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The Renaissance (1300- 1640)

The Renaissance refers to a European history, that is, in between 1300 to 1700 centuries.

This period is connected by the modern history and the Age of Enlightenment hence appearing

as an extension of the Middle Ages. The Renaissance has grown in stages with the leading traces

existing in Italy. However, the intellectual foundation of the period was originally invented as

humanism version, developed from the “Roman Humanitas” notion and the reawakening of

classical Greek thinking. Later, this new philosophy led to the formulation of architecture, art,

literature, science, and politics. Also, the initial examples of Renaissance included the

development of perception in oil painting and the reconditioned knowledge concerning concrete

making. Moreover, the creation of metal movable type hurried the spreading of Renaissance

impressions from the late 15th century; but the changes were not uniformly noted across Europe

(Salisbury and Dennis 745). Indeed, there are major factors which characterized the

Renaissance period (1300- 1640).


At the medieval period, all the valuable writing was carried out in Latin, the church’s

language and the cultured individuals were observant about European vernaculars. In 1300,

Dante, however, authored The Divine Comedy in Italian instead of using Latin. This crucial
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Italian writer is recognized for connecting modern and medieval world for his inscriptions

revolved on love for nature, patriotism, and humans. Dante’s work inspired many people who

followed his style of writing as well as the application of Italian language. For instance, this

author was emulated by Patriarch who wrote series of love poems to “Laura”, thus expressing the

interests of individuals in the great works of Livy, Cicero, and Virgil among others. Moreover,

Machiavelli followed Dante’s footsteps and inscribed his past works and his prince as a directive

for leaders; Boccaccio composed his racy narratives in Italian; Aristo wrote a famous verse

“Orlando Furioso”; and Tasso inscribed Jerusalem Delivered epic (Duelt 387).


The Renaissance’s revival spirit was also experienced in the field of art. In this period,

architectural sector underwent numerous transformations that were facilitated by various

architects namely Michael Angelo, Brunelleschi Bramante, Manetti, and Alberti. Some of the

unique elements in this phase included Greek column’s rows, Roman arches, Islamic decoration

and Oriental domes. The above changes led to depletion of Gothic architecture which entailed

flying buttresses and pointed arches and it was substituted with a simple mark of the Greek

temple or the temperate and elegant Roman dome curve. At the same time, the Corinthian, Ionic

and Doric styles used in ancient Greece got revived. This new architectural skills made great

cities of Europe to have great cathedrals and churches such as St. Mark at Venice, St. Peter’s at

Rome, and St. Paul’s at London. There were also built beautiful structures such as Farnese and

Medici Palaces and some fine villas including that of Pope Julius III. However, the utmost

expression of Renaissance design was attained through the support of great architects like

Michelangelo and Raphael who structured the huge church of St. Peter in Rome (Salisbury and
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Dennis 748). These designers have also participated in the construction of various buildings at

Pavia, Milan among other cities under the supervision of Leonardo Da Vinci (Classen 136).


In the 14th century, Humanism was echoed in the Italian sculpture. During Renaissance

period, Medici of Florence showed exceptional concern in classical models and also boosted the

methodical study of carving. In the 15th century, Lorenzo Ghiberti was the leading apostle of the

‘New Sculpture’ and his stunning bronze doors on Florence’s baptistery were preferred to be put

at the entry of paradise. Through sculpting, Donatello also carved a lifelike figure of St. Mark in

Venice among other achievements while Cellini created the statue of Slain Medusa and Perseus.

Similarly, Della Robbia was recognized for his typical simplicity and purity of style. This artist

instigated a sculpting school in glazed terra-cotta. Additionally, Michelangelo, an architect, a

painter and a great sculptor was credited for carving-based achievements such as the statue of

‘David’ which is place in Florence as a masterwork of traditional pride (Malanima 231).


The Renaissance period is more featured in painting as compared to sculpting. Prior to

16th century, diverse paintings comprised frescoes, that is, pictures stacked directly to the

wooden panels or on the plaster walls. Conversely, in the 16th century, there were artists started

easel painting involving detached pictures on wood, canvas or other materials, whereas the art

concerning oil painting began to dominate this field. However, the painting was greatly

welcomed since it originally emerged to align with Christianity. At this period, the globally

recognized painters were Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Titian, and Michelangelo. In particular,

Leonardo da Vinci was famous for he was a scientific painter who had prudently analyzed the
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human body and mastered the values of color, shade, and light. Some of Vinci’s celebrated

works included “The Last Supper” painting in Milan and the “Mona Lisa” currently in the

Louvre at Paris. This painter moreover took place in the construction of the north Italy canal and

he also played part in fortifications around Milan. Leonardo was also a philosopher, musician,

ingenious craftsman, and he is considered as a Renaissance Age’s ideal because of his portraits

(Classen 147).


Music is an element which characterizes Renaissance period. The terrific age of music

started in the 16th century, during the time crude melodic instruments of the Middle Age assumed

sweeter tones and modern forms. At this phase, the tough rebeck was substituted by the Violin,

which became famous, and the harpsichord paved a way to the piano. Moreover, the Roman

school of music was able to produce the master musician, Palestrina, who is known as the father

of contemporary church music. The above artist among others musicians such as Giovanni

Gabrieli of Venice, Adrian Willaert, and Josquin Des Prez was recognized by the Council of

Trent that served in between 1545- 1563 (Duelt 394).


Additionally, the spirit of a survey that emanated from Renaissance movement is

considered to have facilitated the scientific progress. The invention of inquiry made scientists

such as Albertus Magus, Peter Abelard, Roger Bacon and Thomas Aquinas start basing their

arguments on motive. In the 13th century, for instance, Roger Bacon placed the founding pillars

of present science through putting more emphasis on the experimental method and invented the

application of the magnifying lens and gunpowder. Nicholas Copernicus of Poland also
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transfigured the views of mankind by offering proof that the earth moves round the sun hence

confirming that the Ptolemy theory of Greek astronomer was not correct. Furthermore, during

the Renaissance period, John Kepler modified the Copernican theory through denoting that the

planets go round the sun by using elliptical orbit instead of a circle as it was initially stated by

Copernicus (Duelt 392).

Importance of the Renaissance Period

The Renaissance period has played a vital role in western civilization and it connects to

modern living in various ways. For instance, this epoch was a transition from the medieval to the

contemporary age. Indeed, the Renaissance marked the end of the reactionary and old medieval

spirit thus leading the instigation of a new spirit of experimentation, reason, and science. This

period is also recognized for facilitating enrichment of culture and depletion of feudal anarchy.

Additionally, the Renaissance had also offered great impetus to literature, architecture, and art

(Kirkpatrick 65).


While summing up, the Renaissance period covers all the activities and changes that were

experienced in between 13th to 17th centuries in the history of Europe. However, this paper has

comprehensively discussed the major factors which characterized the Renaissance period

(1300- 1640). The Renaissance stage is confirmed to be characterized by various practices

including painting, sculpting, literature, architects, science, and music among others (Classen

136). Indeed, the above practices have conducted a crucial role in bringing about western

civilization since most of the things which were invented in between 1300 to 1640 are still
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applicable in the contemporary community. Indeed, the Renaissance age has made the current

world to be the way it is.

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Works Cited

Classen, Albrecht. Childhood in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: the results of a paradigm

shift in the history of mentality. de Gruyter, 2017. Print.

Duelt, Daniel Duran. "An Arrested Community: Christians of the Girdle in Fifteenth-Century

Barcelona." Medieval Encounters 22.4 (2016): 379-426. Print.

Kirkpatrick, Robin. The European Renaissance 1400-1600. Routledge, 2014. Print.

Malanima, Paolo. "Italy in the Renaissance: a leading economy in the European context, 1350–

1550." The Economic History Review (2018). Print.

Salisbury, Joyce, and Dennis Sherman. The West in the World. 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill

Education, 2013. Print.

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