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So many of you are confused about coconut flour. Many of you have PMed me asking about it
Coconut flour is NOT dessicated coconut. It's neither coconut milk powder.

Below is a simple explanation - courtesy Bob's red mill

What is coconut flour?

Coconut flour is a soft, flour like product made from the pulp of a coconut. It’s actually a
by-product made during the coconut milk making process. When making coconut milk, you have
to soak coconut meat. That pulp is then dried out and ground into this powdery flour.

What are the health benefits of coconut flour?

Many people look to coconut flour to help create gluten free baked goods. Gluten free is
definitely a great reason to use coconut flour, but that’s not all it has to offer. Coconut flour is
also extremely high in fiber with almost double the amount found in wheat bran. In just 2
tablespoons of coconut flour, there are 5 grams of fiber (20% of the recommended daily value)
and 8 grams of carbs. Mayo Clinic says a diet with plenty of fiber can help keep you regular,
help maintain weight, and lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

How do you cook with coconut flour?

Cooking with coconut flour can be a little tricky. I have had a couple of recipes completely bomb.
Once you get the hang of it though, it’s a super easy way to add nutrients and fiber to a ton of
dishes. There are two things to keep in mind when working with coconut flour. Since it is so high
in fiber, it requires a ton more moisture. There is also no equal substitution when working with
coconut flour. You can usually substitute about 20% of the flour in a recipe for coconut flour and
add at least 20% more liquid. My personal experience also says that when working with baked
goods, you should also add about 3-5 eggs for every cup of coconut flour you are using. You
can also add a tablespoon or two of coconut flour to sauces and gravies. It is a little clumpy so
take your time when adding it in. Coconut flour has a naturally sweet flavor that can really add a
nice little something extra to dishes.

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