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Phase 1

A- Use Case Diagram (Technical tool) :


Actor: admin
The admin or the house owner can configure any member of the family to the smart home system so
that he is able to access all the functionalities of the system.

PRECONDITION: The mobile number of the user are entered by the admin.

Flow of events: 1- Admin selects "Settings" from main menus.

2- admin selects "user manage".
3- Admin selects "Add user".
4- App displays a form
5- admin fill form
6- admin press save
7- System prompts admin the process done

POST CONDITION: He is configured to the network and can access the system.


Actor: users
Once the user is connected to the smart home system, he can activate the voice recognition
system, which responds to the user's commands.
PRECONDITION: The user has to turn on the microphone and give a set of voice commands to the
smart home, which processes it.

Flow of events:
1- User selects "Settings" from main menus.
2- User selects "Voice Commands".
3- User selects "Add new voice command".
4- App displays a list of available functions. User selects a function to be performed via the new
voice command.
5- App prompts to user "press Record when ready".
6- User press "Record" and pronounce the new command loudly.
7- System prompts user to confirm the assignment of the new voice command to the selected
8- App saves the new voice command to system data base.
POST CONDITION: It carries out the task or command as specified by the user.


Actor: user
PRECONDITION: All the parameters are monitored, and the temperature and humidity are detected
with the help of the sensors.

Process: The user can use the system to monitor and enhance the energy efficiency of the house
through adaptive controls and interfaces. Controlling and adapting the air conditioning and heating
are important aspects of using energy efficiently. Not only does the system seek to improve the ease
of using traditional thermostats but it also provides smart ways to optimize them

POSTCONDITION: Desired room temperature is maintained, and the energy is efficiently utilized.
C- FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: functional requirement defines a system or its component. It
describes the functions a software must perform. It is represented in the use case.

1.the admin shall be able to Add user.

2.The system shall be able to turn off the air-conditioning when nobody is present in the home.
3.the system shall be desired room temperature when room is not occupied or during specific

3.The system shall be able to adjust indoor temperature to minimum 16 degree and maximum
28 degree as outdoor temperature increases or decreases, respectively.

4.The system shall be able to control lights in various areas according to predefined times.
5.The system shall be consisting to voice activation to which the systems will programmatically
6. the system shall be able to remotely unlock the door to permit entry to the visitors.


1. The system shall be able to create, store and access multiple forms of
1. The system shall be Accessible is the first and most highly desired by the
2. The system shall be extended such that any commands can be programmed to control
any of the described devices(Supportability)
3. The system shall be able to create, store and access multiple forms of
4. The system shall be available all times with fault tolerance manner (availability )
5. The system shall be security reasons it should support wireless encryption protocols
Design constrain :

-The system can be accessed from the main interface, or the application.

-The system shall be programmed in JAVA.

Phase 2
A- Class Diagram (Technical tool)

B: GUI user home page

Admin GUI
Security GUI
C- Sequence Diagram

Voice recognition
Monitor energy saving

Security control
d- Activity diagram

Monitor energy saving

Security control
Voice recognition

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