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fat lava mob doesn't have animation

i got a "Server; busy try again later" message while killing the
mobs or standing around 445,512

Soul keeper boss can be agroed by going near its closed gate at 445,519
it does heal back and doesn't attack the player but maybe EAs could kill it without
unlocking the door first

Wall Bugs don't do anything at all (no attacking, no debuff- they just aggro)

437 522
Stone spider boss disseapears and goes underground when player approaches it
but it can still attack players.
Violent, fisherman, blood, poisonous spiders all show up as "ERR"

riding speed increase crystal race mob (0) at 429,530 kinda redundant

Corrupted Larva Queen doesn't move

the second instance (warmer tropical one) after falling into the pit of the first
one is completely empty

Door at 422, 508 still hasn't opened probably because of not being able to kill
stone spider boss? same with door 425,507
are these doors supposed to open?

Boss at 439, 530 (lava something?) spawns on the 1 shot kill bomb AOE space. It
wasn't problematic for me because i could still attack her
from outside the bomb AOE range but if the spawn point is random around the area
then it could spawn well within the AOE range (making it impossible for melees to
kill her)

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