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1. Philippine statisitics
According to the latest WHO data published in 2017 Tetanus Deaths in Philippines reached 762
or 0.12% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 0.89 per 100,000 of population ranks
Philippines #47 in the world.
2. Description of disease
Tetanus is caused by a localized infection of a wound by Clostridium tetani
Tetnaus is an anaerobe the will grow in deep, unclean wounds
3. Signs and sypmtoms
c. tetani produces tetanospmanin which causes the symptoms

4. Method of Trnasmission
Puncture wound
5. Diagnostic procedure/ laboratory test
There are no laboratory finding characteristic for tetanus. The diagnosis is entirely clinical and
does not depend upon the bacteriologic confirmation
6. Prevention
Toxoid vaccine
(DTaP. Td)
7. Drug Treatment
Tetanus immune globulin, antibiotics
8. Reference:
Micorobiology: An introduction by Tortora 10th Edition

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