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Myka Owens

Another headline, another travesty

Another headline, another dead body
Another headline, another torn family
Another headline, another travesty

I don’t believe in justice, nor do I believe in injustice

I don’t believe justice can be carried out, nor do I believe injustice can be concocted
For there to be an injustice, there must be justice
I don’t ever see justice, all I see is a pattern
Red, blue, red, blue, red, blue
You don’t ever feel safe when you see the red, the blue

Red lights, blue lights

Red blood, blue uniform
Red lights, blue lights
Red blood, blue uniform

Stop telling me we all bleed red, stop telling me we’re all the same on the inside
Don’t you think I know that? I’ve seen it enough times to know what’s on the inside
We all bleed red, but take a good look at who they beat
We all bleed red, but take a good look at whose blood is in the street

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