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Marine Genomics 41 (2018) 1–5

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On the revolution of cetacean evolution T

Annalaura Mancia
University of Ferrara, Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Ferrara 44121, Italy


Keywords: The order of Cetacea with 88 species including Odontoceti (or toothed whales) and Mysticeti (or baleen whales)
Genome is the most specialized and diversified group of mammals. The blue whale with a maximum recorded length of
Cetacean 29.9 m for 173 t of weight is the largest animal known to have ever existed, and any dolphin's brain is most
Evolution powerful and complex than any other brain in the animal kingdom, second only to primate's. Nevertheless,
Cetacea are mammals that re-entered the oceans only a little over 50 million years ago, a relatively short time on
the evolutionary scale. During this time cetaceans and humans have developed marked morphological and
behavioral differences, yet their genomes show a high level of similarity.
This present review is focused on the description and significance of newly accessible cetacean genome tools
and information, and their relevance in the study of the evolution of successful phenotypic adaptations asso-
ciated to mammal's marine existence, and their applicability to the unresolved disease mechanisms in humans.

1. Introduction know their environment in the sea (Cranford and Amundin, 1996;
McKenna et al., 2011).
Complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally Linnaeus, the “father of modern taxonomy” used morphology evi-
over time. Within the random genetic mutations occurring at any time dences to classify for the very first-time plants and animals in his
in an organism's genetic code, the beneficial ones are preserved, accu- Systema Naturae. But, in the first edition of the book, whales and the
mulated and passed on to the next generation. The result is an entirely West Indian manatee were classified among the fishes (Linnaeus, 1758).
new organism characterized by new phenotypic and genetic char- However, Linneus was a systematicist, not an evolutionist. In evolu-
acteristics, a “descent with modification” (Darwin, 1859). One parti- tionary studies, when species share similar physical features is because
cular descent into the water, about 50 million years ago (mya), came the feature was present in a common ancestor. To identify the common
with drastic changes for a certain group of mammals. This “walk back ancestor and examine how morphology has become modified through
into the ocean” happened several times resulting in 3 separate extant descent over a particular interval of time, a collection of observable or
orders of polyphyletic marine mammals, all adapted in many similar reliably inferable information needs to be assembled: fossils from pa-
ways to the problems caused by being aquatic (Feldhamer et al., 1999). leontology studies, description of the early stage changes from devel-
A large body size, streamlining shape, insulation of blubber and/or fur, opmental biology, and, last but not least, molecular comparative studies
reduction of the size of external appendages, and many modifications from gene, protein and even entire genomes. A phylogenetic analysis
for diving and orientation are all distinctive characteristics of the that combines this information might address the questions about
aquatic mammals. These adaptations have evolved to a higher level in when, where and why certain modifications (or derived conditions)
one particular group, namely Cetacea (Berta et al., 2015). The world's evolved and what factors have triggered a speciation process. So we
present-day cetacean fauna consists of 88 species. Ocean dolphins, now know that baleen whales possess teeth in the early fetal stage but
porpoises, sperm whales, beaked whales, river dolphins and mono- then they lose them before birth; we know that a dramatic develop-
dontids characterize the parvorder of the Odontoceti, the toothed ce- mental shifts take place in extant fetal baleen whales that lead to skull
taceans. Much less diverse group is represented by the parvorder of the development, resorption of the fetal dentition and growth of baleen
Mysticeti, or baleen whales, including right whales, rorquals, pygmy (Berta et al., 2016). Integration of diverse data (molecules, fossils)
right whales and grey whales. Morphological features readily distin- provides the most robust test of the phylogeny of cetaceans. Continued
guish the two groups: Odontoceti have teeth and a single blowhole and discovery of fossils that capture transitional stages in cetacean evolu-
Mysticeti have baleen and two blowholes. Another major difference is tion provided essential new data on how the stem lineage to Cetacea
the echolocation, used by the Odontoceti to hunt, locate prey and to transformed (Gingerich et al., 2001; Thewissen et al., 2007),

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Received 6 July 2018; Received in revised form 21 August 2018; Accepted 21 August 2018
Available online 25 August 2018
1874-7787/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Mancia Marine Genomics 41 (2018) 1–5

Fig. 1. The fall of dinosaurs and the rise of mam-

mals, in the oceans and on land.
After dinosaur extinctions 65 mya, mammals ra-
diated dramatically filling all niches of the dinosaurs
and invading new ones. The diversity of these
mammals included the first fully aquatic mammals
and primates. Above the arrow, on land, from left to
right: Aegyptopithecus (early monkeys, 35–33 mya);
Proconsul (first ape, 23–17 mya); Australopithecus
(early homininis, 4 mya); Homo (first humans) 2.5–3
mya; Homo sapiens sapiens (150,000 ya). Below the
arrow, into the water, from left to right: Pakicetus
(terrestrial ‘Pakistan whale’, amphibious cetacean)
48.5 mya; Ambulocetus (‘walking whale’, early ce-
tacean) 47–41 mya; Durodon (basilosaurid ancient
whale) 41–30 mya; Mysticetes (baleen whales) and
Odontocetes (toothed whales), modern whales.

demonstrating an evolution from an artiodactyl ancestors thus making coastal fauna, and are easy to recognize and fun to watch in the wild.
artiodactyl and cetaceans a monophyletic clade, grouped in the Order But the bottlenose dolphin hasn't always had the friendly face we
of the Cetartiodactyla (Agnarsson and May-Collado, 2008; Spaulding smile at today. Pakicetus, the first whale living 48.5 mya along the
et al., 2009). margins of the large shallow Tethys Ocean (and in what we know as
At present, of the extant 88 species of cetaceans, 12 are considered Pakistan today), didn't look like a whale at all. It was a typical land
endangered (3 of which are critically endangered), 5 vulnerable and 1 animal with large carnivorous teeth but its head had the distinctive long
threatened. The situation could be even more critical than that due to skull shape of a whale; he had an ear bone with a feature unique to
the missing assessment data for at least 38 species (International Union whales and an ankle bone that linked it to artiodactyls (Gingerich et al.,
for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Red List of Threatened Species). 1983; Thewissen et al., 2009). Ambulocetus (47–41 mya) lived a more
Many species and populations, considered to be the most vulnerable to aquatic lifestyle with its shorter legs, enlarged hands and feet and a
human activities, are endangered or threatened, or designated as de- longer, more muscular tail. Whales that evolved after Ambulocetus
pleted worldwide. The vaquita, Phocoena sinus, representing one of only evolved nostrils positioned further and further back along the snout,
seven species of true porpoises and only found in a small area in the with a pelvis that is much reduced in size separate from the backbone,
extreme northern Gulf of California, in Baja California, Mexico. for the use of the whole vertebral column in locomotion, a trait showing
Vaquitas are small cetaceans, characterized by dark eye rings and lip their ancient terrestrial heritage (Thewissen et al., 2009). Dorudon
patches that look like a make-up application; the most-endangered (41–30 mya) evolved other changes in the skeleton and had almost no
species of marine mammal in the world, with < 30 animals in 2016 and hindlimbs (Thewissen et al., 2009; Uhen, 2007). There is a remarkable
a 50% annual decline continued since then. Unfortunately, losing a fossil record of Cetacea that has made them an exemplar of macro-
species also means loss of useful and valuable information, before they evolution, but while the adaptive transition from terrestrial to fully
are even fully understood. aquatic mammals is well known, this is not true for the radiation of
This mini-review is focused on the description and significance of modern whales and dolphins. Modern Cetacea consists of two evolu-
newly accessible cetacean genome tools and information, and their tionary lineages supported by morphological (Geisler and Sanders,
relevance in the study of the evolution of successful phenotypic adap- 2003; Messenger and McGuire, 1998) and molecular data (Arnason
tations associated to mammal's marine existence, and their applicability et al., 2004; Nikaido et al., 2001). The Odontoceti share a common
to the unresolved disease mechanisms in humans. ancestor with the Mysticeti that lived about 30–35 mya (Cunha et al.,
2011). Within the Odontoceti, the Delphinida originated about 26 mya
(Steeman et al., 2009). High levels of phenotypic and genotypic poly-
2. About the past 50 million years
morphisms made the genus Tursiops one of the most taxonomically
controversial among delphinid cetaceans. Currently two species, T.
The common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are un-
truncatus, and T. aduncus are widely accepted based on morphological
questionably the most well-known of all the cetaceans. Their smiling
and genetic evidence, and a third (T. australis) has been recently pro-
faces, their intelligence and charisma, make them the most popular
posed (Moura et al., 2013). Much of the divergence within Tursiops
marine mammals in marine parks and dolphinaria, and also the most
occurred within the Pleistocene (2.58 mya - 117,000 ya), indicating a
represented in movies and television programs where they are trained
rapid radiation within the species group probably correlated with a
to complex performance. They are distributed in temperate and tropical
period of a fast climatic change during the Holocene (Moura et al.,
oceans around the globe and while some populations live further out to
2013). About the same time, around 200,000 ya, early modern Homo
sea, there are also many others populations living closer to the shore,
sapiens with an anatomy similar to that of humans today were
are residents of harbors, bays, lagoons and estuaries, are parts of the

A. Mancia Marine Genomics 41 (2018) 1–5

wondering the African lands (Brown et al., 2012). The hominoid/cer- diving, blubber and fat storage which are specific to cetaceans
copithecoid divergence has an estimate of 30 mya, similar to that of the (McGowen et al., 2012).
Odontoceti and Mysticeti (Eizirik et al., 2004). Consistent estimates A comprehensive analysis using 11,838 high-quality orthologous
place the basal Hominoidea divergence at 20 mya, the Hominidae di- gene alignments selected from the dolphin and four other terrestrial
vergence at 18 mya and the human–chimpanzee split at about 7 mya mammalian genomes identified genes that have undergone positive
with a population split between Neanderthals and modern humans selection resulting in significant enrichment of categories of lipid
400,000–800,000 ya (Langergraber et al., 2012; Schrago and Voloch, transport and localization, ATPase activity, sense perception of sound,
2013) (Fig. 1). and muscle contraction, all areas that are potentially related to cetacean
The adaptive evolution leading to cetaceans and humans as we adaptations (Nery et al., 2013; Sun et al., 2013). The dolphin genome
know them today is happening at the same time under and above the has been used to obtain information on the independent evolution of
water. In the early Cenozoic era, after the non-avian dinosaurs became echolocation in bats and cetaceans (Parker et al., 2013). Comparative
extinct, the number and diversity of mammals that carried a low-profile genomics analysis of the bottlenose dolphin, killer whale, walrus and
existence for 150 my before that, exploded. Without the once-dominant manatee genome revealed that parallel substitutions are widespread in
group of competitors, mammals could occupy new environmental zones marine mammals (Foote et al., 2015). The precise phenotypic effects of
and step into new ecological roles. But it took several million years for these parallel substitutions in the genes described are not specifically
the mammals to evolve larger body sizes with the best outcome in the determined in the paper, but there are functional associations sug-
water leading to the largest living animal (30 m, 173 t), the blue whale. gesting a role in the convergent phenotypic evolution of the marine
The ability to socially interact and cultivate relationships allowed hu- mammal lineages. For example, S100A9 and MGP encode calcium-
mans to colonize almost every terrestrial ecosystem. But just like hu- binding proteins that have a role in bone formation, suggesting con-
mans, whales and dolphins live in tightly knit social groups, engage in vergent phenotypic changes in bone density, high in shallow-diving
hunting, cooperate with other species, talk to each other and even have species (manatee and walrus) but low in deep-diving cetacean species
regional dialects; some even have signature whistles which are believed that collapse their lungs to overcome neutral buoyancy. However, when
to represent names, so they can call to individuals. With an ex- searching the published minke whale genome (Yim et al., 2014), not all
ceptionally large and anatomically sophisticated brains they have cre- the putatively adaptive convergent substitutions where found, sug-
ated a human-like, marine based culture. The co-evolution of brains, gesting that they were either derived in the toothed whales or lost in the
social structure, and behavioral richness of cetaceans provides a unique baleen whales after the of the Odontoceti/Mysticeti divergence. Sur-
and striking parallel to the large brains and sociality of humans and prisingly, the Authors found an unexpectedly high level of convergence
other primates on land (Fox et al., 2017). along the combined branches of the terrestrial sister taxa to the marine
mammals for which there is no obvious phenotypic convergence, con-
3. Cetaceans today: the post-genomic era cluding that evolution doesn't often uses convergent molecular evolu-
tion to reach convergent phenotypic evolution (Foote et al., 2015; Zhou
Linneus would say that cetaceans and humans are really different. et al., 2015). In the whale lineage, a comparative genomic analysis
Luckily, we live in the post-genomic era where most of the organism's identified the expansion in the whale lineage of gene families associated
genome sequences are available to test, confirm or reject hypotheses with stress-responsive proteins and anaerobic metabolism, whereas
based on observations. The focus of the post-genomic era is, in fact, on gene families related to body hair and sensory receptors were con-
the discovery and explanation of all the functional elements encoded tracted (Yim et al., 2014). Further insights into the genomic basis of
within the genome sequence and the comparison of related genomes aquatic adaptations in marine mammals that can be linked to their
which have emerged as a powerful instrument for genome interpreta- physiology and health, may rely on functional or genomic analyses of
tion. At present, the final number of true protein coding genes listed in non-coding regions which have the potential to be uncovered due to the
the human reference genome in the manual curated database run by the better coverage of genomes.
US National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is 20,203, All the new genome information is unraveling many unanswered
accounting for a 1.5% of the 3 billion base pairs representing the entire questions on similarity and differences between human and cetaceans
genome. Similarly, the protein coding genes in the 7 cetacean reference whilst focusing on the discovery and explanation of all the functional
genomes fully sequenced, annotated and released by the NCBI elements within the genome sequence.
Eukaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline so far account for 1.2% - 1.3%
of the entire genome (1. Common bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops trun- 4. Understanding resemblance
catus; 2. Minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata scammoni; 3. Yangtze
River dolphin, Lipotes vexillifer; 4. Killer whale, Orcinus orca; 5. Sperm Humans are complex and intricate organisms. Scientists untangle
whale, Physeter catodon; 6. Beluga whale, Delphinapterus leucas; 7, human complexity using in vivo models called model organisms, which
Yangtze finless porpoise, Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis). are simpler organisms: easy to maintain, breed and manipulate in a
The comparison of genome sequences at nucleotide and protein laboratory, with similar genes and genomes to humans. A few such
levels does not seem to show high degrees of dissimilarities: there is no examples are the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), the fruit fly
big difference when we compare sequences of cetacean to humans or to (Drosophila melanogaster), the nematode worm (Caenorhabditis elegans),
the Cetartiodactyla, cetacean's closest relatives (Fig. 2). The identity is the Western clawed frog (Xenopus tropicalis), the Zebrafish (Danio rerio),
always near 90% and 80% in transcripts and protein sequence com- the Mouse (Mus musculus). Despite obvious differences, these organisms
parisons, respectively (Fig. 2). But comparative genomic analyses are all share key biochemical and physiological functions with humans that
showing interesting insight. For example, evolutionary analyses de- have been conserved by evolution and they can be very informative to
monstrated that the overall synonymous substitution rate in dolphins study and understand human diseases and treatments. Cetaceans are
has slowed down when compared with other studied mammals, and is the antithesis of model organisms: they are even more complicated to
within the range of primates (McGowen et al., 2012). A comparison of study in a laboratory setting than any other organism, too big to keep
10,025 protein-coding sequences from the bottlenose dolphin genome and maintain only for research purpose, and unethical to manipulate,
with nine other amniotes genomes, documented the positive selection with generation times longer than humans. But they are the closest
of multiple genes in the dolphin lineage associated with the nervous oceanic relatives of humans, long-term resident, long-lived top pre-
system (related to human intellectual disabilities, synaptic plasticity dators, which make them perfect sentinels. Sentinel organism can be
and sleep), energy metabolism (metabolic processes, glycemic regula- very informative to detect risks posed by environmental conditions.
tion and mitochondrion activity), and other specializations such as deep Cetaceans in particular evolved a thick layer of blubber under the skin

A. Mancia Marine Genomics 41 (2018) 1–5

Fig. 2. Average percentage identity in transcript and protein alignment among cetaceans, human and cetartiodactyla.
Transcripts and proteins alignments were performed using genome information retrieved from the Eukaryotic genomes annotated at NCBI (https://www.ncbi.nlm. Schematic representation of the organisms genome sequence information used in the comparisons; on the top, from left to
right: Tursiops truncatus, Orcinus orca, Physeter catodon, Lipotes vexilifer, Balenoptera acutorostrata scammoni; on the first column to the left, from top to bottom: Homo
sapiens, Cetartiodactyla. T, transcripts. P, protein.

which not only functions as insulation, but also functions as a re- important. Another lesson from cetaceans comes from their extra-
pository for lipophilic contaminants. And so, they are sentinel organ- ordinary way of regeneration when wounded. Despite the analogies
isms able to provide an early warning on the cumulative effects of between cetaceans immune system and that of terrestrial mammals
different environmental stressors and the extent to which these stressors (Beineke et al., 2010; Mancia et al., 2007), the process of wound
can affect ecosystems and human health (Wells et al., 2004). Over the healing in cetaceans is much faster and less subject to infections due to
years studies on wild dolphins have shown the impact of multiple stress stem cells high in activity and the accumulation of specific components
factors stemming from the bioaccumulation of anthropogenic con- and antimicrobial function in blubber (Zasloff, 2011). Stem cells pre-
taminants combined with infectious diseases, food depletion, and cli- sent in the blubber probably have a critical role in the healing process
mate change on dolphin immunity and health both at cellular and at as well as the fats. For example, the composition of dolphin's blubber
molecular level (Mancia et al., 2015) (Mancia et al., 2014) (Reif et al., has a high concentration (2–5% of total fatty acid) of isovaleric acid,
2015) (Schwacke et al., 2012). Several studies have shown that in- which accumulates in the blubber but doesn't get burned for fuel during
creasing environmental pressure can cause more frequent and severe times of starvation (Koopman et al., 2003). A genomic approach de-
zoonosis and marine mammals can be infected with pathogens of both scribing transcripts, proteins and metabolites present in the blubber
marine and terrestrial origin (Bossart, 2011). The list comprises bac- after a serious injury could unravel the mechanisms involved in the
terial, viral and fungal infections producing seal finger, brucellosis, healing process and those involved in the protection from infection,
leptospirosis, mycobacteriosis, mycoplasmosis, influenza, lobomycosis which can be used for the discovery of new therapies in regenerative
and blastomycosis. As the number of zoonotic diseases rises, the iden- medicine. The second lesson we learned is that fats are very important.
tification of pathogens in cetaceans is becoming robust indicator of Cetaceans need their blubber and their fats. Lipid-rich, collagen fiber-
environmental health (Waltzek et al., 2012). Cetaceans cannot escape laced blubber can comprise up to 50% of the body mass of some ce-
the legacy of contamination of the areas in which they live, as their taceans ranging from 2 in. thick in dolphins to > 12 in. thick in right
philopatric nature, for the most part, precludes occupation of new and whales. It stores energy, insulates heat, and increases buoyancy. Be-
less contaminated areas making them suitable sentinels of the ocean cause blubber is a large deposit of fats, cetaceans are particularly sus-
health and valuable indicators of the aquatic pollution, pathogens and ceptible to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) (Bachman et al., 2014;
water quality and all the hazards posed to humans. Yordy et al., 2010). Their accumulation in the blubber affects the an-
imal health, whilst keeping the POPs away from the bloodstream. If an
animal is immunodepressed, for any reason, the blubber thins and the
5. Learning from divergence POPs are released into bloodstream. The lipophilic nature of blubber
that makes it a reservoir for anthropogenic pollutants, also contributes
Human medical research has greatly improved in the last decades to keep them contained, far from where they can harm the most. The
thanks to the advancement of technology but there are still unresolved third lesson we learned is that fats are extremely important. Blubber is
underlying mechanisms in human disease and the exploitation of ce- essential for the ocean top predators providing valuable information
taceans unique adaptations can give valuable insights into uncertain about body condition, health and life history of individual animals.
human conditions. How? Cetaceans can develop metabolic syndrome,
just like humans, characterized by elevated insulin, glucose, triglycer-
ides and ferritin (Venn-Watson et al., 2011; Venn-Watson et al., 2015). 6. Conclusions
A comprehensive study into these animal's diet as a possible risk factor
for longer life and metabolic disease, highlighted the potential benefits In the last few years, a great deal of information about cetacean's
of the saturated heptadecanoic acid on erythrocyte membranes or genome has been collected and insights into the mechanisms under-
plasma phospholipids in dolphins (Venn-Watson et al., 2015). A diet lying the variety and diversity of cetaceans, revealing novel functions,
rich in this specific type of saturated fatty acid results in increased connections of molecular and physiological mechanisms related to their
serum levels of adiponectin (an insulin sensitizing hormone) and adaptations, health and disease, are continuously being discovered.
sphingosines coherent with an insulin-sensitizing phenotype (Sobolesky But now, after 15 years the completion of the Human Genome
et al., 2016). A better understanding of the networks activated by the Project and 7 years after the sequencing of the first marine mammal
mechanisms regulating insulin sensitivity could aid research for genome, it is clear that the sequencing of a genome and the information
therapies of metabolic syndrome and diabetes affecting human popu- encoded within will not unlock the code of life by itself. The DNA se-
lations. The first lesson we learned from cetaceans is that fats are quence is not the only responsible source for the final physical makeup

A. Mancia Marine Genomics 41 (2018) 1–5

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