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Machine Learning with Python

Participants must have basic knowledge of any programming language
You Will Learn How To

A way to determine and measure problem complexity

Python Programming

Statistical Maths for the Algorithms

Learning to solve statistics and mathematical concepts

Supervised and unsupervised learning

Classification and Regression

AI Algorithms

AI Programming & Use Cases

Python Overview: Introduction to Python Programming

 What is Python
 Understanding the IDLE
 Python basics and string manipulation
 lists, tuples, dictionaries, variables
 Control Structure – If loop, For loop and while Loop
 Single line loops
 Writing user-defined functions
 Classes
 File Handling
 OOPS concept with Classes
Data Structure & Data Manipulation in Python
 Intro to Numpy Arrays
 Creating Arrays

 Creating Matrices
 Creating Vectors
 Indexing, Data Processing using Arrays
 Mathematical computing basics
 Basic statistics
 File Input and Output
 Getting Started with Pandas
 Data Acquisition (Import & Export)
 Selection and Filtering
 Combining and Merging Data Frames
 Removing Duplicates & String Manipulation
Understanding the Machine Learning Libraries
 Numpy
 Pandas
 Theano
Visualization in Python
 Introduction to Visualization
 Visualization Importance
 Working with Python visualization libraries
 Matplotlib
 Creating Line Plots, Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Histograms, Scatter Plots


 AI & Machine Learning vs. Data Science.
 Discussion on Various ML Learnings
 Regression vs. Classification
 Features , Labels , Class
 Supervised Learning | Unsupervised Learning
 Real implementation
 ML Algorithms
 Cost Function
 Optimizers

Linear Regression
 Regression Problem Analysis
 Mathematical modelling of Regression Model
 Gradient Descent Algorithm
 Use cases
 Regression Table
 Model Specification
 L1 & L2 Regularization
 Data sources for Linear regression
Math of Linear Regression
 Linear Regression Math
 Cost Function
 Cost Optimizer: Gradient Descent Algorithm
 Regression R Squared
Linear Regression – Case Study & Project
 Programming Using Python
 Building simple Univariate Linear Regression Model
 Multivariate Regression Model
 Apply Data Transformations
 Identify Multicollinearity in Data Treatment on Data
 Identify Heteroscedasticity
 Modelling of Data
 Variable Significance Identification
 Model Significance Test
 Bifurcate Data into Training / Testing Dataset
 Build Model of Training Data Set
 Predict using Testing Data Set
 Validate the Model Performance
 Best Fit Line and Linear Regression
 Model Predictions
 Model Accuracy
 Graphical Plotting

Logistic Regression
 Assumptions
 Reason for the Logit Transform
 Logit Transformation
 Hypothesis
 Variable and Model Significance
 Maximum Likelihood Concept
 Log Odds and Interpretation
 Null Vs Residual Deviance
 Chi-Square Test
 ROC Curve
 Model Specification
 Case for Prediction Probe
 Model Parameter Significance Evaluation
 Drawing the ROC Curve
 Optimization of threshold value
 Estimating the Classification Model Hit Ratio
 Isolating the Classifier for Optimum Results
 Model Accuracy
 Model Prediction

Practical on Machine Linear & Logistic Regression

Support Vector Machine

 Concept and Working Principle
 Mathematical Modelling
 Optimization Function Formation
 The Kernel Method and Nonlinear Hyperplanes
 Optimal separating hyperplane
 Drawing Margins
 Use Cases & Programming SVM using Python
 Anomaly Detection with SVM
 Use Cases & Programming using Python

 Case study of KNN Vs SVM
 Applying KNN & SVM for Supervised Problems of Classification &
Unsupervised problems like Clustering.
RANDOM FOREST & Decision Tree Algorithm:
 Concept and Working Principle
 Mathematical Modelling
 Optimization Function Formation
 Analysis of Classification Problem case
 Math: Role of Gini Index in Decision Trees
 Analysis of Regression Problem case
 Use Cases & Programming using Python
 Classification with Random Forest
 Pros & Cons
 Project: Credit card fraud analysis
 Use cases & examples
Gradient descent variants (Theory)

 Batch gradient descent

 Stochastic gradient descent
 Mini-batch gradient descent
 Entropy Function

Gradient descent optimization algorithms

 Adagrad
 Adadelta
 RMSprop
 Adam
 Visualization of algorithms
 Which optimizer to choose

Introduction to TensorFlow & Keras

 Introduction Tensorflow
 Tensorflow

 The Programming Model
 Data Model, Tensor Board
 Introducing Feed Forward Neural Nets
 Softmax Classifier & ReLU Classifier
 Deep Learning Applications
 Working with Keras
 Building Neural Network with keras
 Examples and use cases

Artificial Neural Networks with Case Study

 Neurons, ANN & Working
 Single Layer Perceptron Model
 Multilayer Neural Network
 Feed Forward Neural Network
 Cost Function Formation
 Entropy
 Cost Function Optimization
 Applying Gradient Descent Algorithm
 Stocha
 Backpropagation Algorithm & Mathematical Modelling
 Programming Flow for backpropagation algorithm
 Use Cases of ANN
 Programming SLNN using Python
 Programming MLNN using Python
 XOR Logic using MLNN & Backpropagation
 Score Predictor
Unsupervised Learning Clustering:
 Clustering Introduction
 K-Means Clustering
 Handling K-Means Clustering
 Maths behind KMeans Clustering
 K Means from scratch
 Mean shift Introduction
 Dynamically weight
 Project: Intruder Detection
 Classification problems & best predictive out of all
 Case study for various examples

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