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Beaconhouse School System

Social studies grade 5

Term: 1

Cycle: Friday to friday

1 – 8 Novemeber 2019
st th

topic: Democracy and government

submitted by: ms Angbeen naqvi

Beaconhouse School System

Name of Teacher: Angbeen Naqvi Class: V Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Democracy and Government- branches of Government, Constitution of

Duration:80 Date: Nov 2019

Attainment target:

 Analyse how governments manage conflicts in communities with the help of its institutions which deserve respect and support of citizens.
 Know what constitution is and who makes it.

Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes):

 Evaluate how each branch of the federal government helps run the country.
 Discuss the importance of the branches in running daily lives of the citizens in Pakistan.
 Identify what is a constitution, who makes it and who it applies to.

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Time Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) (What resources will you use
selected) 80 mins that will support the (How do you plan to assess
teaching and learning learning as it is
activities?) happening?)

Activity 1:
 As a whole class, recall and share
 Teacher will ask questions from previous
knowledge on- what are the branches of answers about the different branches of
government? Why do you think there are so government
many ministries? Which ministry do you hear  As groups, discuss the different branches
of mostly? What do you think is their job? in the diagram on T. Bk pg 111. T. Book page, hierarchy of Oral feedback,
Write feedback on board  Using information from the board 25 government (attached), A-4 Presentations of
 Ask class to divide into groups of 4 and review
display, decide on colour codes for sheets, Art supplies Government branches
hierarchy of branches of government in T.
Book pg 111 different branches of government.
 Display detailed hierarchy (attached) on the  On an A-4 sheet, draw out the different
Multimedia and ask groups to use different branches of government as the group has
colour codes (red for executive, Green for understood it.
Provincial, orange for legislative etc) branches  Present and share with the class.
of government
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 Distribute A-4 sized paper to groups and ask  Complete table on W. Bk page 75
them to create the hierarchy according to
their understanding and following their colour
 Ask group members to complete W. Bk page
with the help of their sheet
After Activity, conduct day- to day
Activity 2:

 Ask students to recall what are their

classroom rules and their school rules. Write
feedback on board.
 Using a concept map, ask students what they
think are the rules governing your country?
What are these rules about? Are there only  As a whole class, give feedback on what
rules to tell you how to do things or are there were the rules in the classroom/ school
any rules which protect you? Complete map  Give oral feedback to create concept
on the board with student’s feedback map
 Introduce terms such as human rights/
 Discuss terms, relate constitution to the 10 Oral feedback
citizens’s rights, constitution, violations,
safeguard. Ask students what they think it rules of the country
means. Write feedback on the board  Discuss which branches of government
 As a whole class, ask students if they have any make the constitution and who enforces
idea of what is in the constitution of Pakistan? it and on whom
Does it protect anyone? Who ensures we
follow the constitution? (in terms of branches
of government)
Teacher’s notes: To get students to understand
the constitution further, and ensure the IB
approach, you can display information (attached
at the end of the plan) to the students to read in
pairs or trios, and then ask them to give feedback
 Oral feedback on content and scope of
Activity 3:
 Discuss that our constitution governs many  In groups, discuss constitution and its 20 Oral feedback
aspects of our lives- from elections to foreign modification
affairs (hint on policies on Kashmir).  Take notes
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 Divide students in groups of 4, ask them to

discuss what the constitution of Pakistan
covers and give their feedback
 Ask students, can a constitution be changed?
rules added to it or removed?
 Write feedback on the board
Written work:
T. Bk pg 115, Qs 2
 W. Bk pg 75 while they complete and present Complete work individually 30
their feedback on branches of government Day to day on W.bk
 Day to day: W. BK pg 76
 T. Bk pg 115, Qs 2
Wrap up:

 Ask students to discuss- is your constitution  Oral feeback

strong enough? How would breaking the Share opinions 5  Hw: t. Bk pg 115 q
constitution affect any person 6,4

HW: T. Bk pg 115 q 6,4

How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation
Strengths Areas for improvement

Identify a way forward to improve this lesson:

Beaconhouse School System

Name of Teacher: Angbeen Naqvi Class: V Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Constitution of Pakistan, Citizens’ rights in constitution Duration:80 Date: Nov 2019

Attainment targets:

 Know what constitution is and who makes it.

 Identify some of the rights of citizens of Pakistan according to the constitution.

Learning Outcome: (Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes):

 Recognize the importance of the constitution for each citizen of Pakistan

 Identify rights of citizens in the constitution of Pakistan
 Discuss constitution and how it governs our lives
 Identify human/ citizen rights violations in given scenarios
 Determine ways in which different branches of governments will resolve citizen rights violations

Content and Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity Learning Material and Formative Assessment
(How are you explaining and demonstrating the (What are the students doing to help them Time Day to day assessment
topic? The teaching strategies/ methodology understand the topic?) (What resources will you use
selected) 80 mins that will support the (How do you plan to assess
teaching and learning learning as it is
activities?) happening?)

Activity 1:
Think and share: Share opinions on changes
 Whole class activity: Teacher will:
to the constitution.
 Ask students how they think a law becomes a
Feedback on Qs 5 T. Bk pg
part of the constitution of Pakistan (in terms 10
Give feedback to create the flowchart for 115
on branches of government, see Teacher’s
notes) how a suggestion becomes a law (example
 Write feedback as a flow chart on the board parliamentary debates
 Recap the importance of rights in the
constitution by orally discussing qs 5 T. Bk pg
Beaconhouse School System

115 (which laws would they like to have in the Discuss why they should include the
constitution and why?) suggested laws in the constitution
 Write feedback on the board.
Teacher’s notes: Your aim is to get them to think
in terms of the executive, legislative and Judicial
branches. Law gets presented in the parliament,
members vote for it, gets sent to Senate, gets
voted on again, President signs it and then it
becomes a part of the constitution. The Supreme
Court ensures all courts, police, armed forces abide
by these laws)
Activity 2:

 Group activity- Divide the class into groups of

3-4 students. Ask students to review the As a group, select 2 rights from text book and
rights mentioned in T. bk pg 113. Assign 2 discuss in terms of the questions mentioned
rights in the constitution to each group. by the teacher.
 Ask groups to discuss each right in terms of: 20 T. Bk pg 113 Oral feedback
meaning of this right; who is it applicable to?; Share ideas with the rest of the class
how is it violated? how is it protected? What
can happen if anyone violates this right? Any
example of these rights being given/ violated?
 Ask groups to discuss and present their
discussions to the rest of the class
Pair work written activity after this
Activity 3:

 Group work- Conduct a Role play by dividing

some students into 2 groups of 4-5 students  In groups, decide on role play- which
(selected by picking name slips at rights to show, lines etc. Present role
random).The rest of the class will be in pairs, play in the class Role plays
to evaluate the role plays.  In pairs, evaluate the roleplays and share 20
which rights were the role plays showing, Oral feedback
 Give a time limit of 5 minutes to prepare, and
3-4 minutes for each role play who was responsible for resolving the
 Groups will be asked to present a scene problems
showing human right violations/ citizen rights
violations. Rest of the students would identify
which right is being violated, and which
Beaconhouse School System

branch of government would be responsible

for resolving this.

Teacher’s note: Cross- curricular link with English

in terms of Oracy (role play)

Written work:

 Pair work- W. Bk pg 77 presenting scenarios  In pairs, discuss and individually

concerning citizen rights complete Workbook pages W. Bk pg 77, Pamphlet
 Pamphlet work: Q1) Describe 1 scenario on  After evaluating the role plays, answer question
rights violations presented in class. Describe: Pamphlet question individually
What happened in the scene, which right was
being violated? How could we resolve this?
How could this be avoided in the future?
Oral feedback on discussion of
Wrap up: Discuss child labour with students. Ask
T. Bk pg 115 qs 3
them what they think of it? Why is it banned?
Give feedback to questions 5 HW: Pre read Unit 13- Role
HW: Pre read Unit 13- Role of Technology in the
of Technology in the

How will you make the lesson inclusive?

Use as many rows in the table as applicable – add rows if necessary

Lesson Evaluation
Strengths Areas for improvement

Identify a way forward to improve this lesson:

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Beaconhouse School System

The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Urdu: ‫آئین‬

‫)پاکستان‬, also known as the 1973 Constitution, is the supreme law
Beaconhouse School System

of Pakistan.[1] Drafted by the government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, with

additional assistance from the country's opposition parties, it was
approved by the Parliament on 10 April and ratified on 14 August 1973.[2]
The Constitution is intended to guide Pakistan's law and its political
culture, and system. It identifies the state (its physical existence and its
borders), people and their fundamental rights, state's constitutional law
and orders, and also the constitutional structure and establishment of the
institutions and the country's armed forces.[3] The first three chapters
establish the rules, mandate, and separate powers of the three branches
of the government: a bicameral legislature; an executive branch
governed by the Prime Minister as chief executive; and an apex federal
judiciary headed by Supreme Court.[3] The Constitution designates
the President of Pakistan as a ceremonial Head of State who is to
represent the unity of the state.[4] The first six articles of the constitution
outline the political system as federal parliamentary republic system; as
well as Islam as its state religion.[5] The Constitution also encapsulates
Beaconhouse School System

provisions stipulating the legal system's compliance with Islamic

injunctions contained in the Quran and Sunnah.[6]
The Parliament cannot make any laws which may be repugnant or
contrary to the Constitution, however the Constitution itself may be
amended by a two-thirds majority in both the houses of the bicameral
Parliament, unlike the previous legal documents of 1956 and 1962.[7] It
has been amended over time, and most recent impulses for
political upgrades and reforms has been amended. Although enforced in
1973, Pakistan, however, celebrates the adoption of the constitution on
23 March—when the first set was promulgated in 1956—each and every
year as Republic Day.[8]

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