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Design criteria for exposed hydro penstocks

C O I ~ P [ ILimited,
I I ~ , P.O. Box 6088, Srariotl ' ' A ' ' .Motzrreal, P.Q., Crrt~rrdaH3C 328
Received October 20, 1977
Accepted March 17, 1978
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Queensland on 11/19/14

At present there are no national codes for the design of exposed hydro-electric penstocks. Thus
an engineer must either make reference to other national codes for- similar work, such a s the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers boiler and pressure vessel code or the American
Water Works Association Standard for steel water piping, or he must write his own code and is
then faced with the decision of having to select design criteria that must cover a wide range of
steels; different operating and waterhammer conditions; a wide range of quality control proce-
dures used in manufacture and erection of the penstock; and different types of penstocks,
isostatic where the stresses can be calculated with precision, and hyperstatic where the stress
calculation is more imprecise. This paper discusses design criteria, factors of safety, and corre-
sponding quality control procedures that can be used for either isostatic or hyperstatic penstocks
using mild, intermediate. or high strength steel for penstocks supplying reaction of impulse
Presentement, il n'existe pas de reglements nationaux pour le calcui de conduites fol-cees
exposees qui sont utilisees dans les projets hydroelectriques. C'est pourquoi I'ingenieur doit se
refkrer a des normes pour ouvrages similaires, comme Boiler and pressure vessel code par
I'ASME et le Sta~~drirclfvrsteel waterpipe de I'AWWA, ou encore ecrire ses propres normes. I1
doit par I;I suite choisir les crittres de calcul qui doivent s'appliquer i une large gamme d'aciers, i
For personal use only.

diffirentes conditions d'exploitation et divers types de coups de belier, h une multitude de

procedes de contr6le de la qualite i la fabrication et i la mise en place de la conduite forcee. e t a
differents types de conduites, isostatiques lorsque les contraintes peuvent etre determinees avec
precision, ou hyperstatiques lorsque la determination des contraintes est plus imprecise. Cet
article porte sur les criteres de calcul, les coefficients de securite et les procedes de contrble de la
qualite correspondants qui peuvent 611-e utilises pour les conduites forcies isostatiques ou
hyperstatiquesenacier dedifferentes nuanceset destineeshalimenter des turbinesi reaction ou i
Can. 1. Civ. Eng., 5.340-351 (1978)

Introduction Quality Control

Only 30 years ago liiost structural and plate steels Within a steel mill quality control standards are
in common use on hydro power penstocks had a established by national codes a n d need no further
yield point in the region of 193-248 MPa (1 MPa = discussion. However, quality control standards f o r
145.04 psi). Now we have a multiplicity of steels with fabrication and erection of penstocks are not cover-
yield points ranging fro111 206 to 690 MPa, with the ed except in part by such standards as the American
design engineer having the problem of deciding which Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) boiler
steel should be used in a particular application. and pressure vessel code. The 'weak link' in any
Furthermore, since tliere are often advantages in penstock lies in the welding of the lo~igitudi~ial
using a high strength steel, or even a range of steels It is obvious that in order to make full use of the
in one penstock, a consultant can no longer design a steel strength, the weld must be equal to or stronger
penstock without having an intimate knowledge of than the parent metal. For this reason any quality
steel purchase and fabricating costs. Since steel control procedure must be aimed a t obtaining a
costs change for each grade of steel, and since 1 0 0 z weld joint efficiency.
fabrication costs vary depending on plate thickness, Welding of mild steels is a relatively simple pro-
coliiplexity of welding, and shop and site erection cedure. However, welding difficulties increase in
conditions, it is no longer possible for a consultant proportion to the yield strength of the steel, so that
to undertake the detailed design of a penstock and for high strength quenched and tempered steels, pre-
expect to arrive at the most economic solution. heating of the steel, use of low hydrogen electrodes,
Instead a consultant must write a performance type and storage of these electrodes in ovens are all
specification that covers quality control, design con- necessary measures required t o achieve a full
ditions, allowable stresses, and type of penstock, so strength weld.
that contractors can bid on the work, and the bids There are several approaches to quality control of
call be assessed on the basis of cost. welding on a penstock. In addition to testing of

welds, these are: (i) pressure test a n d no radi- with ultrasonic testing. One is that it requires intense
ography; (ii) radiography of all welds and no pressure continuous concentration on the task by the opera-
test; (iii) partial pressure test and radiography. tor, with only a few secoilds distraction required t o
Pressure testing of a penstock at the site is time miss a flaw. The other is that there is no perinanent
consuming and expensive, often requiring larger record available of the testing operation. For these
anchor blocks to resist the test forces. Since the test reasons it cannot be regarded as providing the same
pressure varies throughout the length of the pen- degree of quality control as radiographic inspection.
stock, the penstock must be divided into short Ultrasonic testing rnay be used on the transverse
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lengths, each of which must be capped and pumped seams of a penstock, but for the highly stressed
full of water. Accordingly, it is preferable to rely on longitudinal seams, radiography or pressure testing
full radiography and only pressure test penstock is mandatory in order t o prove the weld quality.
bifurcations, the design of which is more complicated.
However, there is one exception. Where the pen- Design Conditions
stock can be delivered to the site in full cans, the The most important design condition for a pen-
penstock ~nanufacturer may have a factory test stock is the hydrostatic water pressure within the
facility where every can is pressure tested. In such a penstock, and the associated hydrodynamic o r
case, field welding is only required on the circum- waterhammer pressure. T h e waterhammer pressure
ferential welds that are not stressed in the same within a penstock varies a s the flow changes, with
manner as the longitudinal welds. Some penstocks higher waterhammer pressures being caused by more
have been built where these welds were not radio- abrupt changes in flow. There are two conditioils
graphed; however, the steel was of intermediate that must be considered in the design, namely,
strength. Where a h ~ g hstrength steel is used, radi- waterhaminer pressures due to normal changes in
ography of at least four points on the circum- flow and waterhammer pressures during an emer-
For personal use only.

ferential weld, including every T-weld junction, gency. Furthermore, since controls o n a turbine are
should be mandatory. If a deficiency shows up, then different in reaction turbines and impulse turbines,
the entire circumferential weld should be radio- the type of turbine must also be considered in
graphed. Furthermore, in order t o verify the welder's establishing the design criteria (Smith 1961).
qualifications, it is preferable to fully radiograph the In a reaction turbine, it is current practice t o
first three circumferential joints made by each design for a nornlal waterhammer in the region of
welder. Procedures for radiography and interpreta- 25-5017, above static pressure, except where a syn-
tion of radiographic negatives have been well estab- chronous bypass valve o r pressure relief valve has
lished by the ASME boiler code. been provided, in which case the waterha~n~ller
Where automatic welding machines are used on pressure is limited to around 15-25x above normal.
the longitudinal welds, runon and runoff tabs are However, as will be established later, a normal
required at each end of the can. The length of these waterhammer pressure of 25% above static pressure
tabs should be increased by about 20 cm to serve as should be considered a minimum, since no saving in
samples for testing by the engineer. Each of these penstock steel will be achieved by adopting a lower
samples should be marked with the penstock call figure. The limiting value of the waterhammer,
number and sent t o a laboratory for tensile testing. between 25 and 5017, above static pressure, to be
At the start of fabrication, tensile tests should be used in design will depend on an economic study.
undertaken for every welding machine, until it is Design for a normal waterhammer in excess of 50%,
proved that consistent results meeting the strength above static pressure is not advisable since it is
criteria are attained. The tests should be repeated usually associated k i t h speed regulation difficulties.
for each change in plate thickness. However, for the For a n irnpulse turbine, where the needle valves
higher strength steels, where welding is more diffi- have different opening and closing times, the unit
cult, all runon and runoff tabs should be tested, can achieve adequate governing characteristics by
since the weld strength is more susceptible to means of rapid opening and slow closing of the
changes in amperage, voltage, and even the ambient needles, while the speed rise o n load rejection is
temperature. limited by the deflectors. I n this case, it is customary
Recently, due t o the cost, and due t o the interrup- to design for a normal waterhamn~erin the region of
tion of the work schedule required by radiography, 15-25%, with 25% being the recommended minimuln
particularly where a high strength source must be figure, since a s will be shown later, the lower 1517,
used for thick plates, contractors have been re- waterhammer will not reduce the weight of penstock
questing the substitution of ultrasonic testing for steel. Furthermore, in order t o limit the water-
radiography. There are two problems associated hammer t o 15% above static water pressure, very
342 C A N . J . CIV. ENG. VOL. 5 . 1978

slow needle-valve closing tiines are required, which proxiinately proportional to gate opening, velocity
are not always coinpatible with the fast needle open- and time can be related as follows:
ing times necessary for unit startup and load
acceptance. [51 A V/ v = ~ ~ j ~ ,
Establishing a design value for the einergency The change in velocity in the pressure wave return
waterhammer condition presents a greater problem. time is thus
There is no current practice that can be used as a
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Queensland on 11/19/14

guideline, and opinion differs as to the minimuill [61 A V = VAtlt,

value that should be used. The waterhaminer caused by gate closure in the
Arthur and Walker (1970) recoinillend a con- wave return time is given by
dition that postulates an inoperative governor
cushioning stroke and part gate closure in 2Llo [71 All = aA l//g
seconds at the maximum rate of gate movement Substituting, with At = t,
(L = conduit length, rr = pressure wave velocity).
Under such conditions, the maximum waterhammer All =
VAt - al/ 811 g
n ----
C8l = 0.811
will occur when the wicket gates in a reaction gte g a10V
turbine move at their most rapid rate, and the wave
return period is the longest. A preliininary design Thus, waterhainmer upon loss of cushioning from
value (which must be checked for the actual pen- a part gate closure in time 2L/n will be limited to a
stock velocity and governor time selected) for the maximum of about 80% above static water pressure.
emergency waterhaminer can therefore be obtained Unfortunately, there have been several occur-
from the limiting values of these two conditions. rences when malfunctions of equipinent have caused
The maximum allowable rate of wicket gate water pressures in penstocks to fluctuate in a har-
For personal use only.

movement is obtained when the penstock is design- monic pattern, with the surge pressure varying from
ed for a large waterhanlmer under normal wicket zero head to 100% above static, as reported by
gate closure conditions. Since, based on the fore- Jaeger (1963). Such resonant pulsations have oc-
going, most penstocks are designed for a water- curred with sufficient frequency to make it advisable
hammer of between 25 and 50% above maximum that allowances be made for them in design of the
static water level, the higher waterhamiller of 50% penstock. Harmonic pulsation can be caused by
will give the faster closure rate, for which a close such minor colnponents as a vibrating penstock
approximation of the wicket gate closure time can valve seal, as at Bersimis, Canada, reported by
be obtained from the followiilg formula quoted by Abbott et rrl. (1963), or a governor pilot valve with
Brown (1 958). incorrect porting, as at Chururaqui, Bolivia, de-
scribed bv Gordon (1970).
Accordingly, it is proposed that the minimuin
emergency waterhammer condition should be a surge
where: t, = effective governor time; g = accelera-
equivalent to 100% of the static pressure on the unit.
tion due to gravity; /I = head; V = water velocity;
There are other emergency conditions that should
L = penstock length. be examined, such as slain closure of a single needle
In a hydro development with a reaction turbine,
valve in an impulse unit, which could produce water-
the maximurn length of penstock is about four tiines
hammer pressures in excess of twice static. On large
the head, assuming, for this discussion, that long
multi-jet pelton units this is not often a problem. The
penstocks where relief valves and vernier stabilizers
instantaneous valve-closure waterhaininer can be
are used to control waterhamnler are not considered.
obtained from [7] and, allowing for a sound wave
Thus, for the longest pressure wave return time,
velocity of 1000 m/s, the instantaneocs waterhanlmer
pressure becomes 100V, where V is the velocity in the
penstock prior to slam closure of the needles. The
Substituting in [I], minimum head cn an impulse unit is in the region of
[31 t, = 1 0 ~ / g 300 in; hence, substituting these values into [7], an
emergency waterhainmer equal to static head would
The pressure wave return time interval t can also be caused by a 3 m/s change in velocity. Impulse unit
be rewritten as penstock velocities are usually in the region of 9 m/s;
hence reduction of velocity by one third or 3 m/s
would cause a 100% waterhamrner surge. Only one
With no cushioning, the rate of gate movement is needle can slam closed at any one time. Hence
constant and, since velocity in the penstock is ap- pelton units with 3 or more needles will have a 113 o r

- -
less instantaneous reduction in flow upon a needle ABOVE 2 OH D E S I O W PRESSURE
failure, producing a waterhammer equal t o o r less FOR EYLRBENCY WAlERHA'dYER
than static head. On the other hand, small pelton
- -
units with only one o r two needles will have a corres- 4
pondingly higher waterhammer surge, perhaps in / 1 2 OH (.IN 1 0 E S I . N PRESSURE
I U P U L S E AND R E A C T I O N U N I T S - - (
excess of 100% static head. If so, then this higher
emergency waterhammer head should be considered
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in design of the penstock.

The design levels for normal and emergency
waterhammer in an exposed penstock are illustrated
schematically in Fig. 1.
In addition t o the stresses caused by water-
hammer, there are other stresses due t o temperature,
supports, and rim bending that must be added t o the
hoop tension stresses t o produce the maximum
combined stress. The calculation and combination
of these other stresses have been well established for
conventional isostatic penstocks (where the penstock
is supported on saddles or ring girders, and contains
an expansion joint between anchors) and is not
FIG.1. Sche~iiaticof penstock design conditions.
discussed further.

MPa; (iii) high strength steels comprising steels
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Allowable Stresses for Isostatic Penstocks having yield strengths from 520 to > 690 MPa.
Prior to discussing stress levels in penstock steels, The intermediate strength steels have been de-
it should be pointed out that, due t o modern quality veloped over the past 15 years and offer the advan-
control of welding, it is customary to assume a tages of good resistance t o brittle fracture and easy
1007, weld joint efficiency (Hornberger 1965). weldability. The high strength steels are quenched
One of the aims in establishing allowable stress and tempered in the manufacturing process, hence
levels is t o have all the different strength steels require very careful quality control o n welding.
stressed t o the same degree under the same normal In addition t o the yield point, a ~ l o t h e rmeasure of
design conditions, and t o have the same percentage strength is the tensile stress level at rupture. Table 1
increase in stress under emergency waterhammer lists the yield and tensile stress for 40 steels common-
conditions. If this can be attained, there should be no ly used in penstocks from I I countries. Figure 2
change in the governing design condition, resulting shows the relationship between yield and tensile
in the minimum weight of steel and hence lowest stress for these steels. Examination of these data will
cost. indicate that the remaining strength beyond yield
As a guide in establishing stress levels, reference is far greater in mild steels than in high strength
should be made to codes developed by national steels, being about 170 MPa above yield point for
societies and other agencies. European codes, as the mild steels, reducing t o about 110 MPa above
reported by Eberhardt (1965), relate the allowable yield point for the high strength steels. As a per-
design stress to the yield point of the steel. F o r steels centage, these figures represent a 707, increase over
having a yield point below about 300 MPa this yield a t tensile stress for the mild steels, reducing t o
method of establishing design stress is adequate. only 17% for the high strength steels. This lower
However, for high strength steels the design stress 'reserve strength' beyond yield for high strength
should be related to both the yield and the ultimate steels must be taken into account when selecting
stress of the steel, due to the smaller relative differ- design stress levels.
ence between these figures, as will be established in The United States Bureau of Reclanlation
the following discussion. (USBR) has established criteria for isostatic pen-
The yield point of steel is currently the most stock stresses related t o both yield and tensile stress,
common measure of steel strength. The range of as described by Arthur and Walker (1970). These
steels now available with yield points from 200 t o are shown in Table 2.
690 MPa can be divided into three groups: (i) mild Based on the previously established 2 5 x minimum
steels comprising steels having yield strengths to -275 normal waterhammer and 1007, minimum emer-
M P a ; (ii) intermediate strength steels comprising gency waterhainmer criteria, the foregoing stress
steels having yield strengths from -275 t o -520 criteria are such that for a normal condition the
344 C A N . J . CIV. ENG. V O L . 5 . 1978

TABLE1. Penstock steels, elastic limits, and breaking strengths

Minimum Minimum
yield tensile
Country Specification No. Steel grade (MPa) (MPa)

Australia A-135-1965 . A
A-135-1965 B
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Queensland on 11/19/14

A-151-1966 -
Austria ALDUR 50165
ALDUR 58/72
Canada CSA G40.21, 1976 38 T
CSA G40.21, 1976 44 T
CSA G40.21, 1976 50 T
CSA G40.21, 1976 60 T
CSA G40.21, 1976 70 T
CSA G40.21, 1976 loo Q
France C F 24 -
C F 36 -
Germany, Federal Republic of D I N 17100 RST 34-2
D I N 17100 RST 37-2
DIN 17100 RST 42-2
D I N 50-04913 B
2-210 55
2-210 60
2-210 65
For personal use only.

2-210 70
Italy Idrotub 48
Idrotub 58
Idrotub 56/40
Japan JISG 3106-SM 50 B
JISG 3106-SM 41 B
- WEL-TEN-60
Switzerland BH 24 K -
HOAG 29 -
BH 36 K -
USA ASTM A662-74a A
ASTM A662-74a B
ASTM A633-75 C, D
ASTM A633-75 E
ASTM A533-76 1
ASTM A533-76 2
ASTM A533-76 3
Yugoslavia A ST 52 -
S T 52 cbv -

allowable stress will always be controlled by the illustrates this point. It will be seen that the mild steel
33.3% tensile stress value, and for the einergency can withstand a 64% increase in stress during an
condition the controlling stress will be 100% of emergency, whereas the high strength steel can with-
yield for the mild steels, gradually shifting to 66.6% stand a 100% increase.
of tensile stress for the high strength steels, as illus- In order to have all steels stressed to the same
trated in Fig. 3. degree under the same design conditions, a slight
In a high head penstock for a reaction turbine, modification of the USBR standards outlined in
where the design head may vary from a few metres Table 2 will be required as shown in Table 4.
at the intake to over 800 m at the powerhouse, Using these criteria, the penstock illustrated in
several steels would be used, from a mild steel in the Table 3 would now have the stress levels indicated in
upper reaches, where minimuin thickness is set by Table 5. As shown, the emergency stress level is a
erection requirements rather than structural strength, constant 60% over the normal stress level.
to an intermediate strength steel in the middle The relationship between normal and einergency
reaches, and finally to a high strength steel in the stress levels based on yield and ultimate stresses is
lower levels; use of the USBR criteria would result illustrated in Fig. 4, -which can be compared with
in some sections of the en stock having a greater Fig. 3.
capacity for emergency stresses than others. Table 3 The design conditions and stress levels proposed
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0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

FIG. 2. Yield and tensile strength relationship in penstock steels.

2. USBR penstock design criterla

Allowable stress not to exceed

Deslgn condition % yield % tensile
Normal 66 6 33.3 m
Intermittent 80.0 44.4 T

Emergency 100.0 66.6 z 500


herein will result in a penstock that, when used for a

multi-jet impulse turbine, will be stressed close t o the
maximum permissible level under both normal and
emergency conditions. This is illustrated in Table 6. :
If a lower normal waterhammer is selected for the 5 300

design, the emergency waterhammer will become

the governing condition and there will be no saving
in the weight of steel. ZOO
Penstocks supplying reaction turbines will be able
t o accept more than twice the static emergency
pressure, owing t o the higher normal waterhammer
pressure. In penstocks designed for a normal water- ZOO 300 400 500 600 700
hammer pressure equal t o 1.5H, the emergency Y I E L D STRESS I N MPa
stress level at 60% above normal will permit a n FIG. 3. USBR allowable design stress criteria.
346 C A N . J. CIV. ENG. VOL. 5 . 1978

3. Comparison of design stresses - allowable stress (USBR criteria)


Normal condition Emergency condition

0.333 0.66 0.666 1.O emergency
Steel tensile yield tensile yield above normal
designation (MPa) (M Pa) (M Pa) (MPa) (%I
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Queensland on 11/19/14

ASTM-285C 126" 136 252 207" 64

CSA G40.8B 149' 173 298 262" 76
ASTM A517 263" 455 528" 690 100
'Governing stress.

TADLE4. Proposed penstock design criteria

Allowable stress not to exceed

Design condition % yield % tensile
Normal waterhammer 60 38
Emergency waterhammer 96 61

emergency waterhanlmer of 2.4H, which is more than

adequate. In this case, normal waterhammer will
usually be the governing design condition.
For personal use only.

Intermittent Loads and Stress Levels

T o avoid complicating the issue, the discussion so 5
far has been confined to loads on penstocks caused
by waterhammer. There are other loads that can
cause local stresses in excess of those due to normal
waterhammer. Such are, for instance, the loads due
to earthquake, and to filling the penstock when the
full water pressurc is not available to hold the pipe
rigid between supports. The USBR has published 200
loo 300 400 500 600 700

criteria for the latter condition, as reported by Y I ELD STRESS I N MPa

Arthur and Walker (1970), which are iaken into FIG.4. Proposed allowable design stress criteria.
account in Table 7 as allowable stress increases of
between 20 and 33.3% above normal.
This lllagnitude of stress increase is of the right Allowable Stresses for Hyperstatic Pellstocks
order. ow ever,it is suggested that, in order to-be A hyperstatic penstock is one wherein a bend is
consistent, the allowable stress be 2 5 z above norinal introduced between two anchor blocks, and there is
stress, whether based on yield or ultimate stress. The no expansion joint between the end anchors. A t t h e
suggested stress levels would then be as outlined in intermediate saddle supports the penstock is allowed
Table 8. to move both longitudinally a n d transversely to

TABLE5. Allowable stresses based on new criteria

Normal condition Emergency condition

0.38 0.60 0.61 0.96 emergency
Steel tensile yield tensile yield above normal
designation (M Pa) (M Pa) (MPa) (M Pa) (%I
ASTM 285C 114 124* 23 1 199" 60
CSA G40.8B 170 157* 273 252* 60
ASTM A517 301" 414 483* 662 60
'Governing stress.
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FIG.5. Hyperstatic bend. Note absence of anchor block. The penstock curves through a 20" vertical angle and a 42"
horizontal angle at this location.
For personal use only.

TABLE6 . Percentage increase In waterhammer pressure and The advantage of this type of design over the Inore
allowable stress, emergency condition above nornlal condition
conventional isostatic design is that a b o u t half the
anchor blocks are eliminated at bends, and the
Normal Emergency
condition cond~tion % increase other half are considerably reduced in size due to the
elimination of the unbalanced hydrostatic force
Waterhammer 1.25H 2.OH 60 caused by the adjacent expansion joint. It is a type of
Stress, % yield 60 96 60 design that is particularly useful where soft founda-
Stress, tensile 38 61 61
tion conditions would require the use of large con-
TABLE7. USBR allowable stresses for nornlal and intermittent crete anchor blocks. The disadvantage is that the
loads determination of the stresses within a hyperstatic
penstock is difficult, and can only be accomplished
Allowable stress the lower of by use of a computer. Even so, the stress determina-
% yield % tensile
Normal condition 66.6 33.3
Intermittent condition 80.0 44.4
v '
/, intermittent above nornlal 20.0 33.3

TABLE8. Des~gnconditions and allowable stresses

Allowable stress the lower of

Design % yield % tensile
Normal waterhammer 60 38
Intermittent loads 75 47.5
Emergency waterhammer 96 61

allow for thermal expansion and contraction, which

is mainly taken care of by deflection of the bend 0
between the anchors. At the bend there is no support 200 300 400 500 600 700
as shown in Fig. 5, thus allowing the pipe to move in
any direction to accommodate thermal movements. FIG. 6 . Allowable design stress for type 2 a n d 3 stresses.
CAN. J. CIV. ENG. VOL. 5. 1978

TABLE9. Penstock design safety factors, type 1 stresses

Allowable stress Safety factor to

Design criterion % yield % tensile Yield Tensile

Normal waterhammer 60 38 1.67 2.63

Emergency waterhammer 96 61 1.04 1.64
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TABLE10. Penstock design safety factors, type 2 stresses

Allowable stress Safety factor to

Design criterion 2 yield 2 tensile Yield Tensile

Normal waterhaninier 40 25 2.5 4.0

Emergency waterhammer 64 40 1.56 2.5

tion is not as precise as can be achieved with a con- for type 1 stresses in a n isostatic penstock. In view o f
ventional isostatic penstock. For this reason, a this, the allowable yield stress should be reduced by
different set of stress levels o r factors of safety must about 50%, to 40% of yield. Even with this change, t h e
be used with a hyperstatic penstock. design stress will be governed by the tensile stress
The forces causing stresses in a hyperstatic pen- except for mild steels as shown in Fig. 6.
stock can be divided into two classes based on the Since both type 1 and type 2 stresses must b e
degree of precision in the stress calculation, as combined to obtain the effective stress acting o n any
For personal use only.

follows: portion of the penstock, and since each type of stress

The stress caused by internal hydrostatic and has a different ~naximuinvalue, the stresses cannot
hydrodynamic water pressure can be calculated with be simply added together, neglecting for the moment
exactitude; on the other hand, stresses caused by that they may be acting in different directions. T o
thermal expansioil and contraction, by weight of the solve this problem, the concept of a stress safety
penstock, especially at the unsupported bend, and by factor must be used.
other forces such as those due to earthquake cannot T h e stress safety factor can be defined a s t h e
be calculated with exactitude, and are usually calcu- inverse of the allowable stress expressed as a ratio o f
lated with a computer using the ADLPIPE program the yield o r tensile stress, whichever applies. Thus f o r
developed for use on high pressure steam pipes de- a type 1 stress, the factors o f safety can be obtained
signed to the requirements of the American Boiler. as shown in Table 9, which call be compared with
ntld yiess~irevessel cock (ASME 1975). Table 4.
Thus the stresses can be divided into: type 1, pre- Using this concept for type 2 stresses, with t h e
cise stresses, due to water pressure forces; and type 2, allowable stresses as defined previously, and allowing
imprecise stresses, due t o all other forces. a 6 0 z increase in stress for the emergency water-
For type 1 stresses, the same allowable stress, or hamnier condition, safety factors for type 2 stresses
factor of safety, as used for an isostatic penstock can can be obtained as shown in Table 10. All type 1
be used. However, for type 2 stresses a higher factor stresses act circumferentially, tending to 'burst' t h e
of safety must be used, resulting in a lower allowable penstock. On the other hand, most of type 2 stresses
stress. Since type 2 stresses are determined by a com- act longitudinally, tending to 'stretch' or 'compress'
puter program developed for use in coi~junctionwith the penstock. Tlle one exceptioil is the stress due t o
the ASME boiler code (1975), the allowable stresses torque from an unsupported horizontal bend, which
as stipulated by this code should be used. This code will act in the same plane as type 1 stresses. T h u s
liinits the allowable design stress, for the type of steel type 2 stresses should be subdivided into two other
usually used in penstocks, to the lower of 518 yield stress types; type 2, which acts a t right angles t o
o r 114 tensile stress. For the steels listed in Table 1, type 1 stresses; and type 3 stresses, which act in t h e
the allowable design stress would be governed by the same plane as type I stresses. Type 3 stresses would
114 tensile stress as shown in Fig. 6, with the only still have the same allowable design stress levels a n d
exception being a mild steel with an unusually high factors of safety as type 2 stresses.
tensile stress. However, due to the design problems Since type 1 stresses and type 2 o r 3 stresses d o n o t
involved, the 518 yield stress is considered too high, act in the same direction, they have to be combined.
being higher than the corresponding allowable stress By multiplying the design stress level by the safety

11. Penstock weld tensile tests

Yield strength Ultimate Extensometer Elongation (%)

0.29, offset strength gauge length
Sample No. (MPa) (MPa) (cm) 5cm 15cm
2-A 656 803 15 24.0 8.25
2-B 603 798 5 23.5 8.0
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Queensland on 11/19/14

2-C 798 15 24.0 8.0

3-A 712 826 15 - -
3 -B 569 719 5 20.0 5.0
3-C 712 824 15 19.0 6.8

factor, the yield point is approached. According to stress due to ail other stresses acting in a transverse
the distortion energy theory (Roark and Young direction; F,, = combined stress, which must be
1975) failure by yielding will occur when the stresses below the yield stress; FCL= combined stress, which
are combined as indicated in [9], and as developed in must be below the tensile stress.
[lo] and [12]. However, when attempting to carry From the foregoing it would appear that four
out the same exercise for the ultimate stress level, design conditions would have to be checked, an
the distortion energy theory has to be replaced by expensive and time consu~ningtask. However, a n
the maximum stress, maximum shear, or internal experienced penstock designer can tell from a n in-
friction theories. Since it is only necessary t o obtain spection of the penstock profile which hydrodynamic
a design stress level, which is well below the yield condition will govern the design of each penstock
point, it was decided to retain the distortion energy section. Furthermore, a quick calculation of the
theory concept in order t o provide a uniform basis allowable stress level will determine whether the
For personal use only.

for comparison, and combine stresses as shown in yield stress o r the tensile stress will govern; hence
I [ I l l and [13]. T o combine stresses acting at right the governing design conditions can be quickly
I angles to each other, the distortion energy theory determined, and the work reduced to t h e calculation
gives the following formula: of the combined stress for only one condition.

1 [gl F , ~= F~~ + FB2 - FAFD

Where a
Practical Problems
penstock is surrounded by concrete such
where: F, = combined stress; FA and F, = stresses
in planes at right angles to each other, positive for as at an anchor block, the higher stresses associated
tension, negative for compression. with high strength steel are accompanied by higher
Using the safety factors given in Tables 4 and 9, strains that cannot be resisted by the concrete. Con-
the combined stress a t any point in the penstock sequently, cracks often appear at the point of mini-
with normal waterhammer can then be obtained for mum concrete cover, usually above the penstock
the various types of stresses fro111 the following centre line. Since an anchor block depends on the
formulae : weight of the mass concrete for stability, such cracks
can be disregarded and merely sealed with a caulking
The area where most problelns are encountered
with high strength steel is in quality control. On a
project completed several years ago, routine testing
of weld tabs indicated a yield strength in the region
and with emergency waterhammer, the combined of 586-621 MPa with the break occurring in the
stresses can be obtained from the following fortnu- weld metal, whereas the yield point of the parent
lae : metal was 690 MPa. It was decided to cut samples
from two penstock cans, machine test lengths, and
undertake new tests at the Mechanical Testing Sec-
tion of the Physical Metallurgy Division of the
Department of Mines a n d Technical Surveys in
Ottawa. The results of these tests are shown in
Table 11. The tests were undertaken o n an Amsler
where: F , = stress due to water pressure, acting 200 000 Ib (0.89 MN) capacity universal testing
in a transverse direction; F2 = stress due to all other machine. The yield strengths for samples 2-B and
stresses acting in a longitudinal direction; F3 = 3-B were obtained from load elongation diagrams
CAN. J . CIV. ENG. VOL. 5, 1978
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Queensland on 11/19/14

For personal use only.

0 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5% 0.6%

FIG.7. Tensile test of weld.
plotted by means of a Baldwin autographic recorder when the outdoor temperature was in the vicinity of
and a Templin type 5 cm gauge length clamp-on - 15 to -20°C. Hence the cold draught must have
extensometer. The other samples were tested with a affected the weld quality.
15 cm Te~nplinextensometer. It is interesting to note Another area where strict quality control pro-
the difference in yield point with the two extenso- cedures are mandatory is during site welding, where
meters. A plot of the load and strain is shown in inspectors must conti~uallybe on the look-out for
Fig. 7 for samples 2-B and 2-C. procedures that contravene the specifications, a s
These tests indicate that where the weld strength illustrated by Fig. 8, which shows the welding of a
is suspect, the yield is likely to occur entirely in the stiffener onto a high strength steel penstock. 111 the
weld metal or the heat affected zone, hence use of a lower left corner of the photograph there is an open
short extensometer just covering the weld length will can of weld rods, which, according to the pro-
give a more accurate determination of the yield cedures, should have been kept in an oven.
point than a longer extensometer that would have to When using radiography for quality control, it is
include some length of the parent metal. important that all radiography be undertaken by the
These tests also raise an interesting point: if the consulting engineer or by an inspecting agency under
test on sample 3-B is disregarded, the yield strength contract to the engineer, and not by the penstock
would be a minimum of 603 MPa, with an ultimate contractor. This is because there are many 'tricks
minimum of 798 MPa, just above the guaranteed of the trade' that can be used by the radiographer t o
ultimate of the parent inetal of 793 MPa. The design mask poor quality welds that would otherwise show
stress, referring to Table 5, would then be the lower up on the radiographic negative. For site welding
of 3 8 z of 793 MPa = 301 MPa (governing stress) this principle is easy to apply. However, at the
or 60% of 603 MPa = 362 MPa; thus there would be factory quality control of production welding is
no reduction in the allowable design stress even with usually undertaken by the contractor's own quality
a poor weld. In fact the yield strength would have to contrdl group, hence the best solution is for the
be reduced to below 503 MPa before it governs the engineer to have an inspector attached to this group.
allowable design stress.
An investigation of the probable causes of the Conclusions
defective welds indicated that they were all under- Quality control standards based on tested and
taken on an automatic welding machine, located approved procedures must be established for pen-
next to a window that was kept open for ventilation, stock welds. These standards should be more

TABLE12. Penstock design stress safety factors

Safety factor to
Design condition
and stress type Yield Tensile

Nortttnl waterlm~~ti~rer
Isostatic penstock 1.67 2.63
Can. J. Civ. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Queensland on 11/19/14

Hyperstatic, type 1 force 1.67 2.63

Hyperstatic, type 2 force 2.50 4.00
E117ergencyi u ( ~ t e r l ~ n r ~ ~ t ~ t e r
Isostatic penstock 1.04 1.64
Hyperstatic, type 1 force 1.04 1.64
Hyperstatic, type 2 force 1.56 2.50

termined by using a safety factor defined as yield o r

tensile stress divided by design stress as shown in
Table 12. In hyperstatic penstocks, the forces pro-
ducing stresses within the pipe should be divided
into two classes, type 1 due t o water pressure and
type 2 due to all other forces. The stresses produced
by these forces have t o be calculated with a com-
puter. In all penstocks, stresses must be combined
in accordance with the strain energy theory in order
For personal use only.

to obtain the maximum combined stress level.

A B B O ~ TH. , F., GIBSON,W. L . , and MCCAIG,I. W . 1963.

Measurements of auto-oscillation in a hydro-electric supply
tunnel and penstock system. Trans;~ctions,ASME Journal of
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left corner. 1975. Addenda UA500, p. 18.
ARTHUR, H . G., and WALKER, J . J . 1970. New design criteriafor
rigorous for high strength steel. Weld strength must USBR penstocks. ASCE Journal of the Power Division,
be verified by tensile testing, and quality by radi- 96(P01), pp. 129-143.
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Exposed steel penstocks should be designed for tice. Vol. 2. Blackie & Sons Ltd., London, England. p. 200.
EBERHARD-I , A. 1965. Penstock codes-United States and
two waterhammer condit~ons: foreign practice. Electric power today and tomo~.row.ASCE
(a) Normal waterhammer - equivalent t o a pres- Conference Papers. Power Division Specialty Conference,
sure of 25% over static water level at the unit centre Denver, CO, pp. 725-770.
line on a penstock feeding a n impulse turbine; GORDON, J . L. 1970. The Harca Hydro Development. Canadian
Electrical Association, Hydraulic Power Section, Spring
equivalent t o a minimum of 25% but not exceeding Meeting. Transactions. Canadian Electrical Association,
a maximum of 5041, over static water level a t the unit Engineeringand Operating Division, 9, Part 2:70-H-105.
centre line on a penstock feeding a reaction turbine. HORNBERGER, R. G. 1965. Use of high-strength steels in
(b) Emergency waterhammer - equivalent t o a penstocks. Electric power today and tomorrow. ASCE Con-
pressure of 100% over static water level at the unit ference Papers, Power Division Specialty Conference, Den-
ver, CO, pp. 807-828.
centre line for both reaction and multi-jet impulse JAEGER, C. 1963. The theory of resonance in hydropower sys-
turbines. Where the penstock is supplying an im- tems. Discussion of incidents and accidents occurring in pres-
pulse turbine with only one o r two jets, the emer- sure systems. Transactions. ASME Journal of Basic En-
gency waterhammer should be equal to that caused gineering, Series D, 85. p. 63 1.
ROARK, R. J., and YOUNG, W. C. 1975. Formulas for stress and
by instantaneous closure of one jet. strrlin. 5th edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY. p. 24.
The maximum combined design stress levels in SMITH, W. J . 1961. Design of high head penstocks. Transactions
steel penstocks should be the lower of that de- of Engineering Institute of Canada, 5(2), Paper 61-EIC- 10.

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