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What was the living conditions of trenches in World War One?

You see their living conditions were really horrible because it’s
was really dangerous. Most of the men that lived in trenches
their life was boring, rats, and diseases terrorized them.
Everyday at least 4,000 soldiers die either from the conditions
of the trenches or getting shot across from No Mans Land.
For the British side their trenches was really bad. The trench
system wasn’t dug in straight line it was zigzag design. Their
trenches was dug between 1-2 meters wide and 3 meters deep.
Soldiers at the end of the war experienced shell shock or PTSD
(by today’s condition). Another thing soldier’s experienced is
“Trench Foot”. Living in the British side of trenches was
uncomfortable and dangerous.
In the side of German Trenches their’s was more comfortable
and livable. For their trenches they had lights, sleeping
quarters, and machine guns when their enemies was gonna
attack. Food for the Germans was way more better than their
counterparts. The last thing German trenches was way better is
that they rarely experience problems that British had in the

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