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Linguistic Intelligence

Students with linguistic intelligence are great at language. They can hear the sounds and rhythms of
words. They love language, whether it's reading, writing, or speaking. These are the future writers,
poets, journalists, and public speakers of the world.

2. Musical Intelligence

These students are the ones who drum on the desk or are always humming a tune. They hear music in
everything and love to produce music in whatever way they can. These are the future musicians,
composers, producers, and symphony conductors of the world.

3. Spatial Intelligence

Students with spatial intelligence are the ones who can learn the layout of their new school in under a
day. They understand how things are put together and have amazing memory for them. These are the
future sculptors, tour guides, and navigators of the world.

4. Logical / Mathematical Intelligence

These are the number whiz kids. They can easily pick up the patterns and long chains of reasoning
necessary to succeed in mathematics or logic puzzles. They are the world's future scientists, engineers,
and mathematicians.

5. Kinesthetic Intelligence

That kid that can't sit still? You can't manage to get him to learn math but when you see him on the
soccer field, he's a champ and a leader for his team. This is the kinesthetic learner – a future athlete,
dancer, or choreographer.
6. Interpersonal Intelligence

Students with interpersonal intelligence understand other people. They can pick up on your mood
before you've even noticed it yourself. They understand why people act the way they do. These are the
future teachers, therapists, and salespeople of the world.

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence

You might call these students the introverts. They have a deep understanding of who they are and who
they want to be. They recognize their feelings and motivations at a level much more advanced than your
other students. These are the future philosophers and writers of the world.

8. Naturalist Intelligence

He's the one keeping your classroom plants alive after you nearly killed them. Naturalists have an innate
relationship with plants and animals and understand the balance of nature. These are the future
farmers, hunters, and landscapers of the world.

Visual Learners learn through images and/or printed words. They learn best through books, graphs,
sight reading and visual presentations such as Flashcards. A Visual “Picture” Learner benefits from the
images they see on the Flashcards. A Visual “Print” Learner benefits from the words they see on the
Flashcards. That’s why the UMT-Brainscape Flashcards are so successful with Visual Learners as they SEE
both pictures and words of music theory concepts.

f you use the logical style, you like using your brain for logical and mathematical reasoning. You can
recognize patterns easily, as well as connections between seemingly meaningless content. This also leads
you to classify and group information to help you learn or understand it.

You work well with numbers and you can perform complex calculations. You remember the basics of
trigonometry and algebra, and you can do moderately complex calculations in your head.

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