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THW Ban Alcohol

Alcohol is a liquor that can be addictive. People who drink alcohol can lose their sense of mind
so they can do things that harm themselves and other people around them, even making
themselves bigger harm.
My argument
I agree with this house would ban alcohol because we know Alcoholic beverages that destroy
self-control are a major cause of social chaos. A person who drinks alcoholic beverages can
easily be tempted to take bad actions, besides that if people who consume alcohol will influence
other people to participate in consuming alcohol it will have a negative impact and can destroy
the future of the nation's generation. A person who has become an alcoholic drink addict will
find it very difficult to let go of his bad habits. The influence of alcoholic beverages results in
emotional behavior, uncontrollable, and aggressive. so that it's better that alcohol is prohibited.
I don’t agree if the ban of alcohol because that I know many people are depressed or stressed
using alcohol but at a doctor's dose, if alcohol is banned then people will take another path if
they feel depressed they may use drugs, then it is more dangerous than alcohol. besides alcohol is
not only consumed but can also be used to clean wounds, kill germs on the feet and others. I've
also read that alcohol can warm the body and in the health sector there are many benefits such as
opening a bandage, used for post-operative hand washing by a medical team


playerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) is a game with the battle royale genre, which is popular
among young people whose players can play with 100 people at once online. In Indonesia, most
PUBG Mobile players are aged from children to adults. PUBG Mobile presents armed and visually
realistic acts of violence, this game is one of the games that makes the players addicted, so there
are many negative impacts from this game, because often playing this game especially children
who are already addicted will affect their behavior especially this game shows violence, not only
that it also has a very dangerous impact this game is applied by children in the real world.
My Argument

,My argument I agree if the game pubg is banned because this game have a lot of negative impac
for our generation in Indonesia , The biggest negative effect of a game like PUBG is the violent
content in it. Children who often play games containing violence tend to experience increased
aggressiveness in thinking, emotions, behavior, and decreased empathy. And can push the younger
generation towards terrorism, not just that, there are many negative impacts caused by PUBG
games such as children playing too far to forget the time, rarely learning until the game is feared
to be practiced directly by PUBG game addict children.

yesterday I read the news not only in Indonesia, due to Addiction to PUBG Games, 13-year-old
Boy Killed. A boy in Haimen, Jiangsu, China is one of the victims of being so obsessed with this
popular video game that is on the rise. Poor boy named Xu Tianci fell from the fourth floor of
the apartment building in the morning on (30/08/2018). His mother was very sad and blamed the
game played by her son. He said that the game had influenced his son and caused him to jump
from the building

I don’t agree if pubg is banned because we know this game is an English game so that the
players can practice their language skills while playing. which I know this game can
communicate between players during the game, so We can know and communicate with other
people. Can add relationships not only from Indonesia but also from abroad. Many people say
that this pubg game can affect someone to do violence, but in my opinion violence in video
games is not a major cause of violence committed by teenagers. According to research, it is
precisely the family and social environment that are more influential factors in shaping one's
violent behavior.
3. THR shut down FPI

The Islamic Defenders Front is an Indonesian mass organization. Carrying the views of
conservative Islamism, FPI has a significant mass base and is the motor behind several
actions of the Islamic movement in Indonesia,
(Front Pembela Islam adalah sebuah organisasi massa Indonesia. Mengusung pandangan
Islamisme konservatif, FPI memiliki basis massa yang signifikan dan menjadi motor di
balik beberapa aksi pergerakan Islam di Indonesia,)
FPI attracted a lot of public attention, when it became the main driving force in every Islamic
defense action that took place in Jakarta a few months ago. the acts of alcoholic raids and
nightclubs that are often carried out by FPI actually help the police in controlling and overseeing
the circulation of alcohol in the community. In the Tsunami natural disaster that occurred in 2004
in Aceh, which was also the place where I was born and raised. FPI and Habib Rizieq tirelessly
and sacrificially managed to relocate tens of thousands of refugees with all FPI volunteers
throughout Indonesia, all drawn to Aceh by habib rizieq.
( FPI Banyak menarik perhatian masyarakat, ketika menjadi motor utama penggerak dalam
setiap aksi bela Islam yang berlangsung di Jakarta beberapa bulan lalu. tindakan razia miras dan
tempat hiburan malam yang kerap dilakukan oleh FPI, justru sedikit banyak membantu pihak
kepolisian dalam mengontrol dan mengawasi peredaran miras di masyarakat. Pada Bencana alam
Tsunami yang terjadi pada tahun 2004 di aceh, yang juga merupakan tempat saya lahir dan
diibesarkan. FPI dan Habib Rizieq tanpa kenal lelah, dan penuh pengorbanan berhasil merelokasi
puluhan ribu pengungsi dengan seluruh relawan FPI yang ada diseluruh Indonesia, ditarik semua
ke Aceh oleh habib rizieq.)
in my opinion, if there is an act of violence committed by FPI, the members in law should not
disband the FPI because FPI plays an important role and there is an obligation to safeguard and
maintain the dignity and and dignity of Islam and Muslims

I don,t agree because many people because This FPI is known for committing acts of violence.
FPI's actions made the FPI synonymous with violence. Sweeping or raids carried out are also
often carried out by force against people. FPI demonstrations also often lead to riots. As a result,
every demonstration carried out by FPI will always get a tight guard from the police. The fakest
Dayak community was dissolved because of all forms of radicalism, provocative actions, and the
spread of hatred among the nation's children behind the pack of religion. That is why, they urged
law enforcement officers to immediately arrest and try those who were found to often do

(Saya tidak setuju karena banyak orang karena FPI ini dikenal karena melakukan tindak
kekerasan. Tindakan FPI menjadikan FPI identik dengan kekerasan. Penyisiran atau
penggerebekan yang dilakukan juga sering dilakukan dengan paksa terhadap orang-orang.
Demonstrasi FPI juga kerap memicu kerusuhan. Alhasil, setiap demonstrasi yang dilakukan oleh
FPI akan selalu mendapat penjagaan ketat dari kepolisian. )
(Masyarakat Dayak tegas fpi ini dibubarkan karena segala bentuk upaya faham radikalisme,
tindakan provokatif, dan penyebaran kebencian antar anak bangsa di balik bungkus agama. Itu
sebabnya, imereka mendesak aparat penegak hukum lekas menangkap dan mengadili pihak-
pihak yang kedapatan sering berbuat anarkis)

4. Exstensi perawat luar bekerja di Indonesia

if outside nurses work in Indonesia there can be a transfer of knowledge and skills from overseas
nurses to domestic nurses. This makes the quality of domestic nurses in the future better and can
compete with workers from other countries.
the benefits that can be gleaned by the entry of foreign nurses into Indonesia, Indonesian nurses
can learn from them to improve the ability of domestic workers.

I don’t agree because if foreign nurses work in Indonesia will cause a narrowing of employment
opportunities for Indonesian nurses in the country. This is because the number of nurses will
increase so that it is difficult for domestic nurses to get work opportunities. other than that if
nurses from outside work in Indonesia it will be difficult to communicate with patients because
of language differences therefore any information conveyed by nurses will not be understood
( jika perawat luar negeri bekerja di indonesia akan menyebabkan menyempitnya lapangan
pekerjaan untuk perawat indonesia di dalam negeri. Hal ini karena jumlah tenaga kerja perawat
akan bertambah sehingga sulit untuk perawat dalam negeri mendapat peluang kerja. selain itu
jika perawat dari luar bekerja di indonesia maka akan sulit dalam berkomunikasi dengan pasien
karena perbedaan bahasa oleh karena itu informasi apapun yang disampaikan oleh perawat tidak
akan dimengerti)
5. THW legalize sale of organs human
Sale of human means selling one of our organs to other. we would legalize the sale of human
organs in indonesia. the organs donor can people who have died and those still alive. if the donor
is a person who is still alive, it will not give any harmful side effects to the donor. the large
number of people who need organs because they are not functioning normally makes buying and
selling of organs increasingly widespread not only overseas but domestically.
My arguments
I agree the legalize sale of organ that I know organ donors are very likely to be people who are
economically classified as people who are unable and sell their organs to get money. In addition,
it is feared that there will be trafficking in organs (trafficking organs) that are full of crime. For
example, victims of organ sales who do not know their organs are no longer in their bodies due
to kidnapping, organ traffickers force or deceive their victims, there are also victims who have
agreed with certain fees but are not paid or prices are not agreed, and dangerous organs are
removed without the victim's knowledge.
(pendonor organ tubuh sangat mungkin adalah orang yang secara kemampuan ekonomi
tergolong orang yang tidak mampu dan menjual organ tubuhnya untuk mendapatkan uang.
Selain itu, dikhawatirkan akan adanya perdagangan organ tubuh (organ trafficking) yang sarat
dengan tindak kejahatan. Misalnya korban penjualan organ tubuh yang tidak mengetahui
organnya sudah tidak ada lagi ditubuhnya karena penculikan, pedagang organ tubuh memaksa
atau menipu korbannya, ada pula korban yang sudah setuju dengan bayaran tertentu tetapi tidak
dibayar atau harga tidak sesuai perjanjian, serta yang berbahaya adalah organ tubuh dikeluarkan
tanpa sepengetahuan korban.)
In my opinion, someone who donates his organs for economic reasons or to get money is not
justified because it can endanger the donor

I do not agree if the sale of organs because people who sell their organs to other people can save
the lives of other people who suffer from organ failure / organ damage, besides that in terms of
economics can increase the financial improvement of those from the economy is lacking,
saya tidak setuju jika penjualan organ karena orang yang menjual organ tubuhnya ke orang lain
dapat menyelamatkan nyawa orang lain yang menderita gagal organ / kerusakan organ, selain itu
dari segi ekonomi bisa menambah peningkatan keuangan mereka yang dari ekonomi nya kurang,
Positive things that can be taken are those donors who can provide opportunities and save lives
for those who are given these organs. Either it is the closest person, namely family, such as wife,
husband, parents, siblings, siblings, children, friends, even people who are completely unknown.
(Hal positif yang bisa diambil yaitu pendonor tersebut bisa memberikan kesempatan dan
menyelamatkan hidup bagi orang yang diberikan organ tubuhnya tersebut. Baik itu adalah orang
terdekat yaitu keluarga seperti istri, suami, orang tua, kakak, adik, anak, teman, bahkan orang
yang sama sekali tidak dikenal.)
not everyone donates organs because of economic aspects but for example the presence of caring
also makes people motivated to give their organs to others. This positive attitude can certainly be
felt by both parties, both donors and those given organs. Maybe a positive thing for donors
cannot be felt directly for his life in the world, because it is indeed from intention and caring
(tidak semua orang mendonorkan organ karena aspek ekonomi tetapi misalnya Adanya rasa
kepedulian itu juga membuat orang tergerak untuk memberikan organnya pada orang lain. al
positif tersebut tentunya dapat dirasakan bagi kedua belah pihak, baik si pendonor maupun yang
diberikan organ. Mungkin hal positif bagi pendonor tidak bisa dirasakan secara langsung bagi
hidupnya di dunia, karena memang dari niat dan rasa kepedulian)

I agree that a test on loved ones is your soul mate, because with this test to find out whether you
really love each other or not, and also maybe someone wants them to be married, this test can
find out whether they are matched or not, and whether they suitable or not and the benefits for
those who are dating have been doing this test for a long time so that they know whether they are
suitable or not to be disappointed later on
(saya setuju dilakukakn tes mengenai orang yang dicintai adalah jodoh anda, karena dengan
adanya tes ini untuk menetahui apakah benar saling mencintai atau tidak, dan juga mungkin ada
yang ingin supaya mereka berjodoh , dengan tes ini bisa mengetahui apakah mereka berjodoh
atau tidak, dan apakah mereka cocok atau tidak dan manfaat bagi yang pacaran sudah lama
melakukan tes ini supaya mereka tahu cocok atau tidak agar tidak kecewa di kemudian hari)
I do not agree to do this test because not everyone wants to test the person you love is your soul
mate, because suppose there are couples who have had a long relationship and they take this test
it turns out they are not a mate then it will impact disappointment besides their feelings destroyed
and may be depressed,
(saya tidak setuju di lakukan tes ini karena tidak semua orang ingin melakukan tes orang yang
anda cintai adalah jodoh anda , karena misalkan ada pasangan yang sudah menjalin hubungan
lama dan mereka ikut tes ini ternyata mereka tidak jodoh maka akan berdampak pada
kekecewaan selain itu perasaan mereka akan hancur dan mungkin bisa jadi mengalami depresi,)
saya tidak setuju di lakukan tes ini karena tidak semua orang ingin melakukan tes orang yang
anda cintai adalah jodoh anda , karena misalkan ada pasangan yang sudah menjalin hubungan
lama dan mereka ikut tes ini ternyata mereka tidak jodoh maka akan berdampak pada
kekecewaan selain itu perasaan mereka akan hancur dan mungkin bisa jadi mengalami depresi,

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