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Slack - Customer Experience Writing

The primary duty of Customer Experience at Slack is to provide genuine,
considered, accurate, useful responses to every customer who writes in. We
don't rely on macros or automated replies to communicate with our customers
— each person who writes us will get a response written by one of us to
handle their exact question or problem.

Here are a few real customer issues for you to answer (edited for clarity and
to redact customer information). Below each question or problem is the
information you'll need to answer it correctly. We would like you to take that
information and craft responses to each one. If we haven't provided enough
information for you to answer the question or problem adequately, you are
welcome to fill in the blanks with your imagination.

Issue #1
Subject: A slash command to DM another user?
We're loving the direct messaging feature and think it would be great if you
added a slash command so we could start those directly from our keyboard!

Factual Information: This option already exists. They should be able to open
a direct message with a teammate by using the /dm or /msg command.

Issue #2
Subject: Switching other users' usernames
For a while, there was an option where I was able to manually change the
usernames of other people that joined the team. Was this edit tool removed?
If not, what are the steps that I need to do so I can edit names as the team
Factual Information: Team owners being able to change their teammates'
usernames is a feature for teams on paid plans, but a longstanding bug
allowed a number of teams to use this feature on the Free plan. We've fixed
this error now, so this person will have to upgrade to a paid plan to regain
access to this functionality.

Issue #3
Subject: Issues
Slack wouldn’t open when I clicked on the icon. I tried troubleshooting and
now it crashes when I open it. Running Windows XP on PC. Thanks!

Factual Information: Windows XP is very old and incompatible with Slack. This
person will have to update their version of Windows in order to use Slack.

Issue #4
Subject: Open Containing Folder
Hi, when I hover over a downloaded item, Slack presents me with a link that
says “Open Containing Folder” but when I click it nothing happens. How do I
fix this?

Factual Information: This link should be opening up the user’s Downloads

folder, but a recent update broke it. The engineering team is working on a fix,
but it may be a little while before it is available.

Bonus Question (optional)

A team Administrator is encountering a scenario where other team members
are creating new channels. As a result, unwanted channels are populating
their Slack team and creating confusion. The administrator would like to
implement a change that will prevent non-Admins from creating channels.
Slack does support this, but the feature isn't working properly despite the
Admin following our instructions to the letter in the Help Center. This is the
Admin's 3rd email to us in the last 24 hours. While our Engineering team is
engaged and actively working on a permanent fix, in the meantime the Admin
is unable to stop new channels from popping up. How would you recommend
we respond to the following communication from the customer?

Customer query:
"Will someone please let me know what's going on?? There are 4 other
admins wondering why this switch of yours doesn't do what it says it does.
Now I have a ton of overhead to deal with as all these people are creating
channels all over the place.
Please at least keep us in the loop on what's REALLY happening here.
There's no way my CIO will let us roll this out to everyone if it doesn't do what
it's supposed to."

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