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Brain Injury, July 2009; 23(7–8): 632–638

Efficacy of therapeutic ultrasound and infrared in the management

of muscle spasticity


Faculty of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, and 2Physical Therapy Department, Angelo
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State University, San Angelo, TX, USA

(Received 2 January 2009; accepted 15 April 2009)

Primary objective: This study was designed to compare the short-term effects of infrared (IR) and therapeutic ultrasound
(US) on clinical and electrophysiological measures of spasticity and range of motion (ROM) in hemiplegic patients with
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plantar flexor muscle spasticity.

Research design: A cross-sectional, single centre trial.
Interventions: Ultrasound and Infrared were used.
Methods and procedures: Twenty-one patients (13 males and eight females) aged 27–78 years (mean  SD: 60.4  13.2) were
randomly assigned into either the US or IR treatment groups. The IR and US were delivered for 20 and 10 minutes,
respectively. The H-reflex, Ashworth scale (AS) and ROM were collected before, immediately after and 15 minutes after the
end of the treatment.
Main outcomes and results: Both groups were statistically similar on all variables at the beginning of the study. Results
indicated that the dependent variables were not significantly different between groups at the end of study. The use of IR and
US was not associated with significant reductions of H-reflex and Ashworth scores. A significant main effect for time on
active and passive ROM was obtained.
Conclusions: It was concluded neither IR nor US reduced electrophysiological or clinical measures of spasticity in this sample
of patients.

Keywords: Spasticity, hemiplegia, ultrasound, infrared, physiotherapy

Introduction that increase in passive stiffness of a muscle to

stretch in patients with spasticity can also be due to
A major disabling symptom following upper motor
neuron (UMN) syndrome is spasticity. It is com- changes in collagen tissue, tendons and muscle
monly seen after conditions such as stroke, multiple contractures [3–5]. Evidence exists that patients
sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injury with spasticity may be disabled by a combination of
and cerebral palsy. Lance [1] defined spasticity as paresis, soft tissue contracture and muscle over-
a motor disorder characterized by a velocity-depen- activity [6]. Negative symptoms of weakness, fatig-
dent increase in the tonic stretch reflex. Therefore, ability and reduced dexterity also exist and weakness
increased excitability of the stretch reflex is a central has been shown to be the main contributor to
factor contributing to spasticity [2]. Studies indicate activity limitations [7].

Correspondence: Dr Noureddin Nakhostin Ansari, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Enghelab Ave, Pitch-e-shemiran
Zip: 11498, PO Box: 11155-1683 Tehran, Iran. Fax: 98 21 77882009. E-mail:
ISSN 0269–9052 print/ISSN 1362–301X online ß 2009 Informa Healthcare Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/02699050902973939
Efficacy of heat in spasticity 633

Spasticity, if uncontrolled, can negatively influ- Subjects

ence function and activities of daily living.
Patients diagnosed to have hemiplegia and referred
Uncontrolled spasticity can cause pain and fatigue,
for treatment in the physiotherapy clinic, faculty of
contractures and disturbed sleep [8, 9]. There are
Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical
a variety of options for the management of spasticity
Sciences participated in the study. Adult subjects
including: anti-spasticity medication; intrathecal
aged 18 years with first ever UMN lesion were
baclofen; phenol and ethanol injections; administra- included. Patients were excluded from the study if
tion of botulinum toxin; physical rehabilitation they had: botulinum toxin injection; fixed ankle
modalities; and surgery [8, 10, 11]. The most contracture; were taking anti-spasticity drugs; sen-
conservative procedures are utilized first, namely sory abnormalities; peripheral circulatory problems;
rehabilitation modalities [8]. and any other contraindication to the use of IR or
Physiotherapists as one of the members of US. The approval of the Research Council of
a rehabilitation team are involved in the manage- Rehabilitation Faculty, Tehran University of
ment of spasticity [12]. There are different physical Medical Sciences was obtained. All subjects gave
modalities currently available used by physiothera- their informed consent before the start of the study.
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pists for the treatment of muscle spasticity. In the

clinical situation, superficial and deep heat in the
form of infrared (IR) and ultrasound (US), respec-
tively, are used for reduction of spasticity. However, Initially, the rationale and procedure for the study
the effects of these modalities on spasticity are not were explained to the subjects. Subjects who met the
thoroughly investigated [13]. inclusion criteria were then assigned to either the IR
There are two reports on the effect of US on or US treatment groups in the order of their
spasticity. The first preliminary study used contin- recruitment into the study. The first patient was
uous thermal US to treat four adult patients with assigned by tossing a coin, however. Patient’s height
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post-stroke muscle spasticity [14]. Following 15 and body weight were then measured using the
treatment sessions, the spasticity in terms of the height meter and weight scale, respectively.
Ashworth scores and Hmax/Mmax ratio, despite
improvements, did not reduce significantly. The
second study to quantify the effects of continuous Treatment. Patients in the IR study group received
20 minutes of IR (500 W, wavelengths in the IR-A
thermal US on ankle plantar flexor spasticity
band) over the area of the calf muscle group. The
included 12 patients with stroke. The patients were
perpendicular distance between IR machine and the
treated with either US or sham US for 3 days per
skin was 60–90 cm based on each patient’s tolerance,
week, every other day for 15 treatment sessions.
but all subjects were generally advised that they
While there was a significant reduction in the Hmax/
should feel just a comfortable warmth.
Mmax ratio in the treatment group, it was increased
Surface skin temperature was measured in the IR
in the placebo group. The difference between groups
on the Hmax/Mmax ratio was statistically significant.
Patients in the US study group received continuous
The Ashworth scores demonstrated statistically sig-
thermal mode and intensity at 1.5 W cm2 for
nificant changes within the US group. However,
10 minutes [US unit (Shrewsbury Medical, model
there was no statistical difference between groups SM 3371, UK), operating at a frequency of
[15]. Clinical study of IR on spasticity is scarce and 1.0  10% MHz]. The US was applied to the area
no reports exist on the short term anti-spastic of the calf muscle group. Transmission gel was the
efficacy of IR and US. This study was therefore coupling medium (Sonogel, Germany). A large
designed to compare the short-term effects of IR and treatment applicator (5 cm2) was used and moved in
US on plantar flexor muscle spasticity in patients a stroking technique. The effective radiation area
with hemiplegia. (ERA) was 5 cm2.

Methods and procedures Measurements were carried out at the beginning
of the study (before treatment), immediately after
Study design
treatment and 15 and 30 minutes after the end of the
A cross-sectional, single centre trial was used to treatment. Clinical measurements of active and
compare the short-term effects of IR and US in the passive range of motion (ROM) and Ashworth
treatment of muscle spasticity. scale (AS) for spasticity were performed first.
634 N.N. Ansari et al.

These measurements were followed by the electro- position of the ankle was measured as the resting
myographic evaluation (Hmax/Mmax ratio). The posture after three repetitions.
measurements were done by one physiotherapist.
The primary outcome measures were the Hmax/Mmax Statistical analysis
ratio and the Ashworth Scale [16] used as measures
of spasticity. The secondary outcome measurements Independent sample t-tests were used to analyse
were goniometry measurements of active and initial differences between groups for patient char-
passive ROM. acteristics. The change of skin temperature in the IR
group across time was analysed using paired t-test.
Descriptive statistics were calculated and percentage
Electromyographic measurements. The EMG mach- of individuals increasing, decreasing or having no
ine (Toennies, Germany) was used for electrophy- change for each dependent variable was determined.
siological (EP) evaluation to obtain the H-reflex. The effect of the IR vs. US group on electromyo-
Briefly, patients were placed in prone position and graphic measurements (Hmax/Mmax ratio) and range
the feet suspended over the end of the bed. The of motion (both passive and active) was examined
H-reflex was evoked from the gastrocnemius muscle using a Group (IR and US)  Time (pre-, immedi-
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after stimulation of the tibial nerve in the popliteal ately post- and 15 minutes post-intervention) 2  3
fossa using bipolar silver–silver chloride surface mixed model ANOVA. Effect sizes for F-ratios were
electrodes 5 mm in diameter. The stimulus was reported as eta-squared (2).
a single, 1-ms rectangular pulse delivered every The effect of the IR vs. US group on spasticity
5 seconds. The active electrode was placed over the (Ashworth Scale) was examined using non-
medial head of the gastrocnemius halfway between parametric statistics since the data were of ordinal
the medial malleolus and the tibial epicondyle; scale. Mann-Whitney U-test was used to compare
ground electrode over the lateral gastrocnemius the AS scores of the patients between the two study
muscle between the stimulation and the active groups. Within-group analyses were tested with
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electrode; and reference electrode over the Achilles paired Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test to evaluate the
tendon. effectiveness of either IR or US.
The EMG signal was band-pass filtered set at 3 Hz The significance level was defined as p < 0.05. The
to 3 kHz. The maximum amplitudes of the H-reflex analysis was conducted using SPSS version 11.5 for
and the M-wave were measured from the peak- windows.
to-peak. The ratio of the Hmax/Mmax was calculated
by dividing the maximum amplitudes of the H-reflex
by that of the M-wave. The Hmax/Mmax ratio served
as an EP index of spasticity [14, 15]. Main outcomes and results
Twenty-four patients were included. Data of two
subjects in the IR group and one subject in the US
Spasticity. The clinical rating of AS was used to
group were excluded from final analysis because of
assess the spasticity of the ankle plantar flexors that
non-compliance with electromyography (EMG)
provided a measure of muscle hypertonia. The AS
measurements. The remaining 21 subjects (13
was undertaken with the patient lying in supine
men, eight women; mean age 60.4  13.2, range
27–78 years) were randomized in the IR (n ¼ 10) and
US group (n ¼ 11). Seven patients did not agree with
Range of motion measurements. A universal goni- the measurements at time 30 minutes after treat-
ometer (A Bissell Health Care, model 7524, USA) ment, therefore this time point was not included in
was used. We followed a standard method for ROM the analysis and final outcomes. The causes for
measurements [17] used and described elsewhere hemiplegia were stroke (n ¼ 18), tumour (n ¼ 2) and
[14, 15]. The maximal PROM (passive ROM) was traumatic brain injury (n ¼ 1). Fifteen patients had
evaluated in supine position with the knee in left hemiplegia and six patients had right hemiplegia.
extension. The AROM (active ROM) was measured The initial resting plantarflexion position of the
while the patient voluntarily dorsiflexed the ankle. ankle joint was 21.8  6.9 .
The positive and negative values from the position of The demographic and clinical data of subjects in
90 (zero position) indicated the ankle dorsiflexion the two treatment groups are presented in Table I.
and plantarflexion, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two
In order to determine the ankle resting position, groups with regards to age, duration of stroke,
the ankle was passively dorsiflexed and released to height, body weight, BMI and resting ankle position.
reach a new resting position. The final resting In addition there was no significant initial difference
Efficacy of heat in spasticity 635

between Hmax/Mmax ratio, Ashworth scores, ankle decreased significantly at post-15 minutes
joint AROM and PROM. (33.7 C  1.4, p < 0.001). The changes of skin tem-
Surface skin temperature was 32 C  1.7 at base- perature between pre- and 15 minutes after treat-
line and increased significantly (38 C  2.3) after ment was also statistically significant ( p ¼ 0.003).
treatment ( p < 0.001). The skin temperature
The Hmax/Mmax ratio
Table I. Patients characteristics (n ¼ 21).
The Hmax/Mmax ratio data are provided in Figure 1.
Groups The mixed model ANOVA on Hmax/Mmax ratio
values did not identify a statistically significant
Characteristics IR (n ¼ 10) US (n ¼ 11) p
Time, F(2, 38) ¼ 1.09, p ¼ 0.31, 2 ¼ 0.05; Group,
Age (years) 64.3  11.7 56.8  13.9 NS F(1, 19) ¼ 0.14, p ¼ 0.71, 2 ¼ 0.007; or Group 
Duration (months) 25.6  13.7 48  87.4 NS Time interaction, F(2, 38) ¼ 0.96, p ¼ 0.34,
Height (cm) 163.5  7.5 167.2  9.1 NS 2 ¼ 0.05.
Weight (kg) 71.9  11.1 70.3  13.5 NS
When comparing the two groups descriptively, the
BMI (kg m2) 27.2  2.8 25  2.6 NS
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Ankle rest posture 21.5  6.4 22  7.6 NS percentage of individuals who had decreases (moved
Hmax/Mmax ratio 0.52  0.27 0.47  0.28 NS toward a normal value) in their Hmax/Mmax ratio
Ashworth score 2  0.8 1.72  1.1 NS immediately following the intervention was equal
AROM (degree) 15.2  13.5 15.6  12.7 NS (50% in the IR group compared to 45.5% in the US
PROM (degree) 4.2  7 4.3  10.4 NS
group). Interestingly the percentage of individuals
Values are mean  SD. NS, not significant. AROM, active range who had increases (moved away from a normal
of motion; PROM, passive range of motion.
value) in their Hmax/Mmax ratio immediately

(a) 0.9 (c) 30

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0.7 20
Hmax/Mmax ratio

Passive ROM


0.5 10


0.3 0
0.1 IR −10 IR
Pre Post Post 15 Pre Post Post 15
Time Time

(b) 3.5 (d) 10

Ashworth score

Active ROM

2.0 −10


US −30 US

0.0 IR −40 IR
Pre Post Post 15 Pre Post Post 15
Time Time

Figure 1. Hmax/Mmax ratio, Ashworth score, active range of motion (ROM) and passive ROM values before and after treatment within
groups IR and US.
636 N.N. Ansari et al.

following the intervention was also equal (50% in the post-treatment (PROM mean difference ¼
IR group compared to 45.5% in the US group). One 5.59, p ¼ 0.01). However, neither a significant
subject in the US group Hmax/Mmax ratio remained Group (F(1, 19) ¼ 0.04, p ¼ 0.85, 2 ¼ 0.002) nor
unchanged. The percentage of individuals who had Time  Group interaction (F(2, 38) ¼ 0.05, p ¼
decreases in their Hmax/Mmax at 15 minutes post- 0.83, 2 ¼ 0.002) was obtained.
intervention compared to the initial baseline (again Descriptively, the PROM increased immediately
moved toward a normal value) was 80% and 72.7% after treatment in both groups (IR 80% and US
in the IR and US group, respectively. A minority of 81.8%). The percentage of patients who still showed
patients (20% and 27.3%) experienced an increase increases in PROM beyond the initial baseline
in the Hmax/Mmax ratio in the IR and US group, measure at 15 minutes post-treatment constituted
respectively. 70% (IR group) and 54.5% (US group) of the
patients. However, a few patients in both groups
Ashworth scale demonstrated decreased PROM at immediately post
(IR 10%) or at 15 minutes (IR 20% and US 27.3%).
The AS data are provided in Figure 1. The Mann-
Whitney U-test on AS scores did not identify
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a statistically significant difference between groups Active range of motion. The AROM data are also
(pre Z ¼ 0.48, p ¼ 0.65; immediately post provided in Figure 1. The mixed model ANOVA
Z ¼ 0.98, p ¼ 0.35; post-15 minutes revealed that the main effect for Time was statisti-
Z ¼ 0.30, p ¼ 0.81). Within groups analysis by cally significant for AROM, F(2, 38) ¼ 9.11,
using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test did not show p ¼ 0.007, 2 ¼ 0.32. Post-hoc analyses indicated
significant changes immediately after and 15 min- a significant difference between pre- and immedi-
utes after treatment in the IR and US groups ately post-treatment (AROM mean difference ¼
( p > 0.05). When comparing the two groups 3.35, p ¼ 0.004); pre- and 15 minutes post-
descriptively, the percentage of individuals who treatment (AROM mean difference ¼ 5.31,
For personal use only.

had decreased spasticity (lower AS scores) immedi- p ¼ 0.004). However, once again neither
ately following the intervention was equal (30% in a significant Group F(1, 19) ¼ 0.03, p ¼ 0.86,
the IR group compared to 36.4% in the US group). 2 ¼ 0.002 nor Time  Group interaction
The percentage of individuals who stayed the same (F(2, 38) ¼ 0.72, p ¼ 0.41, 2 ¼ 0.04) was obtained.
for their AS scores following intervention were 40% Descriptively, the AROM increased immediately
(IR group) and 54.5% (US group). Interestingly the after treatment in both groups (IR 40% and US
percentage of individuals who had increased spasti- 63.6%). The percentage of patients who still showed
city (higher AS scores) immediately following the increases in AROM beyond the initial baseline
intervention was also equal (30% in the IR group measure and at 15 minutes post-treatment consti-
compared to 9.1% in the US group). tuted 40% (IR group) and 54.5% (US group) of the
The percentage of individuals who had decreased patients. No patient in either group had decreases in
spasticity (lower AS scores) at 15 minutes post- AROM immediately and at 15 minutes post-
intervention compared to the initial baseline was intervention.
50% and 18.2% in the IR and US group, respec-
tively. The percentage of individuals who stayed the
same for their AS scores following at 15 minutes Discussion
post-intervention compared to the initial baseline
To the authors’ knowledge, the present study is the
was 40% and 63.6% and in the IR and US group,
first investigation comparing the short-term effect of
respectively. Finally, a small minority of patients
IR and US on muscle spasticity in patients with
following at 15 minutes post-intervention compared
hemiplegia. The primary finding was that using the
to the initial baseline had increased spasticity (10%
IR or US did not reduce significantly electrophysio-
and 18.2% for IR and US, respectively).
logical or clinical outcome measures of spasticity in
this sample of patients.
Range of motion
Patients in both groups had high Hmax/Mmax ratio
Passive range of motion. The PROM data are at baseline, indicating hyperexcitability of the stretch
provided in Figure 1. The mixed model ANOVA reflex (normal range 0.05–0.35) and had moderate
revealed that the main effect for Time was statisti- spasticity as indicated by the Ashworth Scale.
cally significant for PROM, F(2, 38) ¼ 5.64, Although changes of the EP and spasticity post-
p ¼ 0.03, 2 ¼ 0.23. Post-hoc analyses indicated treatment were not statistically significant across
a significant difference between pre- and immedi- time, a greater percentage of individuals had expe-
ately post-treatment (PROM mean difference ¼ rienced a decline or no change as compared to
6.14, p ¼ 0.004); pre- and 15 minutes an increase immediately after intervention and
Efficacy of heat in spasticity 637

after 15 minutes post-treatment as compared to the application of US for treatment of ankle plantar
baseline measure. This would indicate that few flexor spasticity, despite improvement, did not pro-
individuals have an increase in hyperexcitability duce statistically significant changes in ROM. It
and spasticity following application of thermal heat follows that the effect of US and perhaps IR on
modalities and that in fact the majority of individuals AROM and PROM might be short-term rather than
with hyperexcitability of the stretch reflex have long-term, unless stretching of the musculature is
a reduction towards normal values. However it consistently provided.
must be duly noted, there was not a significant In the IR group, the peak PROM was reached
difference in overall Hmax/Mmax ratio or Ashworth immediately after treatment, thus coinciding with
Scale scores between groups or across time. the peak surface skin temperature. It was also noted
Although the changes of both EP index and that the PROM tended to decrease at post-15 once
spasticity measures were not statistically significant, again coinciding with declining skin temperatures.
any improvement may be desirable clinically. This implies that the effect of IR may be a function
The effect of IR and US on electrophysiological of the surface skin temperature. The use of IR and
and clinical indices of spasticity in patients with US prior to applying passive stretch or active
hemiplegia might depend on the short-term vs. long- exercise may facilitate tissue extensibility.
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term use of them. One recent study reported that

a 5-week period of thermal ultrasound therapy
reduced the Hmax/Mmax ratio (pre 0.41  0.19, post Limitation
0.19  0.22) and Ashworth scores (pre median 3,
post median 2) in patients with stroke who had This study is not without limitations. First, the
spastic plantarflexor muscle groups [15]. Within the measurer of all outcomes was the same individual.
present study, there was not a statistically significant Secondly, the assessor was not blinded to the
reduction in Hmax/Mmax ratio or AS scores after one treatments. Thirdly, this study did not include the
treatment session in patients with spastic hemiplegia. muscle groups without contracture in the limbs.
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Such findings suggest that the significant effect of Finally, there was a small group of patients.
US and perhaps IR on electrophysiological and
clinical indices of spasticity might be long-term in
nature. Conclusion
The AROM and PROM after treatment were This data suggest that IR and US did not signifi-
significantly higher than those before treatment. The cantly reduce electrophysiological or clinical mea-
increase in the active ROM and passive ROM sures of spasticity in this sample of patients. The
improved immediately after treatment and persisted authors encourage continued examination of the
for 15 minutes after treatment. There were no physiotherapeutic heat modalities effects on spasti-
overall difference between groups in AROM and city in patients with UMN lesions.
PROM. Thus, it appears that the short-term use of
IR and US was not associated with a reduction in
Hmax/Mmax ratio and AS scores as indices of Acknowledgement
spasticity. The results suggest that short-term use
of IR and US is associated with improvements in This study was supported by research deputy,
ROM, but statistically neither improves nor worsens Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).
spasticity. Declaration of interest: The authors report no
The improvements in active and passive ROM conflicts of interest. The authors alone are respon-
suggest that the heat, no matter deep or superficial, sible for the content and writing of the paper.
is effective from the ROM perspective. The finding
that the PROM increased significantly in the patients
suggests that improvements of the ROM might have References
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