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Fast and junk food consumption has increased significantly during the last decade.

This essay
will identify some off the issues that related to this phenomenon and then provide some
practical measures for this.

The rising trend in consumption fast or junk food has had detrimental effects on the general
public’s health. In fact, according to many well-known nutrient’s, over consuming the unhealthy
food increases the likelihood of suffering obesity which could cause a variety of chronic
diseases namely type II diabetes or high blood pressure. The reason behind this is that fast food
or junk food tend to be less healthy than home- cooked food which usually consists off a variety
of food, including fruits and vegetable, carbohydrates and other necessary nutrients
substances. In addition. Many research estimated that if we had a balanced diet, our possibility
of being early death would reduce by a significant percentage.

In order to tackle these trying circumstances, some solutions should be taken. It is important to
stop eating fast food immediately due to its convenience and affordability but we should cut
down the amount of fast food we eat every day and preparing home- cooked food few times a
week could be beneficial. Furthermore, banning fast food could be very challenging because
fast food companies are rich and powerful, which allows them to lobby the government. Thus,
alternative organization public advertising campaigns which aim to raise the general public’s
awareness about healthy eating.

In conclusion, eating too much unhealthy food would have potential negative influences on our
health. Raising awareness of everyone to reduce fast food consumption could be the first
priority of the authorities.

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