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The case of the noun shows the position of the noun in a sentence.
There are five CASES in English.
They are:
 Nominative Case
 Objective Case or Accusative Case
 Dative Case
 Possessive Case
 Vocative Case

1. Nominative Case
A noun or pronoun is said to be in the Nominative case if it is the
subject of the of a verb. It usually comes before the verb. Or
sometimes the subject of a simple sentence.

i. Mr. Ali is an intelligent boy. (Proper Noun)
ii. The painter paints the portrait. (Common Noun)
iii. I am buying vegetables for my family. (Pronoun)

2. Objective Case (effected by verb)

Noun or pronoun are said to be in objective case if they are the
direct object of the verb. (Direct Object is the person or thing
upon which or upon whom the action of the verb is carried out).

i. I met your sister.
ii. The vendors sell mangoes.
 Accusative Case
If Nouns or pronouns are the objects of the preposition.
i. The book is on the table.
ii. This is one of my policies.

3. Dative Case
A noun is said to be in dative case if it is indirect object of verb.
(indirect object is the noun for whom or for which the action of
the verb is carried out).
i. He gave Sana a book.
ii. The postman brought me a letter.
iii. Get him a pen.

4. Possessive Case
A noun is said to be a possessive case if it denotes possession or
ownership. A noun or pronoun in the possessive case is governed
by the noun that follows it.

i. This is your pencil.
ii. It is our idea.
iii. John’s sister has been hospitalized.

5. Vocative Case
A noun is said to be in a Vocative case if it is used to call or to get
attention of persons or a person.
i. Mr. Ali, students are waiting for you in the main hall.
ii. You there, stand up.
iii. Chairman, all the letters are posted two days ago.

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