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We are going to make the strategy that how we can rank our website on the first
page of google. Basically we need SEO strategy to make our website, higher in
rank on any search engine.
Following are the list of processes that we need to follow in order to make our
site highly ranks in google.
 Use social signals
 Search’s for keywords
 Use of long tail keywords
 Use of short tail keywords

Why we need of social signals?

We need social signals just to increase traffic on our website. The
relationship between social signals and SEO isn’t at all clear cut. But it does exist,
and it can help you rank on 1. According to google, social signals through social
account is not a direct SEO ranking factor, but there’s plenty of evidence that
social signals such as likes and shares ARE related to your ranking. All we need to
do is to optimize social media accounts for SEO in the following ways,.

1. Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

First, optimize your profiles. If you’re using multiple social media sites, have
a consistent image across all of them for better brand recognition. Make
sure your bio is relevant to your business while still being interesting
enough to attract attention.
2. Post Updates Regularly
Second, make sure your social media account is active. That
means posting regularly. A regular posting schedule varies according
to the network. On Twitter, it’s common to post multiple times daily;
but that would be seen as excessive on LinkedIn, Facebook,
Instagram and other social media platforms.
3. Improve Your Social Updates

If you want your social media updates to spread like wildfire, it’s crucial to
optimize them for share ability.
using eye-catching images
explicitly asking for the share

4. Optimize Your Website Content for Social Sharing

You can also do some optimization on your website to encourage visitors to

share your content. Create high-quality, shareable content, ensuring you
optimize content keywords, headlines and your call to action.

Why we need to search keywords?

Keywords are one of the main elements of SEO. If you want to know how
people are looking for the products, services or information that you offer, in
order to make it easy for them to find you—otherwise, they'll land on one of the
many other pages in the Google results. Implementing keyword SEO will help your
site rank above your competitors. This is the main reason that why developing a
list of keywords is one of the first and most important steps in any search engine
optimization initiative. Keywords and SEO are directly connected when it comes
to running a winning search marketing campaign. Because keywords are
foundational for all you’re other SEO efforts. So we have to find a list of keywords
from our website content first, then we need to follow other optimization
There are normally short tail keywords and long tail keywords. After making the
list of keywords, we first use the long tail keywords and then when we get some
audience in our website as compared to past, then we use short tail keywords.

Why we use long tail keywords?

There are many reason to use long tail keyword in the beginning. Because, we
have small range or audience on our website, by using the long tail keywords we
found the following advantages.
i. Long-tail keywords provide context to your content
ii. Long-tail keywords are how people actually search the Internet
iii. Their length makes them more specific than searches with fewer words
They are definitely a lot more targeted and not as broad. You may not bring
in as much search traffic from long tail keywords but the traffic you do
bring in is the kind you are looking for.
iv. Long tail keywords give businesses an opportunity to target more specific
demographics and get their business noticed by the right people at the
right time. With long tail keywords, you get clicks from people who are
further along in the buyer funnel, and more prepared to purchase your
products and services.
v. For example: “how can I login to my Facebook account” instead of
“Facebook login”

Why we use short tail keywords?

The main benefit of short tail keywords is that they’re broad. More people are
searching for the word “digital marketing” online, than “digital marketing
companies.” If you rank high for short tail SEO keywords, then your company
website could potentially show up in thousands, if not millions of searches each
If you’re searching for better b reach as part of your SEO strategy, then short tail
keywords will certainly bring you out on top. They’re diverse, flexible, and they
give you the strength you need to connect with countless customers.

For example: “Facebook login” instead of “how can I login to my Facebook

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Why we need to use high quality backlinks?

Backlinks are used for SEO purposes to optimize a website in a proper way.
Backlinks are external links to your website. They show the transition from one
site to another or from one page to another. They help to index your website’s
pages correctly. High quality backlinks are a major piece of Google’s algorithm
and they will continue to be, as they can be the deciding factor that pushes a
website to the top of the search results.
The internet is one big source of data that will continue to grow and always be
there to access information from. If you obtain high quality links form reputable
directories and other resource websites it can help to drive traffic to your website
for years to come.

Imagine if your business sold “Fast food” and you obtained a link on a directory of
all fast food providers. For years, consumers searching online for blue widgets
come in contact with your link and click through, landing on your website and
converting into sales. Links like these can continue to attract visitors several years
down the road.

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Lets work together…

Contact us now if you want your website on the very first page of search engines.

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