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Life is always simple and beautiful.

But the way we handle it makes it complicated.

When you apply these two words in your life, Yes or No. It become more simpler.

 If you need anything, then say Yes.

 If you don't need anything, then say No.
Those who included other factors in life apart from yes or no only got depression. What
if that happens, what if this happens, what if that person thinks etc.. makes your life

How to get rid of depression?

Notice everything around you. Don't live inside your head. Notice the small details
around you and enjoy it.

 The morning sun rise. What is the colour Red or orange? Notice it. Enjoy it.
 The chirping of birds. Which song they are humming? Find out?.
 The cold breeze. What is the temperature? Analyse it.
 The dancing trees. Which style they are dancing hip hop or break dance?
 The drizzling rain. Every drop that hit on you. Feel it.

Do you get anything benefits through your depression? Nope.

Do you think you are the only one depressed in the world? Nope.

Do you think depression solve your problem? Nope.

Then let it go. Life is simple. Don't make it complicated. Solve it.

Don't think about the past or future. Think about the present and think how to enjoy
it. In the uncertain life, nothing is permanent even your depressio

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