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Weight Management diet

Limit tea and coffee intake to 2 cups per day

On Waking Up
6 soaked almonds and 2 dates and 1 fruit


Oats smoothie
(use 1 cup milk or curd or water +2-3 tbsp oats + 3-4 cashews and 1 chikoo /custard
apple/ apple and 3 tsp of protein powder or 2 tsp of peanut butter unsweetened


2 Stuffed paneer or vegetable Paratha or Roti or puri or bhakhri or with subji or dahi


1 cup vegetable poha or upma or seviyan with some peanuts or boiled moong

2 medium paneer /dal paratha with or boiled moong or curd

2 tsp of peanut butter or 2 eggs with 2 - 3 slices of brown bread

Mid morning 10.00am - 11.00am (optional)

1 fruit and 3 threptin biscuits or 1 glass lassi

Lunch :12.00-2.00pm
(Select any one from the following)

2 - 4 Roti or 11/2 cup (300ml) cooked Rice with green veg 1 bowl and 1 bowl sambar
/dal and some salad

2 - 4 Roti or 11/2 cup (300ml) cooked rice + 1 Bowl dal and 1 cup (200ml) subji and
curd 1 cup (200ml)

2-4 Roti or rice or with 1 bowl vegetable curry or Rajma curry or paneer subji


1 Bowl (300ml) Vegetables or soya or paneer Pulav with 1 bowl Raita


1 Bowl (300ml) vegetable daliya khichdi with 1 tsp of ghee and 1 glass buttermilk and 50
gm roasted paneer

You can replace rice with Roti as well

You can have rice and Roti both

1 glass of milk /buttermilk / sattu powder / milkshake
1 cup (200ml)paneer Chaat (add some vegetables to make it tasty)
1 bowl Corn chaat

Dinner :
Same as lunch

1 cup milk with 3 tsp of protein powder

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