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A Christmas Parting

On Christmas day, we are all together,

On boxing day you depart.

I wish you safe travels

And will miss you with all my heart.

I hope the party preparations

Will go easily for you

And without any mishaps

Or miscommunications too

I am sure that we will not do much

But eat, sleep, watch and play

While you will be so busy

Every single day

We will miss you during New Years

As we watch fireworks on TV

But I hope you will have fun

With friends and family

I hope you will have a nice time

And enjoy your mother’s special day

I pray everything will go well

So you have only good things to say

I hope the journey back is pleasant

And you have a nice ride on the plane,

For when you arrive, you will be hugged and hugged

And kissed and hugged again.

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