in the host skin to soil
 INFESTATION- presence of an ectoparasite on a host o Schistosoma species enter skin via water.
o Arthropods serve as vectors and transmit parasites
 Period between infection and evidence of symptoms (CLINICAL through their bites (agents of malaria, filariasis,
 (POST CARRIER-some don’t manifest signs and symptoms)  CONGENITAL TRANSMISSION
 BIOLOGIC INCUBATION PERIOD/ PRE-PATENT PERIOD- o Toxoplasma gondii trophozoites can cross the
period between infection or acquisition of the parasite and placental barrier during pregnancy.
evidence or demonstration of infection o In transmammary infection with Ancylostoma and
 AUTOINFECTION- infected individual becomes its own direct Strongyloides, the parasites may be transmitted
source of infection through the mother’s milk
o e.g. enterobiasis (pinworm infection) – hand-to-  INHALATION OF AIR-BORNE EGGS
mouth transmission o Enterobius
o Trichomonas vaginalis
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 Animal parasites are classified according to the International
Code of Zoological Nomenclature
 Scientific names are Latinized; family names are formed by
adding –idae to the stem of the genus type; generic names
consist of a single word written in initial capital letter;
specific name always begins with a small letter
 The names of the genera and species are italicized or
underlined when written
 Ascaris lumbricoides (handwritten)
 Ascaris lumbricoides (computerized)

 Important to study because it is necessary to explain the disease
that it cause
 Only PROTOZOANS have similar life cycle except those that have
 EPIDEMIOLOGY - Study of patterns, distribution and
no cyst occurrence of disease
 SIMPLE- ova - larva – adult (sample question: What is the
 INCIDENCE - Number of new cases of infection appearing in a
definitive host?)
population in a given period of time
 COMPLICATED – 2 or more hosts
 PREVALENCE - Number (usually expressed in percentage) of
o (sample question: 1st intermediate and 2nd
individuals in a population estimated to be infected with a
intermediate host; Is this an animal, crustacean, fish,
particular parasite species at a given time
 CUMULATIVE PREVALENCE - Percentage of individuals in a
o In complicate life cycle, the lesser chances for an
population infected with at least one parasite
individual parasites to survive.
o Most parasitic organisms attain sexual maturity in their worms per infected person
definitive hosts o May be measured directly or indirectly.
o Some spend their entire lives within the host with one  MORBIDITY - Clinical consequences of infections or diseases
generation after another, while others are exposed to that affect an individual’s well-being
the external environment before taken up by an
appropriate host. TREATMENT
o The larval stage of the parasite may pass through  DEWORMING - Use of anti-helminthic drugs in an individual or
different stages in the intermediate host before it a public health program
reaches a final host  CURE RATE - Number (especially expressed as a percentage)
o As the life cycle becomes complicated, the lesser of previously positive subjects found to be egg-negative on
chances are for individual parasites to survive examination of a stool or urine sample using a standard
o The perpetuation of a species of parasite depends procedure at a set time after deworming
upon its ability to ensure transmission from one host  EGG REDUCTION RATE (ERR) - Percentage fall in egg counts
to the next. The parasite must, therefore, adapt to after deworming based on examination of a stool or urine sample
protect itself from the host’s defenses and the external using a standard procedure at a set time after treatment
environment, and it must overcome the attrition in the  Cure rate and egg reduction rate are indicators that are
species by producing numerous progeny. commonly used to measure the reduction in prevalence and
reduction in intensity of infection
 SELECTIVE TREATMENT - Individual-level deworming with
selection for treatment based on a diagnosis of infection or an
intensity of infection, or based on presumptive grounds (private
o can be used in whole populations, or in defined risk
 TARGETED TREATMENT - Group-level deworming where the
(risk) group to be treated (without prior diagnosis) maybe
defined by age, sex or other social characteristics
 UNIVERSAL TREATMENT - Population -level deworming in
which the community is treated irrespective of age, sex, infection
status or other social characteristics
 COVERAGE - Proportion of the target population reached by an
intervention (e.g. Percentage of school-age children treated
during a treatment day) (Actual number covered)
 Efficacy is the effect of a drug against an infective agent in ideal
experimental conditions and isolated from any context.
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 Effectiveness is a measure of the effect of a drug against an 11. Example/s of parasite which enter the skin via exposure to soil.
infective agent in a particular host, living in a particular 12. Parasite that can be transmitted via inhalation of air-borne eggs.
environment with specific ecological, immunological, and 13. Treatment using anti-helminthic drugs in an individual or a public
epidemiological determinants.
health program.
 DRUG RESISTANCE - Genetically transmitted loss of
14. Permanent reduction to zero of the worldwide incidence of
susceptibility to a drug in a worm population that was previously
sensitive to the appropriate therapeutic dose
15. Reduction to zero of the incidence of a specified disease in a
defined geographic area.
PREVENTION & CONTROL 16 – 20. Give 5 sources of infection
 MORBIDITY CONTROL - avoidance of illness caused by
infections; may be achieved by periodically deworming Answers:
individuals or groups, known to be at risk of morbidity 1. Entamoeba histolytica
health education strategy that aims to encourage people to adapt 3. Obligate Parasite
and maintain healthy life practices 4. Spurious/coprozoic parasite
 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - planning, organization, 5. Wildboar
performance and monitoring of activities for the modification 6. Vectors
and/or manipulation of environmental factors for their interaction 7. Flies and/or Cockroaches
with human beings with a view to preventing or minimizing 8. Clinical incubation period
vector or intermediate host propagation and reducing contact 9. Autoinfection
between humans and the infective agent 10. Food
 ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION 11. Hookworm and/or Strongyloides
1. interventions to reduce environmental health risks 12. Enterobius
(safe disposal and hygienic management of human 13. Deworming
and animal excreta, refuse and waste water) 14. Disease Eradication
2. involves the control of vectors, intermediate hosts and 15. Disease Elimination
reservoirs of disease 16 – 20. (Any of the ff.)
1. provision of safe drinking water and food safety  CONTAMINATED SOIL AND WATER
2. housing (adequate in terms of location, quality of  FOOD
shelter, indoor living conditions)  VECTORS (ARTHROPODS/ DOMESTIC OR WILD ANIMALS)
3. facilities for personal and domestic hygiene  Another person, his beddings and clothing, immediate
4. Safe and healthy working conditions environment he has contaminated
 SANITATION – provision of access to adequate facilities for the  ONE’S SELF (AUTOINFECTION)
safe disposal of human excreta, usually combined with access to  ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS
safe drinking water
 DISEASE ERADICATION – permanent reduction to zero of the
worldwide incidence of infection caused by a specific agent, as a
result of deliberate efforts; once achieved, continued measures
are no longer needed
 DISEASE ELIMINATION – reduction to zero of the incidence
of a specified disease in a defined geographic area as a result of
deliberate efforts; continued intervention or surveillance
measures are still required

Identify the following:
1. This organism derives nutrition from human host and causes
Amebic desentery.
2. Parasites living outside the body.
3. Parasites needing host to develop and propagate their species. Transcribed by:
4. Free-living organism that passes through the digestive tract BANKWHOT, Nuhu
ELEDA, Emmanuel C.
without infecting the host.
NJOKU, Chinedu Chukwuemeka
5. Example of paratenic host.
PUSAYEN, Teresito B.
6. Responsible for transmitting the parasite from one host to QUEMI, Juan Paolo C.
another. RABAGO, Khristine Andrea R.
7. Example of phoretic vector.
8. Period between infection and evidence of symptoms.
9. Enterobiasis is transmitted form hand-to-mouth, what kind of
“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.”
infection is it? —Sam Levenson
10. Source of infection that may contains the infective stage of the

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