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Generic name: SUCRALFATE

Brand name: Carafate

Drug Classification: GI protectant
General classification:
Mechanism of Action:
Sucralfate undergoes extensive cross-linking in a (pH<4)to produce a
viscous, sticky polymer that adheres to epithelial cells and ulcer craters for up to
6h; stimulates local production of PGs and epidermal growth factor
PUD, stress ulcers
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics:
Absorption: taken on an empty stomach 1h before meals, systemic
absorption is minimal (<5%)
Bioavailability: 5% (sucralfate is considered nonsystemic); sucrose
5%; aluminum, 0.005%
Onset: 1-2 hours
Distribution: unknown
Excretion: feces (90%)
Half-life: 6-20h

Adverse effects:
CNS: dizziness, drowsiness. GI: constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, gastric
discomfort, nausea. Derm: pruritus, rashes.
Duodenal ulcer
1 g po q6hr initially; maintenance: 1 g po q12hr; take on empty stomach 1
hour before or 2 hours after meals
Stress ulcer (off-label)
Prophylaxis: 1 g po q6hr for 4-8 weeks
Take on empty stomach 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals

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