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Your role model

At some point in our lives, we all look up to someone or aspire to be like someone in order
to give us hope, motivation, moral standards and even to help unleash the potential each
and every one of us has. That person could be one or both of our parents, a friend, a teacher,
a coach, a religious figure, a celebrity, etc.
My parents have been my inspiration throughout my life. They taught me the difference
between right and wrong and the importance of treating others. Their caring and selfless
nature has rubbed off on me as I constantly volunteer to help people. From them, I learned
the value of hard work and determination.
I’m very grateful that my parents set such a wonderful example and foundation to raise me
to be the person that I am today.

❖ To look up to someone (phrasal verb) → to admire and respect someone
❖ To aspire (v) → to desire (v) / to wish (v) / to hope (v)
❖ Motivation (n) → a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way
❖ Moral (adj) → ethical (adj)
❖ To unleash (v) → to release (v) / to set free (v)
❖ Potential (adj) → possible (adj)
❖ Figure (n) → someone who is important or famous in some way
❖ Inspiration (n) → motivation (n)
❖ Throughout (preposition) → all through
❖ To teach (v) → taught (past tense)
❖ Importance (n) → important (adj)
❖ To treat (v) → to behave (v)
❖ Caring (adj) → kind (adj)
❖ Selfless (adj) → unselfish (adj)
❖ To rubbed off on someone (phrasal verb) → if a feeling, quality, or habit rubs off on
you, you start to have it because you are with another person who has it
❖ Constantly (adv) → continually (adv) / all the time or very often
❖ To volunteer (v) → to offer to do something without expecting any reward, often
something that other people do not want to do
❖ Determination (n) → the quality of trying to do something even when it is difficult
❖ Grateful (adj) → feeling that you want to thank someone because of something kind
that they have done, or showing this feeling / appreciative (adj) / # ungrateful (adj)
❖ Foundation (n) → a basic idea, principle, situation etc that something develops from
❖ To raise (v) → to look after your children and help them grow / to bring up (phrasal

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