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1. Anticipate a prompt reply – expect or predict a fast reply

3. Abrupt – sudden and unexpected – Example: “I was surprised by the abrupt change
of subject”

4. Ambitious – showing a strong desire

5. Avid/Eminent – having or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something

Example: “I read the book from Mr. David, who is an avid/eminent writer”

6. Consequently – as a result

7. Crave – feel a powerful desire for (something)

8. Daunting task – seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating

9. Discouraged – having lost confidence or enthusiasm; disheartened. Example: “he

must be feeling pretty discouraged”

10. Exorbitant – unreasonably high.

11. Expedite – make happen sooner

12. Encouraged – give support, confidence, or hope to (someone) Example: “we were
encouraged by the success of this venture”

13. Futile – incapable of producing any useful result; pointless

14. Herculean task – requiring great strength or effort

15. Hazardous – risky; dangerous Example: “we work in hazardous conditions”

16. Inevitable – certain to happen; unavoidable. Example: “war was inevitable”

17. Intriguing – arousing one’s curiosity or interest; fascinating Example: “an

intriguing story”

18. Inseparable – unable to be separated or treated separately Example: “research

and higher education seem inseparable”

19. Indispensable – absolutely necessary

20. Predominantly – mainly or mostly – Example: “it is predominantly a coastal


21. Sceptical – doubtful and not sure

22. Seldom – very rarely Example: “I seldom go to pop shows”

23. Staunch – very loyal and committed in attitude/very strong Example: “I am a

staunch believer in God”

24. Undeniable fact – unable to be denied or disputed Example: “it is an undeniable

fact that some dogs are easier to train than others”
25. Vigorous – strong, healthy, and full of energy Example: “a tall, vigorous, and
muscular man” I hope this will help you all a lot in doing smart work rather than
very hard word in mugging up too many words. I recommend to all readers to first
get used to these words in their day to day lives. This will help you even after
passing IELTS with good score in your Job/Business

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