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Balloon Propulsion Debrief

At A Glance

Fun debrief activity to explore connections in your group.


Unique reflection tool
Partner activity

Time 2 - 5 min



People Mini 1 – 7

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Creatively divide your group into pairs.

2. Provide each person with an inflated balloon.
3. Each person faces their partner about 2 to 3 metres apart.
4. Demonstrate the ‘balloon propulsion’ technique, eg hold the balloon gently in one hand and pull
the tied tail back with the other hand then release, propelling the balloon forward.
5. Partners propel their balloons at the same time, aiming to have their balloons collide or connect.
6. When balloons collide, invite each person to share a response with their partner to a question
you have posed to your group.
7. Repeat process with more questions or new partners.

Popular Variations

Mingle, Connect & Share: Invite your group to mingle and attempt to collide or connect
balloons on the fly. When a connection occurs, each person shares a response to a debrief
question or prompt. This can be done from the start or after pairs have connected with each
other (if divided into pairs.)
Connected or Disconnected: Provide questions or prompts whether or not the balloons collide
or connect. For example, if the balloons collide, invite people to share a moment they felt
connected to either the group or the task. If the balloons do not touch, invite each person to
share a moment they felt disconnected from the group or the task.
Questions: Before engaging in the debrief, invite participants to write a question on their
balloon. This invitation may sound like, “Think about a question that would explore how well we
worked together as a team. Write that question on your balloon.”


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