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新年在家过团圆~!22 道年菜食谱


的 22 道年菜食谱吧!学会新菜式,让回到家乡的家人一起享用美味的年菜吧!

17. 金针云耳素鸡|Braised Mock Chicken with Fungus

材料 A:
干金针菇 20 克|云耳 20 克
Ingredients A:
20g dried tiger lily|20g baby black fungus

材料 B:
姜片 10 片|猴头菇 150 克|红萝卜片 8 片
Ingredients B:
10 slices ginger|150g monkey head mushroom (soaked)|8 slices carrot

调味素 1⁄2 茶匙|素蚝油 1 茶匙|糖 1⁄2 茶匙|酱油 1⁄2 茶匙|黑酱油 1⁄2 茶匙
1⁄2 tsp vegetarian stock granule| 1tsp vegetarian oyster sauce| 1⁄2 tsp sugar|1 tsp soy
sauce| 1⁄2 tsp dark soy sauce

勾芡|粟粉水 适量
Thickening |Some corn starch
1. 先把材料 A 放入清水泡软,去蒂洗净。
2. 把全部材料(姜除外)放入沸水中川烫片刻,捞出沥干水。
3. 烧热锅,放入 1 汤匙油把姜片爆香。
4. 加入全部川烫材料炒香,然后注入 1⁄2 杯清水煮滚。
5. 倒入调味料焖煮约 3 分钟,最后加入生粉水勾芡即可。
1. Soak ingredients A until soften, wash and trimmed.
2. Blanch all ingredients (except for ginger)
3. Sauté ginger with 1 tbsp oil until fragrant.
4. Toss in all blanch ingredients and then add in 1⁄2 bowl water.
5. Add in seasoning and simmer for about 3 minutes, thicken with starch, done.

18. 蜜汁素鸡|Honey Grazed Mock Chicken

泡发猴头菇 200 克(洗净撕小块)|姜片 20 片
Ingredients :
200g presoaked monkey head mushroom (wash and tear into bite pieces) |20 slices

面粉 100 克|清水适量|食油 1 汤匙
100g plain flour|some water|1tbsp oil

蜜糖 3 汤匙|素蚝油 1 汤匙|水 少许|素调味素 1⁄2 茶匙|盐 1⁄4 茶匙|炸油 适量
3 tbsp honey| 1 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce |some water| 1⁄2 tsp vegetarian stock
granule| 1⁄4 tsp salt|oil for deep frying

1. 将粉浆材料混合均匀成滑面糊,放入猴头菇沾匀,用热油炸成金黄色,捞
2. 用同一锅油炸姜片至金黄酥脆,盛出沥干油。
3. 锅中留少许油,加入调味料煮至滚。
4. 加入炸料快速兜匀即可。
1. Combine batter ingredients into a running batter. Coat monkey head mushroom
with batter and deep fry in hot oil until golden brown, drain.
2. Deep fry ginger slices using the same oil till crispy, dish out and drain.
3. Keep 1 tbsp oil in wok, add in seasoning and bring to boil.
4. Toss in all fried ingredients and stir to mix, dish out.

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