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Writing / Pathway 1 / Unit 6

Did you work during the holidays?

What did you do? What did you learn from the experience? Tell us!

Sample answer

There are a number of people who work during the holidays even though they are not required
to. For instance, my VP of sales emailed me to see if I could be available during the last new year
holidays. He asked me to prepare new sales policies and strategies for potential customers. I
worked from home just for an hour or two per day.

I learned, there are tons of upsides to working during the holidays. The first one that comes to
my mind is the financial benefit. I believe everyone one loves to make extra cash. Another point
which I could add is that I was able to catch up and even get ahead on my work.

I understand why most people may not want to work during the holidays, but I found it to be
really helpful and I felt a great sense of accomplishment.

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