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S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Arela Jane D. Tumulak November 16, 2019 EDSC 221 (1:00 PM – 5:00 PM)

Professional Reading for the Month of November

Title of Article: Bringing Math to Life: Provide Students Opportunities to Connect their
Lives to Math
Author/s: Carol D. Benson-O'Connor, Christina McDaniel and Jason Carr
Date Published/Publisher/s: Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research: Vol. 21: Iss. 2., 2019.
Retrieved at Institute of Education Sciences.

The study aims to provide opportunities to create connections in Mathematics and in their real lives. It is already a
pre-notion that there is really an existing Math anxiety among students. In order to bridge the gap between students’
understanding and their emotional link in Math, the researchers provided Math Journals to fourth grade students. The Math
Journal is said to nurture the metacognitive capacity of these learners and how they apply Mathematics in their lives. The
Math Journal entries consist of identification of the problem, narrative of the problem’s description, rationale of choosing the
problem, use of problem-solving strategy learned during class and a numeric or pictorial model to arrive at the solution of
the problem. Afterwards, entries written in the journal are shared in front of the entire class. The researchers have also
determined the Math Self-Efficacy of the Students before, during and after the implementation of the Math Journals. It is
found out in this researched that there is an evident growth of mathematical understanding and computation among
students. The students have been able to create deeper connections in Mathematics and real-life applications. Students
are seen to be participative and cooperative of the Journal taking that they really have the initiative to remind their teacher
about it. Students have also been able to reflect and narrate their reflections through writing. However, based on their
repetitive surveys, there had no evidence of easing students’ anxiety in Math.

Insights Gained
As teachers, it is important for us to be creative in order for us to attain the learning goals we have for our students.
As Math teachers, we should not limit ourselves and our students in the context of Math. Educators should eliminate if not,
lessen the negative notions cultivated in the minds of the society. I have read one study in Canada, before they can teach
in high school they need to attain two teachable subject degrees. As they teach in the higher level, they also need to increase
their knowledge on different subjects.
Math teachers should not only limit teaching computational skills but they should also focus on how these math
formulas and rules can be applied in their lives. Through this journal, students are able to make meaning on the topics
learned in class. Learning is more meaningful because it is them who are tasked to create problems applicable to the topic.
Instead of the traditional teaching method in which teacher give problems, in this way, students learn to find problems and
devise models about the solution to their problem.
It is also a new method for me because most of the time, students are only tasked to compile their activity sheets
and other performance tasks but in this way, students learn to actually think about their feelings, thoughts and opinions
about the subject. Students are given freedom to convey their inner emotions through journaling. Truly, Math needs more
mental capabilities but though journaling, emotions and feelings of students are not overlooked. Instead, they are given a
chance to communicate to their teachers, parents and classmates.

Application to Actual Teaching

As a Mathematics educator, it has always been a struggle in finding connections in Math and life. Although it is
quite unusual using journals in Mathematics, but this is an example that a certain discipline could encompass the other
discipline. Through this research, new strategy is gained on how one can incorporate writing or literacy in Mathematics.
Thus, journaling does not only hone mathematical skills but also writing skills. Students can actually comprehensively write
their thoughts and feelings towards Mathematics. In this way, teachers can easily determine students who are still struggling
in the learning competencies being tackled.
They can apply content learned in class by creating new problems in which they have also to devise their own
solution. By creating problems, they can incorporate real-life situations in which the researcher gave an example on
multiplication. Journaling does not only the students and teachers but it is also one way of communicating through the
parents. Since, it’s like a diary of the students, parents can also monitor their children’s progress in Math and determine
how can they help their kids’ learning process. Since student’s insights are being shared in front of the class, they can also
S.Y. 2019 – 2020

Arela Jane D. Tumulak November 16, 2019 EDSC 221 (1:00 PM – 5:00 PM)
enhance how they will communicate themselves in front of other people. Through this method, integration within subject
areas could be widely implemented.

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