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Name: __________________________________ Section: __________ Score:

Instruction: Write the CAPITAL LETTER of the correct answer. Write E if you think there’s no right answer.
A_____1. Green computing addresses what particular issue?
A. Global Warming B. Economic Issue C. Terrorism D. Racism
D_____2. About how many percent does the ICT industry contribute to the total CO 2 emission?
A. 20% B. 15% C. 22% D. 2%
D_____3. Why does ICT contribute to over- industrialization?
A. ICT makes transactions more complicated.
B. ICT elevates the level of human capacity in science.
C. ICT shrinkages the capacity of humans to do work faster and more efficient.
D. ICT encompasses all channels of constructions and supply- chains relevant to innovation.
B_____4. Which computer component has the least power efficiency?
A. RAM B. Video card C. Motherboard D. Microprocessor
B_____5. Global warming has been a main issue over the past decades, which of the following is not true about global warming?
A. Global warming a natural phenomenon that will not normalize itself overtime.
B. Global warming is an abnormal increase of temperature in the Earth’s surface
C. Global warming is the changes in the Earth’s temperature because of solar flares.
D. Global warming is the result of overpopulation on Earth.
C_____6. Which of the following gases is the culprit of the of the Earth’s abnormal rise in temperature?
A. Nitrogen B. Cobalt C. Carbon D. Potassium
C_____7. Electricity accounts about ___% among the other contributors of CO 2 emissions?
A. 64% B. 44% C.46% D. 66%
B_____8. How is ICT a contributor in having efficient Transportation?
A. Use of computer assisted machineries.
B. Use of computer intelligence in making precise projects such as roads of high quality.
C. Computer assisted transportation makes logistics or transit of people faster.
D. None of the above.
A_____9. Which of the following is not an objective of Green Computing?
A. Energy conservation B. Cost Appreciation C. Environment Preservation D. Recycling
D_____10. Raw materials that make up a computer are from mining, which of the following is not a direct effect of mining?
A. Deforestation B. Wildlife Extinction C. Landslide D. Reforestation
A_____11. For Computer Servers like Google Data center, what approach of Green Computing is applied?
A. Virtualization B. Telecommuting C. Gaming D. Low Graphic Website
D_____12. Google Website is so simple that it only uses about 3 inches of colored pixels in its webpage. What particular Green IT
approach is applied?
A. Virtualization B. Telecommuting C. Gaming D. Low Graphic Website
A_____13. The use of virtual servers or using one set of physical hardware for 2 or more logical systems is?
A. Virtualization B. Telecommuting C. Gaming D. Low Graphic Website
A_____14. Telecommuting is an approach of green computing which reduces what particular cost?
A. Travel Cost B. Fixed Cost C. Overhead Cost D. Low Cost
A_____15. Use of Internal Videocards(least power efficient component) for a computer satisfies what particular idea of Green IT?
A. High Power Efficiency; High Energy Savings C. High Cost; High Electricity
B. Low Power Efficiency; No Energy Savings D. High Low; Low High
C_____16. The extinction of animals particularly in the land is caused by what specific activity?
A. Collusion B. Forestation C. Deforestation D. Politics
D_____17. To prevent so much wastes due to the fast- changing innovations in technology, Green IT practices ____.
A. Material Dumping B. Material Eating C. Material World D. Material Recycling
C_____18. Mobile Communication accounts 9% of CO2 emissions from the ICT Industry, mobile communication covers?
A. Laptops and PCs B. Smartphones and Laptops C. Smartphones and Tablets D. Supercomputers
C_____19. A tree only absorbs about ____ pounds of CO2 a year?
A. 33-115 pounds B. 33-51 pounds C. 3-15 Pounds D. .3-.15 Pounds
A_____20. A monitor is left 24 hrs. in idle mode and consumes 85 watts a day, how many watts is wasted over a year(365d)?
A. 1500 Watts B. 15000 Watts C. 150 Watts D. 150000 Watts
C_____21. When considering Green IT as an idea for the household, why choose a laptop over a Desktop Computer?
A. Laptops consumes more power than a Desktop. C. Laptop is more energy efficient than a Desktop.
B. Laptops is cheaper than a Desktop. D. Laptop is more mobile than a Desktop.
E_____22. Pt, Ag, Au, Nd, Ni
A. Palladium, Argon, Gold, Nickel C. Platinum, Calcium, Copper, Cobalt
B. Platinum, Argon, Silver, Niodymium D. Platinum, Silver, Gold, Nickel
C_____23. Mercury, Cadmium, Lead are metals found in computer parts that may
A. be a healthy diet for human consumption. C. damage the organs such as kidneys and brain.
B. be a medicine for cancer. D. damage the gravity of the Earth.

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