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Earth & Life Science would form, and from this type of formation, the rotation of earth

and the other planets would be explained.

1.2 Describe the different hypotheses explaining the origin of the
Solar System. 3. Laplace’s Nebular Theory - It is a theory that states a slowly
rotating nebula (a cloud of vast gas and dust) collapsed under gravity
What is the Solar System? forming an oblate spheroid due to the increase in it’s spin rate.

Our Solar System consists of an average star we call the Sun and the Pierre Simon Laplace – a French mathematician, He proposed this
planets. It includes: the satellites of the planets; numerous comets, idea in the year of 1700.
asteroids, and meteoroids; and the interplanetary medium.
4. Leclerc-Buffon Idea - Georges-Louis Leclerc and Comte de Buffon
What are the theories on the origin of the solar system? conceived the idea that a comet collided with the Sun sending matter
off to form the planets.
1. Theory of Vortices - postulated that the space was entirely filled
with matter in various states, whirling about the sun like a vortex. 5. Chemical Composition Analysis – It was Harold Urey who initially
studied the meteorites and their chemical analysis. He concluded that
Rene Descartes - He invented this theory in the mid 1600’s, He meteorites contain matter that had changed very little in the early
explained that once the particles in the universe began to move, the history of the solar system. This set a new trend in understanding the
overall motion would have been circular because there is no void in solar system whose origin can be based on its chemical composition.
nature. Whenever a single particle moves, another particle must also
move to occupy the space where the previous particle once was. 6. Solar Nebular Disk Model (SNDM) –Developed by Soviet
This type of circular motion (vortex) would have created the orbits of astronomer Victor Safronov. According to this model, our star system
the planets about the sun with heavier objects spinning towards the was formed 4.568 billion years ago when a small part of a giant
outside of the vortex and lighter objects remaining closer to the molecular cloud experienced a gravitational collapse. Most of the
center. collapsing mass collected in the center forming the Sun while the rest
flattened into a protoplanetary disk, out of which the planets, moons,
2. Nebular Hypothesis –in this theory, thin, dim clouds of dust and asteroids, and other small solar system bodies formed.
gas out in the cosmos would collapse in on themselves under the
force of gravity.
The nebular hypothesis is the most widely accepted model in the field
of cosmogony to explain the formation and evolution of the Solar

Immanuel Kant – He postulated the nebular hypothesis using

Newton’s idea of gravity. From this spinning disk, stars and planets

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