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What do you remember from the podcast episode you listened to for this


Nothing really, I was washing dishes and focused on that

Just the difference in cultures between time periods from the current to the past.

I remembered that the guy in the podcast said he would not let his kid play football but if he were
to redo his life he would play football himself again!

To be honest, I don't really remember. I am more of a visual learner.

The information that was spoken about NFL players having dead athletes taken off the field. The
african american swimmer that discussed her hair and how other african american girls should
swim and not care about their hair as much.

I personally think reading is easier than trying to follow a podcast.

I remember the retired football player talking about how he wouldn't let his son play football but
he himself would do it all over again to support his family.

I remember interviews with various different people. Mostly how a father didn’t want his son to
play sports

I learned that minorities have trouble "fitting in" with their environments

I remember how it discussed the how sport has really come to define our society and control the
interactions that we have.

The professional athlete views on the topic


It discussed athletes and the world of sports; I remember that they had many well-known guest
speakers on it, and one fact I remember is that they mentioned that the industry of sports is worth
the same as the cardboard box industry

I specifically remember talking about the actual earnings of professional players, despite the
glamour that often comes with star athletes. The average pay in some sports is nothing close to
that of superstars in high-revenue sports like the NFL or NBA.

The dad not wanting his son to play sports and reasons why.

This father not wanting his son to play football due to risk of injury, but he said he would go
back in a second and play all over again himself.
Not much

I remembered a lot of the information discussed and it was really easy to take notes because the
podcast had a transcript.

I remember the retired football player saying that he doesn't want his son to play football but if
he had the chance to do it all over again he would because it helped his family out financially
and gave them opportunities they otherwise wouldn't have had.

I liked how informative it was, when i listen to podcasts that's not typically the type of podcast I
go for, but I learned a lot and found myself talking about the information with my friends so i
think i will be doig it more often

The different ways sport effects different individuals

It talked primarily about health in sports, and specifically how some feats were seen as
impossible until accomplished in sporting events.

information about the football event

Freakonomics- sports edition

Sorta boring.

Nada but sports don't interest me, its not the podcast's fault.

The thing I remember most was the stat they talked about regarding the increase in domestic
violence rates when England soccer loses.

How did the podcast assignment compare to the movie reflections?

I enjoyed the movies a bit more.

I think they provided great discussion for the class and real-world examples!

I preferred the movie reflections. It was easier to connect.

I think it was easier, because they gave a transcript. So I could read along with it as well as
listening to it.

I liked the movies better

Movies were more enjoyable than podcasts

The podcast assignment was easier because you could listen to it while doing other things, the
movies needed to be actively watched.

Podcasts were shorter

You could listen to it on your own time, you didn't have to necessarily set time aside to watch an
entire movie.

I personally prefer the movie reflections because I am a visual learner.

It was more personal. It made me feel like I was apart of the conversation instead of just
watching and reflecting.

I enjoyed the movie reflection more because I am more of a visual person.



It was similar to completing something outside of class, but it was more interesting while
requiring more attention

Harder because they weren’t as entertaining

I really enjoy movies in general so I may still hold an edge over podcasts, however I really
would like to listen to podcasts more often. I really enjoy listening to music as well especially
while at the gym, driving, or walking on campus; but, I want to make an effort to listen to more
podcasts as discussion is interesting.

I liked being able to read the podcast and what was going on but it was also entertaining.

I liked to movies, but the podcast was almost easier, because I could listen to it in the car while I
was driving.

I liked the movie reflection more.

It was easier for me to know the main points when we learned from a podcast than the movie.

I thought that the podcast was a fun way to learn.

I felt they were similar

I think it was an interesting way to add to class assignments. It was shorter than watching a full
movie, so I appreciate that.
I liked it a little more than the movie reflections.

podcast is more convenient for me to follow

I like the podcast better because I was able to listen to it while driving/walking to class

The movie was easier to get through because it was a movie the podcast being only an audio was


I think the podcast was much easier to complete since it was something you can just throw on
your headphones and listen to, rather than take about 2 hours of your day to watch a movie.

What could have been changed about the podcast assignment to make it more
beneficial for students?
Overall it seemed well designed.

Have the reflection instead of a quiz be about the podcast!

I don't have any ideas.

Nothing. It is great as is.


Recommending the podcast script for students who don’t like podcasts

I liked the assignment as is, maybe add more podcast assignments.

Give us more time to listen to it, give the link more in advance.


Maybe listening to a shorter podcast, because of the length i felt like it kept losing my attention
and because there was no visual representation.

Nothing I liked the assignment

more interesting

Nothing really!
There is nothing I would have changed for the assignment.
Shorter podcasts.

I think if the podcast was slightly shorter, but overall I think it went well.

I don't think anything I liked that you could read it as well.

I thought overall it was a good assignment.

I wouldnt change anything

maybe a shorter podcast since it was kind of long compared to just reading a chapter from the
book to do a quiz

I believe it is good as it is.


Actually before it, i have almost never hear podcast, the more i prefer is to read, i think if the
podcast can mention the keyword for next part will help for student to have a quick understand.

If the podcast was more accessible

Questions to do during the podcast to keep our attention.

nothing it was perfect

I think it was good just the way it was.

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