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Conte's new government is a coalition between unlikely allies: the anti-establishment Five Star
Movement and center-left Democratic Party. The alliance follows the withdrawal(ritiro-remuval) of Matteo
Salvini's League party.
Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte unveiled(svelato) his new cabinet on Wednesday, uniting two rival
political parties in an unlikely coalition between the anti-establishment
Five Star Movement (M5S) and the center-left Democratic Party (PD), and shutting out the right-wing
League Party and its leader, Matteo Salvini.
The coalition is expected to improve EU relations and soften the country's stance on immigration.
Conte said the fresh government would work with "intense passion" to bolster beleaguered Italy's spirits.
The country has faced high rates of debt and unemployment and general dissatisfaction over immigration
and Italy's relationship with Brussels.
Conte named Five Star Movement leader Luigi Di Maio as foreign minister. At 33 years old, Di Maio will be
the youngest foreign minister in Italy's history. As finance minister, the prime minister appointed Roberto
Gualtieri from the Democratic Party.
Conte's first, 14-month-old government collapsed last month after the League's Salvini withdrew his
euroskeptic\eurosceptin-(euroscettico), anti-migrant party from the right-left populist coalition in a foiled
attempt to trigger(scatenare) early elections.
However, even after being sworn in, the new government will still need to be approved by votes of
confidence in Italy's two houses of parliament later this week to ensure it has a majority.

He has been considered a hardline Eurosceptic politician, holding a starkly critical view of the European
Union, especially of the euro which he once described as a "crime against humanity". Salvini opposes illegal
immigration into Italy and the EU as well as the EU's management of asylum seekers.
On social issues, Salvini opposes same-sex marriage, while he supports the legalisation of brothelsà
bordelli. [….]which has a rightist ideology that emphasizes de-globalization, nativist and protectionist
stances. Salvini is nicknamed "The Captain" (Il Capitano) by his supporters.
Many political commentators and newspapers, such as The Guardian, The New York Times, the Financial
Times, The Economist and The Huffington Post, have characterized him as a strongman and currently as the
most powerful and prominent man in Italy. In a way i believe that salvini is a dictator for some aspect, for
example the fact that he is the only that he want to take decision on the parliament. He said a lot of time
that one of hid purpose was to take the total control of Italy

A professor of private law, Conte was first proposed on 21 May 2018 for the role of Prime Minister as the
head of a coalition government between the Five Star Movement (M5S) and the League. After the two
parties agreed on a "government contract", Conte formed his first cabinet on 1 June 2018.
-- On 20 August 2019, Conte offered his resignation(dimissioni) as Prime Minister after the League filed in a
motion(movimento) of no-confidence against its own government, subsequently, however, M5S (five star
muvment)and the centre-left Democratic Party agreed to form a new coalition government with Conte
remaining in his position as Prime Minister. He was reappointed as Prime Minister of his second
cabinet(membro del consiglio) on 5 September.
Conte's first Cabinet, which included Five Star's leader Luigi Di Maio and the League's leader Matteo Salvini,
was considered by many newspapers such as The New York Times and la Repubblica as the first populist
government in modern Western Europe. Conte is often nicknamed "the lawyer of the people" (l'avvocato
del popolo), as he defined himself during his first speech as Prime Minister.
In his inaugural speech at the Senate on 5 June 2018, in response to attacks on government political forces
accused of being populist and anti-establishment, Conte replied that "if populism is the attitude of the
ruling class to listen to the people's needs [...] and if anti-establishment means aiming at introducing a new
system able to remove old privileges and encrusted power, well, these political forces deserve both these
epithets". Conte strongly opposed the school reform legislation promoted by Matteo Renzi's government
in 2015, known as "The Good School", which he said must be completely revised.

He is the leader of the Five Star Movement, In September 2017 Di Maio was elected Prime Ministerial
candidate and Political Head of the M5S, with more than 82% of the vote

DONAL JOHN TRUMP (born June 14, 1946) is the 45th and current president of the United States. Before
entering politics, he was a businessman and television personality. Trump entered the 2016 presidential
race as a Republican and defeated 16 other candidates in the primaries. Commentators described his
political positions as populist, protectionist, and nationalist. He was elected in a surprise victory over
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, although he lost the popular vote. His election and policies have
sparked numerous protests. Trump has made many false or misleading statements during his campaign
and presidency. The statements have been documented by fact-checkers, and the media have widely
described the phenomenon as unprecedented in American politics. Many of his comments and actions
have also been characterized as racially charged or racist. àTrump has made numerous comments, and
taken certain actions, that have been characterized as racially charged or racist. He has repeatedly denied
he is a racist. Trump has been condemned as a racist within the U.S. and abroad. Many of his supporters
say the way he speaks reflects his general rejection of political correctness, while others accept it simply
because they share such beliefs. Several studies and surveys have found that racist attitudes have fuelled
his political ascendance and have been more important than economic factors in determining the
allegiance of Trump voters. --- Twenty-two women have publicly accused Trump of sexual misconduct
There were allegations of rape, violence, being kissed and groped without consent, looking under women's
skirts, and walking in on naked women. In 2016, he denied all accusations, calling them "false smears", and
alleged there was a conspiracy against him.
---- As president, Trump has frequently made false statements in public speeches and remarks. The
statements have been documented by fact-checkers; academics and the media have widely described the
phenomenon as unprecedented in American politics. This trait of his was similarly observed when he was a
presidential candidate. His falsehoods have also become a distinctive part of his political identity.

BREXIT : the country never opted into the European Union's monetary union, meaning that it uses the
pound instead of the euro. It also remained outside the Schengen Area, meaning that it does not share
open borders with a number of other European nations.
For Brexit Against Brexit
Britain is a great nation with a proud history that The EU guarantees safety standards on everything
has been forced into subservience to the unelected from food and toys to nuclear power plants. Its
bureaucrats of Brussels. Outside the EU, Britain environmental protection is the highest in the
could resume its place as a powerful independent world. As the world’s biggest economic bloc, the
power. It is the world’s 5th biggest economy and EU’s leverage is unmatched in global talks on
5th most potent military force with its own nuclear climate change. Brussels’ anti-trust authorities
deterrent. It is a permanent member of the U.N. protect consumers against abuses by multinational
Security Council. Freed from restraints in Europe, companies. The EU guarantees equal rights and
Britain could rebuild ties with natural English- labor standards. It helps the fight against
speaking allies in the Commonwealth and international crime through Europol and the
strengthen the Special Relationship with the United European arrest warrant.
States. As long as Britain leaves the EU Customs
Union and Single Market, then it can forge free
trade deals with countries around the world.
- More safety, security protection
- Brexit is likely to reduce immigration from
European Economic Area (EEA) countries to the UK,
and poses challenges for UK higher education and
academic research
The consequences of Brexit depend on how closely the UK will be tied to the EU, or whether the
withdrawal occurs without there being agreed terms - referred to as no-deal Brexit. Officially, the UK is due
to leave the EU on 31 October 2019.

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