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Castro 3.1 includes a neat new feature called "Sideloading".

Sideloads are audio files that Castro imports from iCloud Drive. If you have
an audio file that you'd like to import, just save it into:

-> iCloud Drive/Castro/Sideloads

You can also do this on a Mac or Windows (lol) that's signed into the same
iCloud Account as the iPhone that you're running Castro on. As soon as it
syncs to iCloud Drive, it'll appear in Castro in the Sideloads section.

Files from other storage providers, e.g. Dropbox can easily be copied in to
your iCloud Drive folder by dragging and dropping them using the iOS Files app.

New episodes will appear at the top of your New tab by default, but you set it to
automatically queue.

This is pretty sweet! Use it for bonus episodes from kickstarters,

DRM-free audio books, or draft episodes of your own podcasts that you want to
play through before releasing.

Sideloading is a Castro Plus feature, so you'll need to subscribe for the

episodes to show up in Castro.

Thanks for using Castro!


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