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part of the error, then how could the Father and Mother,

which is not part of evil, use evil? It is not possible.

Yet the god of the ancients revealed-
Isaiah 45/7 “I form the light, and create darkness: I
make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these
Well, obviously, the god of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil would become this dual nature.
The true Father and Mother cannot be compromised
with this diabolical, dual, twisted nature. It is not
When we begin to learn the truth about this divine
connection, those of the Father and Mother begin to
realize we are seeds/children that are being fed and
nourished by our divine parents.
This is our real connection. And once you comprehend
this truth, you will forever understand the mystery of
eternal life.
The connection between the sower and the seed is one of
unconditional love. As a Gardner, we tend to the seeds
and then to the plants as they mature so that they can
produce fruit. We do not demand allegiance, nor wield
power over these innocent offspring. We simply nurture
and feed them while accepting the process.
Our connection to the Father and Mother is one of
absolute design. We are here to become like them. We
are here to grow via a process called death and rebirth.
Children of the Harvest
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Our connection to the Father and Mother is that we
are their children, not their servants.
Each and everyone one of us must pass through the trial
of fire of the darkness of death to enter life. It is a
process. The winds, rains and storms that we go through
along with the parasites, bugs and other creatures are
part of the process to strengthen us, to give us clarity
and knowledge that leads to wisdom.
The Father and Mother have a deep abiding love for each
of their children. And this love is unconditional. When
we tend to our plants we follow certain protocols to give
each of our plants the best chance for life. We do not
demand worship of any kind.
However, what we do desire is that the plant produces
fruit as is its nature. If there is no fruit the plant is then
useless, but the spirit seed/Soul is still eternal.
All indications of worship written in the Bible were
brought forth by the fallen ones who brought unto us the
corrupted word, because, they demand allegiance and
worship as one filled with pride and ego.
Normal loving good parents never demand worship from
their children. They never threaten their children with
horrendous acts of punishment to destroy their children;
because their child failed to obey or follow correctly.
These are the works of Satan, which means adversary to the light SEEDS
of the Father and Mother

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