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NIM : 1811102411039


BPJS is indeed a dilemma. For many people it is a good solution to the

problem of national health. But for many others, he is regarded as something that is
not ideal. Adding to the burden of monthly spending. Unfortunately, people like this
much, citing the terms that are popular, are mere parasites. Never want to come
BPJS or never want to pay dues. Rota contact with sick and knew he had to undergo
a series of treatments, then he BPJS list. Diligent pay dues. Once cured, so often

Actually, in practice in the field, often participants BPJS forced to spend

money again when medical treatment, when it was regularly pay dues every month.
It usually costs for prescription drugs was not borne BPJS and hospital pharmacy
prescription drug quibble was not at the pharmacy so that patients have to buy their
own outside the hospital. Through these new rules as well as conflict prone conflicts
between healthcare providers (hospitals and clinics) with participants BPJS. RS
parties argued citing additional charge under the new rules, while participants can
BPJS emotions because they have to pay this charge it again. Moreover, these rules
do not guarantee the availability of medicines in the hospital pharmacy or clinic. How
to keep this conflict could have been avoided.Actually, rather than make new rules
urun costs, the government has more options so BPJS not continue deficit: increase
the monthly contribution of participants approached the economic value of the
services obtained at a price to be paid. Unfortunately indeed, since the beginning of
BPJS views about the institution in society is, "Treatment for any illness, no matter
how serious the disease, the treatment is inexpensive. Simply pay 20 thousand
rupees per month." Not to mention the bad habit of some people who are lazy to pay
when there are sick / treatment. When the view as above which kept stored in the
public's mind, until whenever BPJS would continue deficit. That is, urun actually
costs only a short term solution. And not be able to cope with defisiti. In fact, could
give birth to new problems, ranging from the potential for conflict in the hospital /
clinic with the patient until the public is increasingly lazy to pay dues. Which must be
implanted into the community is actually BPJS together with other health insurance.
There is a premium to be adhered to and there is a limit corresponding premium

It is also important preventive health is encouraged that patients do not come

for treatment when the disease is severe. Why not do this counseling? Until when
policy patchwork done to tackle the deficit?Would like BPJS Health, the condition is
very urgent. Finally required skippers capable of carrying a large vessel called BPJS
past the big waves so as to achieve the goal. Every second time is precious. As this
issue of health care, every time someone is sick, which would require excellent
health services. They all require a lot of fund that can only be given by a BPJS is
also healthy.

BPJS dues affairs, I often ask relatives or friends to never feel loss BPJS pay
dues. Claimed or not. Keep trying to pay with the order. If by chance we are sick and
need to claim, then our goal is achieved. We save money to pay for treatment. But if
it turns out not claimed, so let's just say it was part of a charity because we join other
people pay for medical expenses.

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