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Year Level: Pre-Primary Time: 11:55 Date: 27/5/19 Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Learning Area: Mathematics - Knowledge on counting initially from 20.

- Know the numbers 1- 30 orally.
- Know how to write the numbers 1-20.
- Able to throw the ball using an underarm

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum

Establish understanding of the language and processes of
counting by naming numbers in sequences, initially to and
from 20, moving from any starting point (ACMNA001).
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative thinking behaviour Social understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Understanding includes connecting names, numerals and quantities
Fluency includes readily counting numbers in sequences, continuing patterns and comparing the lengths of objects

Lesson Objectives
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Write a number sentence using the number of skittles that were hit over.
 Orally say the numbers that were hit over correctly.
 Use the correct F.M.S technique for an underarm throw.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

- Laminated Ten Pin Take Away charts with both - Grouping students in terms of their learning
player 1 and player 2. abilities. Strongest- weakest. (Groups include,
- 10 Skittles to knock down. Circles, Stars, Squares and Triangles).
- 1 ball for the students to use to hit the skittles down. - Modelling the task for the students with
- Whiteboard academic difficulties. And providing one on one
- Whiteboard marker and eraser for the teacher. support for a more guided lesson for those in
- Whiteboard markers and erasers for the students. need.
- Ten Pin Take Away word problem cards.
- Free space in the classroom to set up the activity
on the floor with safety taken into consideration.
LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)
Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:


Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the
1. The teacher will allocate the students to their rotation tables ready to segment where they will
listen to instructions. be introduced.
“Line leaders please go collect your signs and stand around the room
where you normally stand.”
2. The students will be asked to line up behind their group leaders to be
allocated to their rotation tables.
(Groups include: Circles, Stars, Squares and Triangles).
3. The teacher will locate the groups to their rotation tables in order to
commence the learning.
4. Once students are allocated to their tables. The teacher will
commence explaining/ modelling to the students what they will be
doing in the rotation of ‘Skittles’.

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

1. The teacher will begin modelling the activity to the students in (group
“Before we start potato hands (Group name).”
“Do not touch any of the equipment laying around please my friends”.
“Today we will be working on take away problems. Watching Miss Parker
carefully so that you know what to do.” There are 10 pins laid out on the floor
you are going to roll the ball and try to knock over 2 of the pins.
When we roll the ball we need to use an underarm throw that is gentle
(Teacher models an underarm throw to the students).
Once you have done this, you are to write your numbers in a number
sentence. For example, if Miss Parker knocked over a 5 and a 4. I will write
the number 5-4=1.
We need to remember when we are taking away we need to put the bigger
number first in our equation.
2. The teacher will then model how we can take away pins using the Ten
Pin Take Away sheet.
“Once you have hit at least 2 pins down my friends you are going to
write on your sheet with your whiteboard marker. We know that we
can cross out pins on our sheet to help us count down if we need
For the weaker student’s, number lines may be used for assistance.
3. The teacher will be modelling each step as mentioned. The teacher
will model to the students how to cross the pins out on the laminated
sheets on the whiteboard, and count in a one to one correspondence,
so that the students understand the activity before going off and


working independently.
4. Once the teacher has modelled on the board to the students in (group
name). The students will be asked to work independently.

5. Whilst the students are completing the activity, the teacher will be
walking around to observe all the students’ progression, and assisting
students that are in need of correcting their work.
i.e. if their numbers are back to front, if they have an incorrect answer
for their equations and so on.

6. The teacher will shadow the 2 students with IBP’s (with behavioural
needs) to prevent any dangerous behaviour with the ball, pins and so
on towards other peers.

If time remains students will be asked to put their number sentence into a
worded sentence.
E.g. There were 10 pins and I knocked down 5 pins. There are 5 pins left.

Lesson Closure:

If time remains, the teacher will ask the students to orally present 1 number
sequence that they made during the activity.
e.g. 6-2=4

Otherwise the students will re-set the learning area ready for the next group.

There will not be enough time to do a plenary, so students will just complete
the following in order to move to the next rotation table. If there is time at the


end of the rotations. Line leaders will do a whole class plenary of what they
did at each rotation table.


1. Students will be standing behind their desks quietly waiting for further
instructions to be moved to the next allocated group.

2. The teacher will ask the students to stand behind their line leader and
wait for further instructions.

3. The teacher will model to the students what groups are going to next.
For example, Circles are going to the orange table and squares are
going to the grey table.

4. The teacher will then call out the groups one by one to walk quietly to
their next rotation table.
Line leaders to walk their groups quietly to the next rotation table
“Follow your line leaders quietly”.


Objective 1
Objective 2
Objective 3

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