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Social Media Impact

Social Media is a forum or a place to help people with one another communicate with one
another and exchange ideas. Social Media was first discovered in 1978 by the Bulletin Board by War
Christensen and Randy Suess. This Bulletin Board allows us to upload or download information and can
also communicate using electronic mail connected to the internet network. The development of Social
Media began with electronic mail sending by Advanced Research Project Agancy researchers in 1971.
Until now millennial areas have emerged various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp and others. Millennial generation cannot be separated from this
platform, because almost all activities and information can be accessed through easy and one-click
applications, therefore social media is very influential for millennial generation.

In the millennial era, YouTube Instagram Facebook and others has enormous benefits.
Millennials who have hobbies can now be channeled easily, people are more free to express and
channel their hobbies easily without making recordings and cassettes first. Through YouTube, people
who like music and have a good voice can cover songs, people who like to share information about
gadgets can make video reviews of trends in mobile phones, people who like adventure can make videos
about adventure and traveling, people who like games, can make reviews about the game he played,
and many more. All of this besides channeling his own hobbies can also make money. Who wants to live
like this? Everyone must covet life like this. In addition to YouTube, social media accounts like Instagram,
Facebook, are used by people who have businesses to promote and sell goods and product online,
people do not need to be tired of reaching goods in the market or supermarkets, just sitting at home,
waiting for orders, and ready to send. E-commerce like this really has a positive impact on economic
sustainability in a nation. Besides that it can also reduce unemployment.

Of the many benefits of social media, there are also those that have a negative impact. It is
easier for people to comment on social media at will, without thinking about the impact they are having.
People easily bully innocent people, thus making a psychological impact on the victim. Likewise with the
rapid information obtained, used by people who are not responsible for spreading hoax news, causing
noise in the community.
we as millennial young generation, should use social media wisely, be used for positive things
such as channeling talents, hobbies, businesses, to help , or others. Don't use it to bully innocent people,
or even create content that is useless. If someone is thought to be doing things that are not good, then
remind, do not be bullied, if you get news from other people whose truth is not yet clear, then examine
the source, the truth, and do not just share it with others. So that what is obtained and what is shared
with others is positive news and has a good impact on life. Finally, be a millennial generation that has a
positive impact on yourself, others and the country.

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