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Question 1

The hierarchy of truth is a Christian concept of relating with the sub disciplines in the religion. The order
and right way of looking at the religious concepts is maintained through the hierarchy of truth. The God,
Christ, Dooms Day and Holy Spirit are considered as hierarchy of truth.

Question 2

Constructive doubts are those which helps you in grasping the right concepts and lead to positive
conclusions constructing your personality while destructive doubts are the doubts which cause
confusion and mislead to the wrong perspectives of understanding the religious and worldly matters.

Question 3

Creed: ideology is an announcement of shared beliefs

Code: Code is the moral example instructed by the Jesus

Ceremony: The strictly significant occasions that have some noteworthiness in otherworldly importance
are ceremonies

Question 4

The unlearned scholars can share false teachings, wrong interpretation of the quotes, propaganda by
any other rival religious party and breaking of ethical ideals may be the major causes of disruption and
corruption in the religion.

Question 5

The Jesus from inclusive point of view shows that the Jesus offered his lessons and greeting to all with
no qualification.

The exclusion point of view shows that the corrupt and unspiritual individuals were excluded and
offered the lessons by Jesus.

As indicated by pluralism hypothesis, the Jesus offered a response to the nice assortment of exacting
feelings, practices, and customs that exist both in the contemporary world and since until the end of
time. I remain with the inclusive point of view as my perception of Bible believes that the Holy book is
for everyone to read and understand.

Question 6

Theology can be regarded as the study of nature of religion and the existence of the god. Process
theology puts forward the hypothesis that divine power is working in all individuals and all individuals
are the manifestation of the God. While product theology is more focused on the proofs of existence of
nature. The theology is an ongoing process as the religious beliefs need a revision with the passing time
and every individual has his own understanding of God.

Question 7

Soteriology is the part of religious philosophy managing the investigation of salvation. The way of life
and cultural convictions have influenced the soteriology as in past occasions it was accepted the most
perfect type of humankind while moving to the ongoing hundreds of years this idea declined a piece and
individuals are away from the religion.

Question 8

The beliefs of a person about the God and religious are dependent on the time and place. If a certain
region is filled with Christianity majority and a person tries to understand the religion to choose he will
be affected by the community practice. Similarly the history does not contain all the religion which are
today so the time constraint is also effective.

Question 9

These four are the major criteria for evaluating a theological statement

Expert witness




Question 10

Theodicy is the talk of the point that why the god allows the shrewdness and sin on the planet. The most
appealing theodicy for me is the soul building theodicy which states that the sin and repentance is the
one of the best way for the development of human soul.

Question 11

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor, theologian, anti-Nazi dissident, and key founding member of
the Confessing Church. He left all the beliefs and become a realist as he saw the sufferings of so many
people under the rule of Hitler. He helped in the conspiracy of killing Hitler.

Question 12

The themes presented by the movie was the relation a religious leader could develop with the followers.
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Question 13

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Question 14

The focal point of race, sexual orientation and class have been utilized to make different translations in
religious philosophy. These focal point give an interlocking characterizations of experience that impact
all pieces of life; thusly they simultaneously structure the experiences shockingly in the open field. At
any moment, race, class or sexual direction may feel progressively remarkable or critical in a given
people life, yet they are covering and consolidated on their effect on people's experiences.

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